

Year 2268 The Towers Of Heaven descended in Planet Solaris. Humanity never faced an invasion like this before. Many people tried to fight their way but still, hundreds of thousands perished. God-Slaying Army descended from never-ending heaven reaching towers. With incredible power and might, they swept their way in, destroying every resistance in their path. Soon, Magic and Mana were introduced into the world. People started to change, becoming more powerful than before. Nature started to restore itself too.  Many understood and embraced the gift from the Towers. Solaris entered into a New Era of development. Thousands of guilds were built, they disregarded the countries' previous borders and fought with each other for more land, wealth and power. Wars were fought, many died and talented people rose to the top of the world. Gods controlled everything that was happening from the Shadows and Towers kept everyone in check. But, was that it all? Did those Gods and Towers come just to tend to a dying planet and to improve and teach Humanity a new way of life? No. -------- Year 2283 The Preparatory phase for the Planet Solaris ended, which marked the End of Civilized Society. Tribulations of The Great Chaos began suddenly. The barrier separating and protecting Solaris for the last 15 years, shattered completely. With that, many continents emerged on the heart of the planet.  Myriad races came and developed themselves in those continents for the last 15 years when Humanity was busy fighting between themselves for supremacy. The Towers and the Gods did not stop them, they secretly laughed at the pathetic petty nature of the Humans. When all the other races emerged, for the first time Humanity felt the Threat of Death and Extermination. Facing the impending death and devastation, many two-faced changed their side and joined the other races. Rise of the Dark Side became certain. -------- Adrian Kaith, a human warrior, fought to the bitter end like others in a majestic Royal Hall. Adrian, who started his life as a Non-Awakened person and a Slave, always fought his way in to destroy the shackles bound him. But when he appeared on the 55th Floor of Abyss to take down the Demon King Lucifer in a kamikaze attack, he understood the other party was already aware of their arrival. Even after getting betrayed by their comrades, Adrian and Fifty of his companions from the Shadow Legion choose the fight, rather than submit. Even after fighting with their all, they realized they were no match for their opponents at all. Adrian's trusted comrades fought to the bitter end and sacrificed themselves to give him a chance. A Last fighting chance to change the History. -------- Adrian Kaith came back to the past, just two days before the Preparatory Phase for Solaris ended and the First tribulation of The Great Chaos Era began. Adrian composed himself. He will not make the same mistakes anymore. Although he is Non-Awakened and a Slave at this point, he will change everything. He already saw the future. Adrian Kaith promised himself, "This time, I will fight for the Hegemony. It doesn't matter the people opposes me are Powerhouses, Dark Side, Allies, or Other Races. I'll destroy each one of them to rise to the top and rule over them with an iron fist.  Last time, I fought like a hero to save people, but not only did they betray me, but they also betrayed their race to safeguard themselves in these troubling times. This time, I'll become the Necessary Evil, to save Humanity from their scourge.  With sufficient Strength and Intrigue, from now, I'll not allow the History to repeat itself". Follow Adrian Kaith, his future comrades, and followers on the path of his Hegemony, where he will rise to the top, becoming the Supreme. *** Note : I purposely made this Synopsis (Abstract) long to help people understand the General Background Story of the Novel. # I don't own the Cover, it's Collected. I'll remove the Cover if any problem arises. ***

MonarchOfHell · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Awakening (1)

Adrian got up from the bathtub. His whole body is still covered with the black colored sticky slimy substances. Adrian stood up and took a bath, cleaning himself properly.

After almost fifteen minutes, Adrian was sitting silently on the floor of his room, looking at the Items laid in front of him.

Right now, he was feeling quite good and refreshed.

Tempering his body not only made him stronger and more refined than before, but it also lifted his deeming spirit greatly.

Now, I don't have the Weakened status on me anymore, and I've already completed the first stage of body tempering. I can now finally proceed to the next step and start making preparations for my Awakening.

Adrian was seeing everything present in front of him very carefully. 

A small glass Vial full of Tier-2 Abyssal Demon Blood, 10 stalks of Nether grass, 10 stalks of Blood Moss, 15 stalks of Phantom leaves, 20 stalks of Cloud grass, 20 stalks of Genesis flower, 10 stalks of Nirin root, 250 Common rank pure Mana crystals, 100 Uncommon rank pure Mana crystals, 100 Rare rank pure Mana crystals, 10 Common rank Soul-devourer crystals, 5 Uncommon rank Soul-devourer crystals, 1 Rare rank Soul-devourer crystal, a large sized Golden colored Earthen Alchemy pot and a glistening set of Silver daggers.

As for the Healing Potions and other items, he didn't take them out of his inventory.

If needed, they can be directly used or consumed with the System's help.

It seems I've indeed arranged everything that is needed for the next step.

I can only that this works, otherwise, I don't even know what will happen if I fail this time.

It seems the water is ready too.

Adrian got up from his seat.

He went to the corner of the room, took the large bowl filled with hot, still boiling water from the oven, and came back to his seat again.

Then he poured the water into the Earthen Alchemy pot and dropped all the herbs in the hot boiling water.

He also took the vial full of Tier-2 Abyssal Demon Blood and poured its whole content into the boiling mixture in the pot.

At last, he took a Silver dagger from the dagger set, cut the tip of the index finger of the right hand, and carefully dropped fifteen drops of his blood in the mixture.

Soon, the alchemy mixture turned into deep red.

Okay, I've already made the Alchemy Mixture. I just need to wait for the mixture to cool down and then absorb it. Now, it's time to prepare for the worst.

Adrian took the Rare rank Soul-devourer Crystal in his hand. This soul-devourer crystal is one of the Key components of his success today.

Soul-devourer Crystals are quite rare in nature and they can only be harvested from the Soul-devouring Chaos Beasts.

There are different types of beasts roaming in this world, among them, three types of beasts are very difficult to fight with. The first one is the Chaos Beasts, like the Soul-devouring Chaos Beasts, the second one is the Void Beasts and the last one is the Realm Beasts who stand at the apex of a particular Realm. Sometimes, they are also called the Realm Lords due to their ferocious nature, keen senses, super reflexes, and hyper-aggressiveness towards any other life form.

Fighting these three types of beasts is already much more difficult, and the Crystal drop from these beasts is not even certain. In the past, to collect only 15 Soul-devourer crystals, Adrian had to slay over 200 Soul-devouring Chaos Beasts.

Anyone can imagine how hard is it to collect some crystals from these beasts.

So, even if someone already had managed to kill these types of beasts and acquired the beast crystals, they would not sell them in the open markets.

That's why, Adrian bought everything from the System Market. Trusting people at this time with high-quality materials will be disastrous for him.

Adrian was observing the Rare rank Soul-devourer crystal in his hand keenly. Even without any trace of Mana in his body, due to his high Perception, Adrian could easily feel the faint trace of blood-lust and soul-suppressing pressure the crystal was emitting.

Mental Pressure !!

The Chaos Beasts are known for their immense might, hyper-strength, and high blood-lust.

In the past, Adrian already faced countless creatures who could emit Mental Pressure to suppress their opponents.

But the Chaos Beasts were top-notch existences in this regard.

They could kill someone by suppressing them alone with their terrifying Mental Pressure. And their high blood-lust could make the enemy immobile, standing at a point just to be slaughtered by those beasts.

Due to these two terrifying skills, many adventurers and hunters died in their hands in the past.

Without sufficient Mental Strength or Endurance, there is no other way to resist the Mental Suppression or Blood-Lust of these beasts, let alone fight and kill them.

Adrian shook his head. He precisely chose the Soul-devouring Chaos Beast because of these two peculiar qualities, so he was not afraid of it.

He looked over the pot, the mixture was almost cooled down. Consuming it will not be a problem for him.

The Alchemy Mixture is already prepared. Then I should proceed to the next part. First, I need to activate the Life-Saving Mode to save myself if anything goes wrong.

"System, activate the Emergency Life-Saving Mode", Adrian muttered slowly in his head.

[System Prompt : System's Emergency Life-Saving Mode is activated !! ]

[Checking the Environment.....]

[Checking all the parameters....]

[System Prompt : Currently, you are not in any Life endangering situation.]

[System Prompt : Do you like to Turn Off the System's Emergency Life-Saving Mode? Confirm : YES/NO.]

I know my life currently is not in danger, but it will be just within a minute.

Adrian confirmed "NO". Then he instructed, "I would like to issue Commands."

[System Prompt : Command Mode activated. Please issue your commands.]

"I'm going to start my Awakening process. If my HP starts to deteriorate, start healing me using Health Potions from my Inventory space. Remember to start with Low-Tier Health Potions, then go for Mid-Tier Health Potions and if the situation gets truly worse, only then use High-Tier Health Potions. Also, if needed use Strength and Stamina Potions too".

Adrian paused for a second. If possible, Adrian never wanted to use his High-Tier Health Potions. They already cost him a fortune.

"Also remember, do not try to stop my Awakening process forcefully even if I am on the brink of death. Also, don't try to inform anyone about this situation."

Adrian stopped giving commands.

He issued the last command after thinking for a while. He already knew that in dire situations, the System's Emergency Life-Saving Mode can contact a person known to the User to let him/her know about the predicament the User is facing. Adrian didn't want to know anyone about his situation even if he was to die.

[System Prompt : Commands recorded. The System will proceed according to the issued commands.]


Now, this part is also done. 

Right now, I don't have any Basic Attributes for Mental Strength, so I can't properly determine how much is my Mental Strength, or will I even be able to resist the Mental suppression from those Soul-devourer Crystals.

I can only rely on my Endurance stat to resist the Mental suppression from those crystals.

Though, It'll be better to check everything that I have in my arsenal before beginning the process. Otherwise, there is a very high chance of my death this time, and there will be no return. 

Adrian silently commanded, "Show me the details about the New Title, The Returner".

This was the only title Adrian hadn't considered taking a look at before. But after he got a clear view of the Soul-devourer Crystals, he thought of taking a look before starting his Awakening process.

That Title is already somewhat odd. It's probably concerned with my return to the current timeline. I didn't want to open its description, nor did I want to use it as it would obviously concern the others and later attract some Higher beings' attention as I am an Anomaly. But now, I have to take a look. 

[System Prompt : You have received a New Title previously.

Title : The Returner

Title Type : Upgradable.

Title Description : Sealed (Not enough 'Authority' to see this information).

Title Effects (When Equipped) :

--> Effect 01 : +50 Stamina, +100 Vitality +100 Endurance, +150 Mental Strength, +25 Luck.

--> Effect 02 : Locked (Upgrade Title to Unlock Effect 02)

--> Effect 03 : Locked (Upgrade Title to Unlock Effect 03)]

Adrian was staring at the screen blankly. After some time, he shook his head and closed the Title Description panel.

It seems my prejudice against Titles went a little overboard this time. In the past, before the Chaos Era started, I've never received any titles worthy of minimum attention. But this time, I've already received two such Titles, which can change the course of a battle when they are equipped. I should probably start searching for these types of Titles soon.

"Equip the Title, The Returner", Adrian slowly commanded.

[System Prompt : Title "The Returner" is in effect.]

[System Prompt : Warning !! You don't have Special Attribute "Mental Strength" !!!]

[System Prompt : Special Attribute : "Mental Strength" is being created in your "Physical Status Chart".]

[System Prompt : Special Hint !! Increasing your Mental Strength will reduce your Fatigue Level significantly !!]

[System Prompt : Your current Updated Status.....

• Stamina : 155 (+50)

• Vitality : 168 (+100)

• Endurance : 165 (+100)

• Luck : 27 (+25)

Mental Strength : 175 (+150, Base Mental Strength : 25)

• Fatigue : 35 (-30)]

Previously I thought of passing on this arduous condition of Awakening only relying on my Endurance stat. But, now not only I've Mental Strength attributed to me, but all of those stats have shot past 100. Now, I have got a good chance to succeed. 

Adrian took the pot in his hand very carefully and started drinking the blood-red colored Alchemy Mixture from it.

Just after he started consuming the Mixture, a mechanical voice rang in his head.

[System Prompt : System's Emergency Life-Saving Mode is in effect.]

[System Prompt : Warning !! You've started consuming a very potent Alchemy Mixture.]

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Consuming this Alchemy Mixture may damage your body and cause Muscle Paralysis !!! Do you still wish to continue? Please Confirm : YES/NO.]

[System Prompt : Upon Confirming 'NO', System's Emergency Life-Saving Mode will forcefully remove the consumed Alchemy Mixture from your body.]

Adrian didn't stop drinking the mixture. Although he drank the mixture very slowly, he was already feeling the changes in his body. All of his muscles were getting stiff, and his blood was like a boiling furnace.

But still, he didn't stop as he knew this type of situation would occur. Awakening someone via an unorthodox method was never easy. Let alone bodily dysfunction, losing someone's life was very common in these types of situations. 

"Continue", Adrian commanded while gritting his teeth. Now, the pain in his muscles was too much for him to even utter a single word.

Within five minutes, Adrian finished drinking the whole content of the pot. By the time he finished, Adrian felt that almost all of his muscles stopped responding. A huge pressure was boring down on him.

Adrian felt by any time all of his muscles would be torn apart and his bones would crack.

"Start absorbing the Pure Mana Crystals, starting from Common Rank to Rare Rank", Adrian commanded in his head, suppressing the huge burden on his body.

Hazy blue colored energy started sipping out from the Mana Crystals present in front him. The Energy gradually flowed towards his body and Adrian started absorbing the Ambient Mana present in those Mana Crystals.

If it's in the past, absorption of Ambient Mana was impossible for him.

But now, after consuming the Alchemy Mixture, absorbing the Ambient Mana from those Crystals would not be a problem for him. 

[System Prompt : Your body has started absorbing the Pure Mana Crystals.]

[System Prompt : The Alchemy Mixture in your body has started reacting with the absorbed Mana from the Pure Mana Crystals.]

I knew it would happen. 

After all, that Mixture contains two types of blood, the Tier-2 Abyssal Demon Blood and my blood. Although my blood doesn't have a single trace of Mana, the same can't be said for the Tier-2 Abyssal Demon Blood. Normal Tier-1 Abyssal Demons have a huge amount of Demonic Mana (Qi) in their blood. As for any Tier-2 Abyssal Demonic creature, the amount of Demonic Mana in their blood is at least two to three times that of Tier-1 Demonic creatures.

And, those Pure Mana Crystals contain pure Ambient Mana found in nature.

When two of them (Ambient Mana and Demonic Mana) come to the vicinity, there will be a certain chain reaction and response.

Hope, my body will be able to withstand it.

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Ambient Mana present in the Pure Mana Crystals is clashing violently with the Demonic Mana present in the Absorbed Alchemy Mixture. Your body is over-strained !! Your HP has started deteriorating !!]

Shit! Even with 155 points of Stamina, 168 points of Vitality, and 165 points of Endurance, my HP has started dropping.

Just how many Basic stats does someone need to finish this process without overstraining themselves by this much?

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Your current HP is : 825/875]

[System Prompt : Warning !! Your HP is dropping !! Your current HP is : 765/875]

[System Prompt : Warning !! Your HP is still dropping !! Your current HP is : 713/875]

Fuck !! Adrian couldn't help but curse himself silently while looking at the blue translucent screen floating in front of his eyes.

Just within a few seconds, his HP dropped over 160 points.

If this keeps going, within two to three minutes he will die.

[System Prompt : System's Emergency Life-Saving Mode is in effect.]

[System Prompt : You've absorbed 1 Low-Tier Health Potion. HP Recovery : +150]

[System Prompt : Your HP is still dropping !! Your current HP is : 820/875]

Adrian looked at the screen blankly. A Low-Tier Health Potion has a maximum HP recovery of 150 points. A Mid-Tier Health Potion has a maximum HP recovery of 350 points. And, as for a High-Tier Health Potion, it has a maximum HP recovery of 800 points.

It's worth every single penny spent to buy it.

Right now, Adrian has 12 Low-Tier Health Potions (1 is already used), 10 Mid-Tier Health Potions, and only 5 High-Tier Health Potions.

Previously he thought it would be enough to complete the whole process.

But right now, even Adrian was alarmed to see the consumption of Health Potions.

If my Health Potions end before the process ends, this time I'll surely be dead.

All the time he was thinking, his System Warnings didn't even stop for a single moment.

When Adrian looked at the screen again, he found his current HP is 700/875 and he had already absorbed 6 more Low-Tier Health Potions after the first one.

It was clear that the Low-Tier Health Potions were not able to keep up with the speed at which his HP was dropping.

Right now, he has only 6 more Low-Tier Health Potions and even after using all of them, his dropping HP will not be stabilized.

Upon realizing his precarious situation, Adrian hastily changed the command, "System, Switch to Mid-Tier Health Potions. Stop consuming the Low-Tier Health Potions for now".

[System Prompt : You've absorbed a Mid-Tier Health Potion. HP Recovery : +350]

[System Prompt : Warning !! Your HP is still dropping! Your current HP is : 860/875]

[System Prompt : ....]

Adrian let out a sigh of relief. At least, his dropping HP has been stabilized for now after using the Mid-Tier Health Potion.

But just when Adrian thought he could take a breath, another System notification rang in his head and his mouth twitched involuntarily. 

Adrian hurriedly looked over the notification on the translucent screen.

[System Prompt : Warning !!! The Demonic Mana present in the Alchemy Mixture has started corroding your body from the inside !!]

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Your body doesn't have Mana to stop the corrosive force of Demonic Mana. Corrosion speed has increased. Corrosion speed : +10%]

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Your Stamina is decreasing rapidly !! Your Strength is also decreasing !!]

[System Prompt : Your current Stamina is : 110/155. Your current Strength is : 82/97]

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Your Vitality has also started decreasing. Your current Vitality is : 145/168]

Adrian coughed up a mouthful of dark red blood. It's the effect of decreasing Vitality and Stamina due to the corrosion in his body. The Demonic Mana has already started destroying his body from the inside.

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Your Stamina is decreasing rapidly. Your current Stamina is : 50/155]

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Your Strength is decreasing. Your current Strength is : 65/97]

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Your Vitality is decreasing sharply. Your current Vitality is : 115/168]

[System Prompt : Warning !!! Your HP is also decreasing sharply. Your current HP is : 530/875]

[System Prompt : You've absorbed a Mid-Tier Health Potion. HP Recovery : +350]

[System Prompt : Your HP is still decreasing !! Your current HP is : 821/875]

[System Prompt : Warning !!! You have only 5 Mid-Tier Health Potions remaining.]

Okay, this is going just as I expected. Now, it's the time for the Alchemy Mixture to begin its work.

Adrian watched the whole situation calmly, without showing any signs of pain in his mouth, and prepared himself for a much greater amount of pain that was about to come. 

[System Prompt : The absorbed Alchemy Mixture has started to resist the Corrosion of the Demonic Mana. Corrosion speed has decreased. Corrosion speed : -7%]

[System Prompt : The absorbed Ambient Mana has started clashing with the Demonic Mana violently, reducing the Corrosion speed. Corrosion speed : -5%] 

[System Prompt : Your body has stopped corroding from the inside. Your body has started self-recovery. Your body is slightly improving. Your HP has also stopped dropping. Your current HP is : 655/875.]

[System Prompt : You've absorbed 2 Low-Tier Stamina Potions. Stamina Recovery : +200]

[System Prompt : You've absorbed 1 Low-Tier Strength Potion. Strength Recovery : +100]

[System Prompt : Your current Stamina is : 155/155. Your current Strength is : 97/97. Your current Vitality is : 114/168]

Just as I planned. The Alchemy Mixture worked. Otherwise, I would've died just because of this corrosion.

Adrian already knew this type of situation would happen from the old man's words. Just to prevent this, he depleted all of his money and also sparred with the old gramps in that pawn shop, just to obtain every single herb that the dying old man mentioned to him in the past.

Still, he was not in the mood to celebrate. Previously, he only had 5 bottles of Low-Tier Stamina Potions and 5 bottles of Low-Tier Strength Potions. Each one of these Stamina and Strength Potions can recover a maximum of 100 points of Stamina and Strength respectively.

But now, their amount has reduced significantly.

And, also his Vitality has decreased much. He didn't have a Potion or any item to restore that.

If not for my new Title, I would've already died at this point. I don't know, is this Luck, or something else? But, I should continue before the situation gets out of my hands.

"Start absorbing the Soul-devourer Crystals, starting from Common Rank to Rare Rank", Adrian commanded gnashing his teeth. 

His condition has improved slightly, but the pain and muscle torsion has not reduced for a bit.

Suppressing his pain with great difficulty, Adrian took a step forward towards his Awakening by absorbing the Soul-devourer Crystals one by one.

Sorry for being late.

First chapter on Awakening is here.

Give vote, power stones and save it for further reading.

Enjoy !!!

MonarchOfHellcreators' thoughts