

Year 2268 The Towers Of Heaven descended in Planet Solaris. Humanity never faced an invasion like this before. Many people tried to fight their way but still, hundreds of thousands perished. God-Slaying Army descended from never-ending heaven reaching towers. With incredible power and might, they swept their way in, destroying every resistance in their path. Soon, Magic and Mana were introduced into the world. People started to change, becoming more powerful than before. Nature started to restore itself too.  Many understood and embraced the gift from the Towers. Solaris entered into a New Era of development. Thousands of guilds were built, they disregarded the countries' previous borders and fought with each other for more land, wealth and power. Wars were fought, many died and talented people rose to the top of the world. Gods controlled everything that was happening from the Shadows and Towers kept everyone in check. But, was that it all? Did those Gods and Towers come just to tend to a dying planet and to improve and teach Humanity a new way of life? No. -------- Year 2283 The Preparatory phase for the Planet Solaris ended, which marked the End of Civilized Society. Tribulations of The Great Chaos began suddenly. The barrier separating and protecting Solaris for the last 15 years, shattered completely. With that, many continents emerged on the heart of the planet.  Myriad races came and developed themselves in those continents for the last 15 years when Humanity was busy fighting between themselves for supremacy. The Towers and the Gods did not stop them, they secretly laughed at the pathetic petty nature of the Humans. When all the other races emerged, for the first time Humanity felt the Threat of Death and Extermination. Facing the impending death and devastation, many two-faced changed their side and joined the other races. Rise of the Dark Side became certain. -------- Adrian Kaith, a human warrior, fought to the bitter end like others in a majestic Royal Hall. Adrian, who started his life as a Non-Awakened person and a Slave, always fought his way in to destroy the shackles bound him. But when he appeared on the 55th Floor of Abyss to take down the Demon King Lucifer in a kamikaze attack, he understood the other party was already aware of their arrival. Even after getting betrayed by their comrades, Adrian and Fifty of his companions from the Shadow Legion choose the fight, rather than submit. Even after fighting with their all, they realized they were no match for their opponents at all. Adrian's trusted comrades fought to the bitter end and sacrificed themselves to give him a chance. A Last fighting chance to change the History. -------- Adrian Kaith came back to the past, just two days before the Preparatory Phase for Solaris ended and the First tribulation of The Great Chaos Era began. Adrian composed himself. He will not make the same mistakes anymore. Although he is Non-Awakened and a Slave at this point, he will change everything. He already saw the future. Adrian Kaith promised himself, "This time, I will fight for the Hegemony. It doesn't matter the people opposes me are Powerhouses, Dark Side, Allies, or Other Races. I'll destroy each one of them to rise to the top and rule over them with an iron fist.  Last time, I fought like a hero to save people, but not only did they betray me, but they also betrayed their race to safeguard themselves in these troubling times. This time, I'll become the Necessary Evil, to save Humanity from their scourge.  With sufficient Strength and Intrigue, from now, I'll not allow the History to repeat itself". Follow Adrian Kaith, his future comrades, and followers on the path of his Hegemony, where he will rise to the top, becoming the Supreme. *** Note : I purposely made this Synopsis (Abstract) long to help people understand the General Background Story of the Novel. # I don't own the Cover, it's Collected. I'll remove the Cover if any problem arises. ***

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Anomaly : First Look at The Status Profile after Returning

Adrian stopped thinking about the past, sighing helplessly.

Many things are going to change just within two days, and he is powerless to stop them. Although he is armed with the knowledge of the future, he can't convince any people from the Upper Echelons of the country. 

No one will believe his warning anyway.

It's better to prepare myself thoroughly. First I need to make myself powerful enough to contend with the storm that's coming, then I'll think about others. Without sufficient strength and preparation, everything will be for naught. 

While thinking of what to do, Adrian still remembered all the details of his last battle in the Abyss.

When he entered the 55th Floor with his teammates to catch those Demonic bastards in surprise, they were already prepared for them.

Still, they preferred to fight anyway other than surrendering or any other compromise.

I still can remember those Royal Guards. There were at least 250 Guards or more. There was just no chance of winning the battle for the 52 of us anyway.

But the most surprising thing was their Levels.

I was Level 757 Sword King at that time and with the help of my [Inspect (Grand-Master Rank)] Skill, I was able to check my opponent's level up to Level 1857. 

But, still, I was not able to see through Lucifer's Level or strength or anything.

Was he above my Inspection Level? Or he already was at the Mythical Rank?

Is that why he was not concerned about us at all?

Various thoughts started to gather in Adrian's mind.

Although I was unable to determine Lucifer's strength, I was able to see through some of his Guard's strength.

At least 51 of them were at Legend Rank (within Level 1501 - 1650), over 100 of them were at Primordial Rank (within Level 1651 - 1850) and the rest was unknown to me at that time.

What a powerful lineup for us.

We never had any chance of breaking past their defense and attacking Lucifer at all.

Adrian sighed again.

He felt utterly helpless at that time.

Although it was not his first time fighting an opponent over his Rank, Lucifer was prepared. 

To break through over 250 Guards, who were at least 5 - 6 ranks above with only 52 people was nothing but suicide.

And there was Lucifer too, whose strength was still unknown to them at that time.

There was no chance of achieving victory after the Info Leak from inside.

Who the hell did this to us? Someone from the Dark Side? Or, some opportunistic bastard?

Anyways, I will not make the same mistake of believing people this time like before.

I need to take everything around me under my control this time and I need to become stronger, much stronger than my past self.

Otherwise, there will be nothing left for us anyway.

Towers Of Heaven has only one single rule which most people still don't know at this point.

It will side with the Strong and will leave the Others to dust.

To gain Tower's attention, I need to become much more powerful than before. 

Soon, many changes will start to happen in the world. And the first will be the disappearance of the Dark Barrier.

Adrian couldn't help but frown while thinking about this incident which was about to take place within two days.

In the past, when the Towers descended in the world, a huge dome-sized dark black barrier also covered the entirety of Solaris. Space communication and mobile communication were hampered during that time.

Later, with the help of the System, most of those problems were solved.

But the barrier didn't disappear. It remained there, covering the whole planet in a dark blanket.

According to Towers, it was the World Barrier, that separates us from the other alien races during our vulnerable times. 

And that barrier will disappear within two days and people will a new world waiting for them.

Originally, Solaris had 9 continents. But after the Descent, several of them merged and became one. As a result, only 5 continents exist today.

And once Dark Barrier disappears, 17 more continents will emerge from the other side.

Some of them will be filled with Other races, like Angels, Demons, Elves, Dwarves, Vampires, Beasts, Monsters even Dragons. Some of them will be an empty continent which will be nothing more but a contesting ground for all the races.

Even this was a continent of Undead Monsters in the past as well.

Well, what a shit-show World Update Event for all of us. Either we need to conquer those continents and garrison our armies there, or other races will conquer those continents first and will move steadily towards us, the five remaining human-dominated continents. And there is Abyss as well, joining all these continents and functioning as the Center of the new world.

How these new 17 continents will appear, Adrian didn't know about that in the past.

Or how Abyss will become the key point in connecting all these new continents with the remaining human continents, Adrian didn't have any proper knowledge about that either.

But one thing he did know and that was to take over and control the Abyssal Checkpoints.

Each continent will have at least 3-5 Abyssal Checkpoints which will be key to maintaining the connection with other races residing in those continents.

Having control over those Abyssal Checkpoints will not only reduce the invasion of the other races into their continents, it will also reduce the Abyssal Monster and Demon invasions.

However, to control these Checkpoints, one needs to be sufficiently strong. Also, there are some other requirements, but they are for some later time.

Right now, Adrian has only one goal, to make himself stronger.

Adrian observed his whole body this time. His body is bruised in many places. There are some cuts on his hands, abdomen, and also on his face. Overall, his body is not in its optimum condition at this moment.

After observing himself, Adrian looked at the mark on the back of his right hand. A blue-colored serpent is marked on the back of his right hand. It is the Mark of [Slave Seal].

Huh, how far I have fallen.

Adrian sighed.

In the past, just because of this mark, Adrian was completely under the control of Simon von Hines. Originally, Adrian was a Non-Awakened person, but still, his physical strength was immense. To have him by his side, Simon contacted Adrian one day and signed a contract with him to protect him all the time and act as his bodyguard.

Simon even offered him different rare items and a hefty amount of salary in Gold coins for the first few months.

Adrian never knew that all of this was nothing but an act, just to make him believe in Simon.

But, after some time Simon's conditions for his assistance in battles gradually changed and it differed in a large amount from the terms stated on the contract.

When Adrian refused to fight by endangering himself continuously, then Simon showed him the contract again.

To Adrian's surprise, there was a hidden contract within the real one.

Adrian never thought that what he signed was in reality a [Slave Contract], and he would not be able to bypass the hidden terms of the contract.

He had to sacrifice his growth and almost his life many times just to save that bastard's life when the Tribulations began.

Five years. 

I was tormented for whole five years after the Tribulation began just because of this mark's presence.

I searched everything and couldn't find anything to nullify the Mark of [Slave Seal].

But now, I know how to nullify the Mark.

Just because of this Mark, I was not able to Awaken myself and continued to waste my growth potential just to save your ass from those terrible situations created by your idiotic decisions Simon.

But not this time. Just wait Simon. I have the perfect medicine for you now.

Although I don't have enough time to play around with you, I will make sure that in this lifetime, you will never rise to a Legend and later become a Martyr for Humanity.

I know very well what kind of bastard you are.

This time, your story will end before the Tribulation begins and I'll end you myself for the things you did to me in the past.

I hope my revenge and pettiness will be enough to destroy you and your family this time.

Adrian promised himself. Although Simon is much more powerful than him now, he will change everything in the upcoming two days.

This time, he will break free from his control, awaken himself, and destroy any obstacles in his way.

There will not be anyone or anything present in his path of Hegemony.

I need to take the hidden opportunities for myself this time. Although, if I do this, many talented people will lose their chance to rise to prominence and later become Humanity's shield, there is nothing I can do for them.

Before, even with the help of everyone, we were not able to push back the other races from invading our homes.

We didn't have sufficient strength, and our strength was distributed between many.

In addition to that, many powerful humans later will join the Dark Side after betraying us and will stand against Humanity.

Those bastards will only think for themselves, not for the survival of our race.

To stop all this, I need to become much more powerful to deter them or push them back with force.

If I have the chance in the future, I'll find and nurture the people who will remain on Humanity's side.

But for now, I need to solely focus on my development.

"System, inform me about my current balance".

[System Prompt : 155 Gold, 65 Silver and 35 Copper]

Adrian heard a crisp reply from a mechanical voice in his head.

Good enough. So this is my current savings.

"I wish to see my Status Profile", Adrian asked mentally.

[System Prompt : Opening your Status Profile.]


[Please Wait....]

Huh? What is happening?

Adrian was surprised. Although he didn't check for his Status Profile after he came back in time, he knew that he was still in Non-Awakened condition and his stats were nothing good to boast.

So, he didn't waste his time on this and completed his necessary tasks for the upcoming future.

But since when does Status Profile have a loading time? 

Is it because I came back in time? Is it malfunctioning?

Shit, if that's the case, then it will be a problem. I hope it doesn't malfunction anyway.


[System Prompt : The System has detected you as an "Anomaly". Please wait for further confirmation.]

[System Prompt : Your status as an "Anomaly" does not threaten the existence of "Towers Of Heaven".]

["Towers Of Heaven" has given you an Approval.]

[System Prompt : You can now access your Status Profile without any hindrances.]

[Your Status Profile (Window) is being Rearranged]


[Loading Time Limit : 20 seconds]

[System Prompt : Please wait for the Loading Time Limit to end.]

Adrian was stunned.

20 seconds?

In the past, anyone could see their status profile just with a single command in their mind, it never had a loading time.

Moreover, The Towers Of Heaven already labeled him as an "Anomaly".

Although his current existence doesn't threaten the existence of the Towers, the same can't be said for the future. 

This means he will be constantly monitored by the Towers in the coming future.

So, it really malfunctioned.

Adrian smiled bitterly. If he knew this, he would've checked this before doing anything else.

Though there is a chance of increasing surveillance, he should show off.

After all, the Towers side with those who are Exceptional but obedient to the Towers.

Adrian waited patiently. Even he was tempted to know about the changes in his Status Profile.

There had to be some qualitative changes in my status. Otherwise, it would never have a loading time for this. 

Adrian patiently waited for the countdown to finish.

[5 seconds...]

[4 seconds...]


[1 second...]

[System Prompt : You can now see and update your Status Profile.]

"Open it."


[System Prompt : Status Window (Complete) : Open


Basic Details (Current, Updatable) : 

Name : Adrian Kaith

Race : Human

Age : 21

Anomaly : Information Sealed (Not enough 'Authority' to see this Information.)

Affiliation : None

Physique : None

Bloodline : Human Bloodline (Status : Impure)

Status : Non-Awakened, Marked by The [Slave Seal], Weakened.

Level : 11

Rank : Common

Evolution : None

Job (Profession) : None

Specialty : None

Class : Beginner Swordsman (Rank : C || Level 5/10 || Proficiency Pts : 10/200)

Titles : Endurer, The Returner (New !!)

Average Item Level : 08

Average Weapon Level : 12


Physical Status Chart (Current) : 

HP : 412/750 (Weakened)

MP : 0 (Non-Awakened)

Self HP Regeneration : +1/min (+60/hr)

Self MP Regeneration : 0/min (0/hr)

Elemental Affinity : None

Fatigue : 87


Status Chart (Current, Updatable) : 

Strength : 75 (Weakened)

Stamina : 81 [Innate Talent Skill : Practical Close Combat (Active)]

Agility : 53

Vitality : 57

Endurance : 51

Defence : 35 (Physical Defence : 35, Magical Defence : 0)

Perception (Sense+Prediction) : 63 [Innate Talent Skill : Battle Sense (Active)]

Accuracy : 77 [Innate Talent Skill : Battle Sense (Active)]

Intelligence : 37

Luck : 02

Attack Power : 87

Basic Damage Dealing Rate (Physical) : 150-165

Maximum (Critical) Damage Dealing Rate (Physical) : 325-330

Physical Damage Reduction : 10%

Magical Damage Reduction : 0 (Non-Awakened)

Resistance Values :

• Fire Resistance Value : 9

• Ice Resistance Value : 5

• Poison Resistance Value : 29 [Passive Skill : Poison Immunity (Active)]

• Lightning Resistance Value : 3


Skill Chart (Current, Updatable) : 

(Active Skills, Passive Skills, Innate Talent Skills, Unique Skills and Divine Skills) : 

---> Active Skills : 10

• Skill 01 : One-Handed Sword Mastery (Rank : C || Level 3/10 || Proficiency : 23/150)

• Skill 02 : Dagger Mastery (Rank : D || Level 3/5 || Proficiency : 27/30)

• Skill 03 : Weapon-Mastery (Rank : D+ || Level 5/5 || Proficiency : 5/65)

• Skill 04 : Berserk (Rank : C || Level 8/10 || Proficiency : 12/275)

• Skill 05 : Berserk War Cry (Rank : C || Level 3/10 || Proficiency : 27/150)

• Skill 06 : Smash (Rank : C+ || Level 10/10 || Proficiency : 282/360)

• Skill 07 : Rage-Swing (Rank : C || Level 10/10 || Proficiency : 212/325)

• Skill 08 : Sprint (Rank : C || Level 2/10 || Proficiency : 100/125)

• Skill 09 : Critical Strike (Rank : C || Level 1/10 || Proficiency : 5/100)

• Skill 10 : Outburst Of Blood-Lust (Rank : D || Level 4/5 || Proficiency : 37/40).

---> Passive Skills : 04

• Skill 01 : Perseverance (Rank : C+ || Level 10/10 || Proficiency : 105/360)

• Skill 02 : Spike Shield (Rank : C || Level 9/10 || Proficiency : 297/300)

• Skill 03 : Poison Immunity (Rank : C || Level 7/10 || Proficiency : 55/250)

• Skill 04 : Muscle Memory (Rank : C || Level 5/10 || Proficiency : 45/200)

---> Innate Talent Skills : 05

• Skill 01 : Perfect Synchronization (Rank : Advanced || Proficiency : 1.5%)

• Skill 02: Practical Close Combat (Rank : Beginner || Proficiency : 4.7%)

• Skill 03 : Battle Sense (Rank : Advanced || Proficiency : 13.2%)

• Skill 04 : Inspect (Rank : Beginner || Proficiency : 0.05%)

• Skill 05 : Appraisal (Rank : Beginner || Proficiency : 0%)

---> Unique Self-Skills : None


Others Chart (Current, Updatable) : 

(Includes EXP Status, Different Bonuses, Balance, Skill Proficiency Details, Equipments, Weapons, Inventory and Others) : 

Authorities : None

Achievements : None

Skill Proficiency Points : 10

EXP Required Until Next Level Up : 2230/17500

EXP Gain : 100% (Bonus : None)

Current Balance : 155 Gold, 65 Silver and 35 Copper.

Coin Drop Bonus : +0%

Other Bonuses : None

Equipments (All are currently Unequipped): 07

Leather Armor (Rank : Common, Item Level : 10, HP : +50, Block Value : 15, Strength : +10, Agility : +3, Physical Defence : +7, Magical Defence : +5, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

Leather Gloves (Rank : Common, Item Level : 07, Attack Power : +5, Strength : +5, Physical Defence : +3, All Resistance Values : +3, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

Leather Boots (Rank : Common, Item Level : 07, Agility : +2, Physical Defence : +3, All Resistance Values : +3, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

Leather Pauldrons (Rank : Common, Item Level : 07, HP : +30, Block Value : 10, Attack Power : +2, Strength : +5, Physical Defence : +5, Magical Defence : +3, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

Cloak Of Swordsman (Rank : Common, Item Level : 15, HP : +110, Block Value : 25, Agility : +5, Endurance : +5, All Resistance Values : +10, Physical Defence : +15, Magical Defence : +10, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

Leather Belt (Rank : Common, Item Level : 05, HP : +10, Physical Defence : +3, All Resistance Values : +2, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

Bronze Ring (Rank : Common, Item Level : 05, HP : +10, Vitality : +5, All Resistance Values : +2, Magical Defence : +5, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

Weapons (All are currently Unequipped) : 02

Silver Long-Sword (Rank : Common, One-Handed Sword (Main-Hand), Weapon Level : 13, User-Requirement : None, Durability : 175/300, Attack Power : +35, Basic Damage : 25-35, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

One-Horned Dagger (Rank : Common, One-Handed Weapon (Off-Hand), Weapon Level : 11, User-Requirement : None, Durability : 97/200, Attack Power : +15, Basic Damage : 10-20, Gems : None, Enchantments : None).

Inventory (Grade : Advanced, Slots : 367/1000) : 

Equipments (x7), Weapons (x2), Low-Tier Health Potion (x20), Low-Tier Body Tempering Potion (x10), Low-Tier Mana Potion (x15), Low-Tier Strength Potion (x10), Low-Tier Stamina Potion (x15), Magic Enchantment Scroll (x5), Common Rank Defence Scroll (x7), Small Dagger (x25), Rusty Long-Sword (x55), Short Sword (x17), Destroyed Sword (x45), Copper Ore (x57), Iron Ore (x37), Bronze Ore (x25), Common Rank Blood-Refining Crystal (x10), Uncommon Rank Blood-Refining Crystal (x5).]


Sorry for Late Update.

This chapter mainly focuses on the Status Profile of MC, which is now open to all for see.

All upgrades will be made to this Profile as the story progresses.

Read the story, vote it, give Power Stones.

Save it in Library to read later.

Happy reading.

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