
Descent in Another World

Reports of monsters attacking a village was brought to the attention of the baron ruling the area and an expedition to exterminate them was what followed. After successfully eliminating the strange beasts, the baron came upon an infant with black hair near the area where the battle took place. Upon realizing that the infant must have been abandoned by over burdened parents or some other unforeseen reason, felt pity towards the child and decides to adopt him. Mikael Harkam grew up as the adopted child of a baron in the country of Hyla. His father Yram Harkam grew to love him dearly. Though, despite his fathers love, Michael grew up in an unhealthy environment. This is due to the baron Yram's wife who, regardless of her husbands statements, believes that the infant he brought home after the expedition was the child of an unknown mistress. This led to a certain event which triggers Mikael to see vivid visions of cryptic images with unknown origins, and what seems to be fragmented memories of a past life.

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4 Chs

The Vow and the Infant

Yram Harkman, is a good man. Despite his position as the baron, he is kind and caring towards the people of his territory. He would often visit the towns and villages to do a personal inspection, a job someone of his position wouldn't usually do. But to him, it didn't matter if you were a commoner merchant or a simple farmer living of the fields. He knew that each one had a role and importance in the wellbeing of the territory. He wouldn't hesitate to go to battle for the sake of the people.

He was a brave man with a noble heart. And yet, after hearing the account of the guard at Ismuth about the strange monsters that started appearing. He something was amiss, it wasn't the usual fear he would feel when going off to battle. He's had experience in subjugating large threats such as rank A beasts. As he was skilled both in commanding and combat, he would often be called upon by the kingdom to aid in fights. Since he was a noble, this much was expected of him. But despite his previous experiences, he felt a fear he has never known before. A fear that reached the very depths of his uncertainties and anxieties.

"I must be getting old..haha." he whispers beneath his breath. Trying his best to shake off the ominous feeling he yells to his men "Press onward, quickly! We mustn't waste a single moment! Pick up your pace!"

They answer back to him with a resounding "Haaaa!" and "yaaaa!!" as they urge their steeds to move faster.

Everyone within the storage house were shivering in fear. Some of them were praying to their gods to save them. while others looked like they were about to give up on hope or have already given up on it. The two soldiers tasked with protecting the people inside, were desperately trying keep the doors from breaking open and letting the monsters in. Using all the strength their bodies could muster to hold the door back, trying to counter the weight of the creatures attempting to ram the door open. Somewhere inside Tori with her one remaining hand holds Rena tightly as she sees her shaking hand hold a dagger in anticipation for what would be a one sided fight.

The soldiers breath heavily as their strength begins to run out. This gave the opportunity for the creatures to break the door open, throwing the soldiers back by force. The people within, began screaming and panicking as a couple get in and brutally devour the soldiers who fell on their backs. They scream in agony as their arms and bowels are torn apart by the horrendous creatures.

Just before the doors burst open; upon the distance was Ren and the 15 men he brought along with him. They see the creatures surrounding the entrance of the building, some of which were consuming the remains of soldiers in front of the door. Some of his men began firing arrows at the beats. Catching the attention of some who were hit. The archers with martial skills in archery were able to incapacitate a couple of the beast momentarily, and just as they did the door broke open and two creatures went inside.

Seeing this Ren quickly jumped off the horse, and with amazing speed filled the gap between them and the monsters in a matter of seconds.

"Move out of the way damn it!!!" He yells while using his swords skills to cleave away the creatures in front of him.

Despite his skill and strength this wasn't enough to completely kill them. He was able to slice off a couple of limbs leaving them partially immobile but the veracity of the creatures were too much.

His men were able to catch up soon after and help him in battle.

"We ask of thee, our mother Mathea. For we are thy children, for we are the fruits of thy love, we ask from thee to intercede for us.. Grant upon thee thy divine grace! Blessed Protection!!"

The healers were clerics that specialized in the magic granted upon them by the gods through grace. As they cast the prayer/spell upon the vanguards fighting off the beast a sudden glow of light emanated from their bodies which soon after disappeared. This meant that the spell/prayer was successful.

Ren and his men were now able to advance faster, fending off the creatures and killing them. Just when he was about to dash towards the storage house to save the people inside, a single eerie note from what seemed to be a wind instrument began resonating throughout the battle causing the strange creatures to stop fighting and attempt to flee. This gave the soldiers a chance to kill most oft hem but a few managed to run away back into the dark woods of Hyla.

"We were too late.." Ren says as he looked at the gruesome scene in front of him.

Blood, limbs, and viscera were scattered all over. He stood there in silence for a couple of seconds horrified and deeply disappointed at himself for not arriving sooner. He closed his eyes and turned around to face his men.

"Spread out and look for survivors! Stay in groups of two and keep an eye out for those vile beast! One group will wait for the lord to arrive and orient them of what happened! Now go!"

The soldiers replied with a "Yes sir!!" but underneath there tones was the feeling of dismay and guilt for not being able to save the people of Ismuth.

Something began moving around the horribly visceral filled storage room. Ren took notice of this and began unsheathing his sword, inching forward in an offensive stance preparing for an attack. Then a pile of human body parts started to slide down to the floor revealing a woman beneath it. He quickly returned his blade to its scabbard and rushed to the woman. Carefully removing the debris from her and carrying her outside he checked if she was still breathing.

"Thank the gods, she's still alive. Hey, you! Come over here!" calling on one of the healers waiting for the lord to return.

The healer rushed over and assessed the girl, surprised with what he found out he says "Captain, she isn't injured...it's a miracle she came out of that alive unscathed."

Soon after the Baron Yram arrived to the scene. He knew he was too late and seeing the bloodied scene before him, his calm outward demeanor was filled with anger and frustration. His fist were clenched in rage which then slowly dissipated as he let out a heavy sigh.

"Ren tell me what happened."

"Yes, my lord.. when my men and I arrived, we were too late. The beasts were able to break open the doors to the storage room where the people were hiding, only one person survived. A female adventurer by the name of Renathia."

Yram felt a bit of relief that someone survived but the feeling couldn't be compared to the frustration and anger he felt.

"How is she?" He says.

"She's currently resting in a bed in one of the houses. She hasn't woken up yet."

"Good. We leave as soon as she regains her consciousnesses."

"Yes sir!" Ren replies.

"My lord, I would like to report more as to what happened during our battle with the unknown creatures." Just as Ren was about to continue his report they were interrupted.

A soldier came running up to them "My lord, theres something you need to see! We've found an infant at the edge of the woods!"

Yram was surprised with this and quickly ran with the soldier to the location of the child. There he found a child with a strange hair color, the child's hair was known within their society as being cursed. Only those who have been cursed have black hair.

"Who would do this to a child." He says.

"Sir, I think I may have an idea." Ren says to him.

Just as Yram picked up the child. Somewhere in an open field a dark figure appeared carrying a woman.

"Now my end of the vow has been fulfilled, the price of which will soon be payed forth." The figure lets down the woman from its arms and begins chanting an accursed language whose origin is older than time itself.