
Descent in Another World

Reports of monsters attacking a village was brought to the attention of the baron ruling the area and an expedition to exterminate them was what followed. After successfully eliminating the strange beasts, the baron came upon an infant with black hair near the area where the battle took place. Upon realizing that the infant must have been abandoned by over burdened parents or some other unforeseen reason, felt pity towards the child and decides to adopt him. Mikael Harkam grew up as the adopted child of a baron in the country of Hyla. His father Yram Harkam grew to love him dearly. Though, despite his fathers love, Michael grew up in an unhealthy environment. This is due to the baron Yram's wife who, regardless of her husbands statements, believes that the infant he brought home after the expedition was the child of an unknown mistress. This led to a certain event which triggers Mikael to see vivid visions of cryptic images with unknown origins, and what seems to be fragmented memories of a past life.

PaperRyu · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Rumors and Secrets

Whispers and rumors began circulating within the antiquated halls of the Harkam household the day the baron went back from Ismuth.

Behind the manor was a small inconspicuous corner where a well was situated at. Despite the manor and well's construction dating back several generations before current head's time. They were both well kept, but showed signs of its age like how the quality of artisanal grade wine would deepen its flavor as the years passes by.

Near the well's mouth were two young maids with blonde hair. The other had a piece of cloth tied to her long hair to keep them up. While the other had her hair down.

Diligently working away the grime and dirt off the cloth and apparels. Their hands were rough to the touch, which some would fine unappealing, but in commoners it was a common characteristic and separated the hardworking individuals from those who are not.

Their sleeves were pulled back to enable them to work without getting most of their uniform wet. With the beating sun above them. The one with her hair down, wiped off the sweat dripping from her brows and takes a break from her work.

"I hear the lord brought home a bastard son." she says in a hushed tone to the fellow maid beside her.

"That's impossible. the lord isn't the type of person to have a secret affair behind the mistress' back." slightly frowning the other one quickly replies with the same hushed tone while continuing to scrub on the cloth.

"Are you sure though? its not uncommon for nobles to have multiple affairs and suddenly bringing in children from other women."

Continuing to do her work without paying any head to her co-worker, she decided to remains silent.

"Well we wouldn't be too sure, who knows what goes on inside of the heads of nobles?" she continues to push the conversation despite being ignored.

The maid with the tied up hair stood up with vigor and leaned forward to her co-worker and single-handedly grips her face to cover her mouth. "Shhh!! be quite what if someone heard you!? We'd both get into trouble if we keep speaking ill about our employer like this. The baron is a good man and helped all of us out a lot, we shouldn't be talking about him behind his back." -she tightens her grip-"And it's not our business to be talking about other individual's family matters, most especially that of a noble!"

Aimsly was on his daily routine inspection. He walks out of the garden on the side of the manor and happenes to be within hearing distance and picked up on the conversation of the two maids. He lets out light sigh and slowly walks behind them concealing his presence as to not be noticed.

"Right you are, Myra." He says to them smiling nonchalantly.

"Head butler Aimsly!!" both of them jumped up in surprise by Aimsly's sudden appearance.

"Now then, judging by both of you covertly whispering to one another. I suppose you ladies were discussing about a secret cosmetic technique or the likes?"

"a.ah… yes, sir!" she begins to sweat profusely and shivers in reply.

"Now. Now. No need to be anxious I'm aware of my boundaries. It would be quite uncouth of me to pry on a conversation between ladies. I do hope the both of you are aware of your own boundaries, yes?"

"Yes… of course sir!" though their lips were shaking they try their best to smile as they reply.

"Splendid! Well then, I assure you ladies that the lord is quite the virtuous man and would happily reward the loyalty of his workers and subjects for a job well done. Excuse my interruption, carry on then" he smiles and clasps his hands together in front of his chest and walks away into a door leading into the manor to continue on his routine check-up.

When he was no longer in sight. The two ladies let out a heavy sigh of relief and begin whipping off the sweat from their foreheads and palms.

"Why do you always get me into trouble?" she frowns.

"hehe… my bad. I'm sorry" apologetically lowering her head slightly.

"Jeez. Anyways let's get back to work before we get into any more trouble." she says plumping to her previous position, her legs still shaky from what happened. "Mr.Aimsly is an excellent and kind butler, albeit terrifyingly strict."

"Hey…Have you heard about the rumors surrounding Ismuth?" following after her co-worker, sitting back down to work, she adds.

"Seriously?! Give it a rest, will you?!" lightly hitting the other maid on the head with her fist

Aimsly walks to the a room by the southern hall at the end of the east wing of the manor. He stops in front of one of the plain hickory colored doors and lightly knocks before opening it. The door creaks as he enters the room. The room is decent in size and was mostly empty except for a few candle-stands by each of the walls within the room as well as a few drawers, a solitary closet, and a window overlooking the woods beside the manor. At the center of this plain old room was a small ordinary crib, where a black haired baby sleeps. Beside the crib was lord Yram who stood there silently staring at the oddity in front of him.

"Were the men who went to the Ismuth told to not speak of the beast?" he asks Aimsly after feeling his presence.

"Yes, my lord." Aimsly replies.

"What were they told to say when asked about the what happened?"

Without pause or much thought Aimsly replies; "A goblin and hobgoblin horde led by a goblin chieftain ambushed the village and slaughtered everyone. Unfortunately we were too late when we arrived to the village. However, we were able to eliminate all of the goblins and hobgoblins that massacred the entire village."

Yram looks at Aimsly with tired eyes. "Good. And where's Marien and Al?"

"There the mistress and the young masters are at the young masters chambers, my lord."

"To not cause any commotion within the people and the kingdom no one must know about this event and especially about those creatures. Not until we find the people responsible for this." -he looks back at the child- "Not even Marien. Aimsly, send a letter to the adventures guild-master within our territory and summon him to the estate." with a stern face he held back his worried expression and gave the order to Aimsly.

"As you command, my lord." Aimsly lowered his head and left the room as quietly as he can.

The baby within the crib was still asleep and hasn't yet awaken. Yram checked if the child was still breathing. "What am I going to do." He let out a deep sigh as he thought to himself.

Within the beside the Harkam's residence is barracks that has a shared history with the manor and was built at the same time. However, the barracks seemed to be more worn out and signs of restorations and renovations were very much visible. Inside it was a wide room with beds sprawled across the floor where the injured soldiers would be laid to rest and treated. A Rena was occupying one of these beds was writhed as if she was in pain, her sweat drenched the sheets. The clerics in charge were struggling to keep her body from falling off and hurting herself.

"Miss! Miss! Calm down! You're okay!" Kieth, a scrawny middle aged cleric who was the head of the infirmary was yelling at her while doing his best to pin her down. "Shit! she why did she suddenly start shaking uncontrollably !? Quick Heti cast a a prayer of calming.!"

Before they could do anything else. Rena's eyes suddenly opened and she stopped moving. Confused with what was going on and in a place unknown to her and seeing people holding her down she screamed.

Yram was taken by surprise when the infant in front of him began crying loudly. He picked up the child and began cooing the child rocking him in his arms, in an attempt to calm him down. As an experience father he knew just what to do. Soon after the child calmed down and began reaching out to him. He smiled as he saw the child smile back at him.

The door swung open and Marien stormed in to confront Yram. "Yram! I know you're hiding something from me! And it has something to do with that...thing in your arms!"