
the happy days

it was spring time when the young Tom had a argument with his father he thought he could not stand it anymore. so he decided to run away he started travelling and when it was winter season he thought he could not move anymore fall down and lay there listening to the sound of leaves he saw a field mice standing and looking at him. He said water and became unconscious. when he woke up he was leaning in a room and after some time he learned that this is a good place cause he had two best friends Serena and woody.All of them were very happy in their friends company and as time passed Tom started falling in love with Serena. The winter festival has come and they were all have been enjoying the party very much as Tom was drunk he told woody that he loves Serena and confessed that he is going to propose her. woody congratulate him and said " please take care of her and never hurt her".and Tom started going towards the party. woody sat there alone and started crying because he also loved Serena very much but he was unable to propose her So he thought if not me at least Serena will get a loving husband and he started going towards forest crying himself .