
Descent in Another World

Reports of monsters attacking a village was brought to the attention of the baron ruling the area and an expedition to exterminate them was what followed. After successfully eliminating the strange beasts, the baron came upon an infant with black hair near the area where the battle took place. Upon realizing that the infant must have been abandoned by over burdened parents or some other unforeseen reason, felt pity towards the child and decides to adopt him. Mikael Harkam grew up as the adopted child of a baron in the country of Hyla. His father Yram Harkam grew to love him dearly. Though, despite his fathers love, Michael grew up in an unhealthy environment. This is due to the baron Yram's wife who, regardless of her husbands statements, believes that the infant he brought home after the expedition was the child of an unknown mistress. This led to a certain event which triggers Mikael to see vivid visions of cryptic images with unknown origins, and what seems to be fragmented memories of a past life.

PaperRyu · Fantasi
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4 Chs

A Dream Upon which Chaos Crawls

"What's going on!?"

I try to move my body but feel nothing around me. No sound. No vision. No physical response. Nothing.

"I can't see a thing! Wait.. what is this... what's happening? Why can't I feel anything!?? I can't move my arms and legs!?? Where am I!??"

It feels as though I'm within a terrible dream where my body no longer exists and my mind is left stranded in an endless void of darkness. Then it struck me, I have no memory of anything... who am I?

My mind begins to panic as I attempt to make sense of it all.

"This must be a horrible dream.. haha.. yes.. that must be it!"

Not a moment soon before my falls into the spiral of madness brought by this bewildering situation. A sudden rumbling and bellowing penetrated into the void. I could feel the weight of dread and anxiety fill the very corners of my consciousness.

The tremendous and unfathomable noise infiltrated my thoughts. It felt as though it was being torn asunder by the intangible pressure of this ungodly sound.

However, despite the pain, helplessness, and encroaching madness. This sound somewhat resembles an orchestral piece produced by instruments I can't name nor recognize, yet know.

A plethora of voices amalgamate into one horrible language the likes of which I couldn't know. These voices begin to flood into my mind and I couldn't comprehend the words they were saying and yet I understood them...the voice... they were saying ;

"Born from amidst the monotonous whines of accursed flutes and maddening beats of drums.... Born from the incomprehensible darkness by which the dimensions were torn into existence... Born from the source of all sources... He, the slumbering chaos from which I crawled forth, I exist. We exist. I too will seemingly follow into eternal slumber and you...## #####....will awaken"

I begin to start to feel my body again and a sudden burst of pain takes shape into every corner of my form. It feels as though I was coming undone and reassembled. Every sinew of flesh and bone felt as though it was being torn and broken and pieced back together. After a few moments passed, with what to me felt like an eternity, the pain began to diminish.

I attempted to open my eyes despite how heavy my eyelids felt, i struggled until a bright light over me. I could now feel the wind against my body and it carried along with it the cries of people and beast, as well the pungent smell of blood. I closed my eyes and my consciousnesses began to fade.