

Savannah is a great believer when it comes to tarot reading, she believes in destiny, she believes that "Happy Ending" still exist. She also believes that the universe had her soulmate. One day, she bumped into someone and the old lady told her to lend her hand. She lend her left hand on her and the old lady foresaw that she has a secret, even herself don't know what it is, it's a big secret that would change her life once she knew about it. The old lady told her that she saw someone is waiting for her. Because she did promise to someone when she was a little. So, that "someone" holds her promise and still waiting for her. Is this a sign? That her soulmate do really exist. Who is this someone? Is she really destined to be with that "someone".

2ley_z_tooright · Fantasi
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"Help, please help!" a woman in a middle age shouted while continue running through the woods. She touched her big tummy and stopped for a while, she breathes desperately.

She catch her breath one more time and continue to walk inside the forest, there's someone who wants her and her baby dead.

• • • •

A few months ago she and her husband are extremely happy about the news, she was 8 weeks pregnant.

They thank God for the wonderful blessing they receive on her husband's birthday.

After they knew that she was pregnant, her husband did all his best to support and take care of them. He even accept two jobs to support his family needs.

He always assure that his wife and their baby are healthy, and when the time comes the gender of their baby revealed.

"It's a girl," his wife said.

He smiled widley and touch his wife's big tummy.

"Hi, baby girl we're so excited to see you. See you soon baby,"

They are one of those normal couples who has a simple life.

• • • • •

Her mind came back to the reality when she heard some rustling sounds. She calm herself a bit and prepared herself for what would happen. The rustling sound gets loud, and it became a footsteps. She sensed it behind her back.

She looked for anything she could use, she roamed her eyes everywhere until she saw a log. It's not that big and it's not that small either. She didn't think twice, she take a big steps and picked-up the log and quickly turned around. She aimed the log infront of the lady she saw.

"I told you to abort the child," the old lady said in a flat tone.

She saw the talisman, the old lady warned her about her pregnancy, she told her that the child she's carrying has a great power. That's why her child will suffer a lot and she is thorn between good and bad. The old lady told her that her baby we're sorrounded by a black spell.

"Why would i? she's my daughter! My own blood and flesh!" she shouted.

"But, I saw on my cards that your child is destined to a-ackk," she didn't finish her sentences when someone attacked the old lady from behind. The old lady slowly kneeled down while coughing blood and slowly die Infront of her.

She roamed her eyes to see where the attack came from, but the forest is too dark and foggy to see.

A few moments of silence and she heard a "Thud" sound.

She alerted herself and embraced her big tummy.

She heared some "thud thud" sounds, and based on the sounds it looks like it's slowly approaching her. She aimed the log where the sounds came from and the fog slowly disappears, and she saw with her two eyes what kind of creature she is facing.

Her body is shaking in fear, her lips are trembling, no words nor sounds came out while looking at the creature infront of her.

The creature infront of her smiles widely at her. She's the girl who wore a kimono with a long balck hair covered her face, and has a legs of spider. Eventhough her hair covered her whole face, you'll catch a glimpse of her red eye and her mouth with a lot of stitches.

She scream in horror and take a step backwards. "N-no, d-don't please," she begged while crying.

But the lady didn't hear her plea.

She slowly approaching her with a creepy smile on her face. She embraced her tummy and take a step backwards eventhough she can't feel her legs anymore. She needs to be strong for her baby.

She continue to stepped backwards and suddenly stripped one of the trees roots. She fell, and the lady was happy to see her suffering. She crawled and hid under the big tree, eventhough she knew it wouldn't help.

"I can sense a great power in that child, I need to eat that child," the lady said while the creepy smile plastered on her pale face.

• • • • •

"Satan, my lord"

He turned around and faced the man.

"Silas," he said. "My son is turning old tomorrow, and we both know that at the age of that, his physical appearance will stopped aging. And I want to know who is destined for my son, 'cause sooner or later he will rule the hell, " he added.

"Yes, Lord Satan, I will read him tomorrow," he put his right arm on his chest and bow a little before he left the scene.

Silas has the ability to see the future. He is the right hand of Satan, and he also tell what would happen in the near future.

The next morning, everyone is busy to prepare for his day. But, he told his father days ago not to celebrate his day. Hellix don't count how old they are. They're just telling it by the people who came from heaven and sentenced to be part of hell. That means, Two thousand years had passed. But, he's a prince of hell after all, even though he don't want to celebrate. Everyone in hell loves to celebrate his day. The sinful people's have no right to celebrate their days. They are facing their punishment for a lifetime. Only Satan, his child, and the five kings of hell are allowed to celebrate their day.

Hellix is the name of the creatures from hell.

After a couple of hours they started to yell, everyone in hell is happy celebrating his day but he's so pre-occupied, there's something's wrong. There's something he wants to do, but he doesn't figure out what is it.

He left the venue and he walks passed the six stages of Hell.

The demons who ruled every part of the stage greet him, as their prince,

Then suddenly he heard a loud scream from the outside. He uses his ability to teleport to the land.

It's too dark, but he manage to adjust his sights and he saw a lady, with a bulge stomach, she's catching her breathe and infront of a pregnant woman he saw a Jorōgumo.

Jorōgumo is a yokai shapeshifter, a 400 year old giant spider that can change it's appearance into a beautiful woman to seduce it's prey, wrapped them up and eats them.

She screamed for help, he don't know what happened but, he saw his own feet walking towards the pregnant lady and gave her a helping hand. He used his black flame to hit the Jorōgumo on it's head. The Jorōgumo screamed at the top of it's lungs and steps backwards before it shapeshift into a big black giant spider, it's head are burning, traveling down on it's own body,

A few minutes passed the Jorōgumo died infront of them. It turns into a black ashes and blown by the wind. The lady met his gaze and trying to tell him that she's in pain. The lady can't stand the pain she's endure,

"I-i'm g-going t-to d-deliver t-the b-baby," she wisphered.

He don't know what to do he's still in shock. He's a few meters away from the lady, but he manage to hear what she said. He quickly ran towards the lady, not to care if she saw her demon form. A few moments passed and the lady delivered her baby, he held the baby on his arms and stared at the baby crying out loud, he stared at her for a minutes. He can't believe that he helped the lady to gave birth.

Then suddenly, he felt something on the baby's he's holding. She's too fragile. He sense a strong power comes from the baby, b-but how? She's a mortal, her parents are both mortals i can tell, so how can she possed with that great aura?

"P-Please, t-take care o-of my daughter. I love her so much," the lady said and when he met her gaze. She already closed her eyes and stopped breathing.

"I heard some noises here!"

He turned around and searching where the voice came from while the baby is still crying hard, he don't know what to do but he sense danger for the child.

He quickly clean the baby and cover her with his cloth, and he cover their presence to them.

He's already confused, but he told himself not to dig more problems.

He heard their voices again and he decided to teleport in the near safe place, and in a blink of an eye he found himself in front of the orphanage.

"Prince Kauês,"

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. "Cambria, what are you doing here?" He said in a dead tone.

"I didn't know that you like to tour around in mortal's world..." and she peek what's he's holding. "With a baby," she cracked a joke.

He turned around and met her gaze, "Her mother died in the woods, I don't have any other choice but to keep her."

"Aw, so kind Prince Kauês," then she laugh at him. "Leave the mortal here, they'll pick them up once they find out about the child," she bitterly said.

"How long have you been here on mortal world Lilith?" he asked.

"My mortal name is Cambria, so you should call me that. If I am in a mortal world I am Cambria, but when i am in Hell, I am Lilith. The wife of Asmodeus," and she chuckle.

"Lilith, the first wife of Adam before he even met Eve," he said.

Her aura change, her hair becomes bloody red and her hair continue to grow until it reach the ground. Her eyes become full pitch black and releases strong aura.

"I'm warning you prince Kauês," she said

The baby started to cry, Lilith darted her gaze on the baby and tried to harm the baby.

Kauês quickly dodge the attacked and pushed her, she fell on the ground. Before she even lift a finger Kauês lift his left hand and used his fire inferno to ring her neck.

"P-prince K-Kauês," she said while coughing and holding her neck.

"Don't you dare lay your finger to this child Lilith, She did nothing wrong with you!" He shouted.

"P-prince, C-can't breathe."

He put down his left hand and Lilith catches her breathe and coughing continuesly.

"Your husband told you to get all the men here and drag to hell," he said.

"I seduce all unfaithful husbands here on mortal world who don't have a guilt to cheat their wives, and overflowing lust on their body," she replied.

Lilith is the first wife of Adam, before she met Eve. After she parted with Adam Lilith became an evil demoness who kills babies.

The name Lilith traditionally translated as a night ghost/ night demons who kill children and demon-seductresses and demonesses harming women in labor and new born.

They stopped talking when the baby cries. He pannicked and don't know what to do, he did his best to let the baby girl stop crying but it cries harder.

They heard footsteps coming from their direction. He carefully put down the baby Infront of the gate, but when he is about to stand up the baby accidentally pulled his Necklace. He was about to take it but the nuns are on their way, he quickly teleport out of the scene. And he saw from afar that one of the nuns picked up the child.