
Destined For Destruction

"What if your destiny and your fate don't fall in line?" *** *** Katrin was a normal human girl, adopted into a family of witches at a young age. She had no recollection of her original family or where she's from and grew up trying to fit into her new home. But when she's sold off by her sisters for money; she finds out something about herself, something much more greater than being a simple witch. *** *** "Why? why does fate have to have our stars aligned?" Art appreciations>>>>> Cover from https://www.pinterest.com/luna_dreams_/ Katrin's art form https://www.pinterest.com/thena65041/ Ethan's art from https://www.pinterest.com/gaby_books/ Felix art from https://www.prompthunt.com/user/wiggly-goat662 Aeliana's art from https://www.pinterest.com/sethraknor/ Eldor's art from https://www.pinterest.com/alenaleo07/ Ruby's art from https://www.pinterest.com/ddolunay854/ Anna's art from https://www.pinterest.com/cragezy/

QueenAltair · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
69 Chs

Chapter 3: The Seven Lands.

"The map of the seven lands resembles a six-petal flower. Each petal signifies a different land, and the central pod represents the Midlands, Ruvishia, where we're currently headed.

The uppermost petal is Humania, home to most and mainly humans. Its inhabitants do not welcome other beings so freely into their land. If a Special or creature is found there without an official pass from the council, they will be executed, without mercy.

Moving clockwise on the map is Barvadon, a land shared by both humans and creatures. Here, no Special is allowed without a pass and if caught they're either imprisoned until the council intervenes, or they're bound and left to be devoured by the beasts; terrible and frightening creatures with red eyes and thick black horns, they inhabit The Forest of Shadow, a dark forest separating Barvadon from LOC."

"H- have you ever seen one?" Katrin asked, slightly spooked by Lucy's descriptions.

Lucy nodded. "Once, during my travels; It was a dreadful experience. People..." she paused to take dragged in a shaky breath, "...lost their lives that day. Thankfully being half human and half Special worked in my favor. The Beasts had difficulty detecting my scent, and I managed to escape to safety. That day was a mixture of survival, loss, and injuries."

Katrin was about to inquire further, but the sadness in Lucy's eyes made reconsider. So, she stayed silent and waited of her to continue when she was ready.

"After Barvadon comes the Land of Creatures. While the name lacks creativity, the Creatures specifically chose it to emphasize their ownership. To enter, you need not only a council permit, but you must also hold a high-end official position or be extremely high class. Even then, your stay has a time limit and if you overstay, you become a meal for those who desire you."

"But what if a human or Special is brought in as a slave?" Katrin asked, her concern about her future seemed increasingly daunting. What if she was bought by a Creature?

"Well in such cases, the said slave must remain within the confines of the household they serve. Stepping out requires a signed document by their master. Though, some creatures may ignore this and resort to violence for their own amusement or as a warning to send messages to Certain families." Lucy explained, her words not causing any form of relief in Katrin's heart.

But she nodded, comprehending the grim reality. Even if one is technically free, they remain a prisoner in different ways.

"After LOC is the Dead Lands. It's a desolate region deemed uninhabited by most, but in truth, a lot of Mixies secretly reside there, using the caves as their homes. For my kind, it's the only place where we can live in peace. I was en route there before I got caught."

Katrin sympathized with Lucy's plight. Regret was evident in her every word, though the past couldn't be undone. "But why didn't you just seek a time jumper's assistance, go back to the right time and save yourself?"

Lucy chuckled. "It's not as simple as said, child. Time jumpers are humans who are giving the gift of time, yet they are cunning and rarely agree to favors. They operate by the principle of 'an eye for an eye.' The first time I encountered time jumper; they demanded a vial of my blood just to retrieve something from my past."

"What did you need, and why would they want your blood?" Katrin inquired, her pure curiosity evident.

"My needs are inconsequential. What matters is that the blood of a Mixie is exceedingly rare and quiet valuable," Lucy revealed. "Many Specials breed Mixies solely for their blood, and not all can survive before they are completely drained. Besides, I had given my word to these people. There was no turning back for me even a time jumper couldn't assist."

Katrin's acceptance conveyed through silence, allowing Lucy to continue. "Next is Kornicus, where we currently are. It's home to the Specials. I assume you're well-acquainted with life here, a place where the powerful dominate the weak. Anyone can take any action just to climb the hierarchy."

Katrin nodded, understanding Lucy's words. Specials were consumed by a hunger for power, and while Humans were accepted, non-ever came as they were cautious, fearing spells, manipulation and being used for rituals.

Observing Katrin for a while, Lucy pressed on. "Following Kornicus is Welberdy, the final petal. It's where Humans and Specials coexist harmoniously. Specials there are notably respectful, and they are a lot of strict laws against using beings for sacrifice. Any offender is delivered to the council's court for severe judgment." Lucy took a pause, reaching for a bowl of water that she had got and was now sharing with Katrin.

Returning the bowl, she resumed. "Each of these lands, except Ruvishia, is governed by Kings or Queens, Lords and Ladies. Ruvishia, represented by the pod is at the center of it all. It houses the council's headquarters. Which the three main council heads oversee. All three species are welcome there; it's a hub of diversity, status, and activities. Where every month, a grand auction takes place, and slaves are sold. and by this time tomorrow you will be in the custody of your buyer."

"Lucy," Katrin implored, her voice fragile and shaken, the uncertainty of her future was looming over her. She met Lucy's understanding gaze with her saddened eyes, "W- what if I'm sold to a sorcerer or someone who seeks to exploit me? How do I escape? How do I survive? I-I don't want to die."

Lucy took Katrin's hands, her concern genuine. "For now, abandon thoughts of escape and proceed with caution. See what lies ahead; and if it's bad, device a means of survival. This is all I can tell you."

Katrin's heart sank to the depths of her soul. Lucy's words implied a grim reality—that escape might never be possible. Her survival depended on obedience, perhaps ingratiating herself with her buyer, fostering affection that might lead to better treatment. But Katrin wasn't sure if she could even do that; she wasn't one people easily liked.

"You should rest," Lucy advised, moving to lay down on the floor beside her. "We'll be reaching Ruvishia by morning, and you'll need your strength."

Katrin nodded and settled beside Lucy. The hard wooden floor, ceaseless shaking, and the impending uncertainties made sleep elusive.

"Cease your thoughts and sleep. It's essential," Lucy gently urged before turning away and soon, she drifted into a far slumber.

Katrin remained awake a little longer, her mind filled with contemplation, especially about her sisters and the what they might to their mother to account for her disappearance. Would mother believe them? Or, would she see through the lies and come looking for her? She doubted.

After a few minutes, she slid down to the wooden floor, her eyelids drooped, and she also fell to sleep.

That's all for now.

I will be posting ever Saturday at 8:30 pm.

I'm really hoping to have people who will show me some support :)

QueenAltaircreators' thoughts