
I LOVE MY LIFE..... (flashback)

lisa is now in her seventeens . she is very excited to go to her new school .

she's always been a scholar, her family was proud of it..she was receiving scholarship from government for studying in the most famous school of her city..

lisa :- wow ! mom today I am going to the top school of our city..

mom:- yes dear ! you are going to have a great day .

lisa :- yes mom ! this and the next year I will study with all my heart so I can pull off the toughest competition and can be a doctor !!

mom:- yes all you have to do is mug up very well so you can top!

then lisa says " mom but this is not the true meaning of education... education says that what we learn from school should be applied in life which will help in enhancing our lifestyle..not to just mug up!"

then her mom says " whatever! but study this time seriously so you can top again"

lisa in her mind "mom why you are never satisfied with me?"

bus arrives.

"mom I am going bye!"

"bye dear"

In school

lisa in mind "try to act normal , try to act normal, I know I have never seen a place this big but still "

everyone in school stares lisa

lisa in mind "why are they all staring at me have I done something wrong?" .

then a girl approaches her ,

" hey! are you new here?" girl asked

lisa: " how did you know- i mean yes ! yes "

" oh dont be scared I asked very immediately where are my manners by the way my name is Rachel & can I ask what's your good name ?"

Rachel said...

lisa: " oh nice to meet you ! I am lisa!"

Rachel: "so how did you end up here- I mean here very less student gets admissions "

lisa :- " ya ! actually I came here by a scholarship "

Rachel:- " oh! so you're a topper what were your percentage last year? "

lisa : "98%"

Rachel: "woah ! highest from here was 97% it means you are the new topper which means you will have a lot of enemies!"

lisa : "enemies? no I don't what any "

Rachel: " oh silly it's a good thing ! that means you'll be popular! so friends"

lisa: " friends ":)

in class:-

teacher:- " good morning everyone!"

students : "good morning mam"

teacher:- " students I would like to inform you that we have a new transferred student lisa !"

lisa :-" good morning everyone I am lisa "

teacher asks " so lisa what was your last year percentage? "

"98% mam"

(whole class is silent )

teacher : "oh that means you are the new topper here best of luck for your this year"

lisa : "thankyou mam!" in mind ( why she would suddenly wish me best of luck?)

everyone in class starts appreciating lisa for her intelligence some even starts to like her ....But fame also makes some enemies ...

(in home )

lisa on her bed thinking ( wow today was a great day I am so positive right now it is so amazing ....everyone was appreciating me I am so popular and the best thing was that this was only the first day ...huh! I will be now on top! I don't think anyone would hate me ! )

{ambition is good for us but being overly ambitious is it a good thing? we'll get to know the answers on next chapter!!}