
Department 37

Department 37 is a clandestine organization established by the Indian government with the primary mission of identifying, containing, and neutralizing supernatural anomalies that pose a threat to national and global stability. Operating in the shadows, the agency strives to protect humanity from the unknown and maintain the delicate balance between the natural and supernatural realms.

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CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT - Agent Profile: Codename - Stoneface

I. Agent Stoneface

II. Personal Information:

Full Name: [Classified]

Codename: Stoneface

Date of Birth: [Classified]

Place of Birth: [Classified]

Nationality: Indian

III. Background:

Ajit Mathur, codenamed Stoneface, is a highly trained operative within Department 37, the secret organization tasked with handling supernatural anomalies. Born and raised in a military environment, Stoneface's journey from the Indian Army to the enigmatic world of Department 37 is marked by exceptional courage, tactical brilliance, and a stoic character.

IV. Military Service Record:

Stoneface's journey into the world of covert operations began within the esteemed [Classified] regiment of the Indian Army. Known for its specialization in unconventional warfare and counterinsurgency, this regiment served as the crucible in which Stoneface honed his skills.

Regimental Affiliation:

Stoneface served in the elite [Classified] regiment, earning a reputation for excellence in unconventional warfare and counterinsurgency operations.

Decorations and Awards:

Stoneface's military career is adorned with decorations and awards, testifying to his acts of valor and unwavering commitment to duty. Notable awards include the [Classified] Gallantry Award and the [Classified] Star for exceptional leadership and bravery.

Combat Deployments:

Stoneface participated in numerous high-risk deployments, showcasing his ability to adapt to diverse and challenging environments. From dense jungles to arid deserts, he demonstrated a mastery of unconventional tactics.

Counterinsurgency Operations:

A key player in counterinsurgency operations, Stoneface contributed significantly to dismantling insurgent networks and restoring stability in conflict zones.

Intelligence Gathering:

Stoneface's keen intellect and strategic thinking were instrumental in intelligence gathering, providing critical information for successful operations against insurgent forces.

Joint Special Operations:

In joint operations with special forces units from allied nations, Stoneface demonstrated effective collaboration, showcasing his ability to integrate seamlessly into multinational teams.

V. Notable Operations:

Operation [Classified]:

Stoneface's exceptional leadership and combat skills were highlighted in Operation [Classified], a mission shrouded in secrecy but acknowledged for its strategic importance.

[Classified] Crisis Response:

Deployed in response to a [Classified] crisis, Stoneface played a crucial role in mitigating the threat and ensuring the safety of civilian populations.

[Classified] Border Incident:

Stoneface's extraordinary courage and tactical brilliance came to the forefront during a [Classified] border incident, contributing to the successful resolution of the crisis.

VI. Transition to Department 37:

Recruitment Date: [Classified]

Recruitment Circumstances:

Stoneface's transition to Department 37 was a result of his exceptional combat skills, demonstrated leadership, and a unique resistance to psychological effects experienced in supernatural encounters during his military service.

Supernatural Countermeasure Training:

Recognizing Stoneface's resilience to supernatural effects, Department 37 provided him with specialized training in countering and neutralizing supernatural anomalies.

VII. Training and Skills:

Supernatural Countermeasure Training:

Stoneface underwent extensive training to equip him with the skills necessary to handle supernatural anomalies. This included mastering the use of advanced equipment designed for supernatural threat mitigation.

Stoneface's military background endowed him with expert skills in hand-to-hand combat and various forms of armed combat. Proficient in a wide range of firearms and tactical equipment, he seamlessly transitioned his combat prowess to supernatural threat scenarios.

Linguistic Proficiency:

Fluent in multiple languages, Stoneface's linguistic skills proved valuable in undercover operations and international cooperation.

VIII. Codename Origin:

Stoic Character:

Codenamed Stoneface owing to his stoic and unflinching character, especially in the face of supernatural threats.

Emotion Control:

Exhibits exceptional control over emotions, a crucial trait when dealing with the psychological effects of supernatural encounters.

IX. Assignments and Operations:

Thar Anomaly:

Stoneface played a pivotal role in the containment and neutralization of the Thar Village Anomaly in [Classified Year]. His military background and supernatural countermeasure training were crucial in navigating the challenges posed by the anomalous phenomena.

International Operations:

Deployed on international assignments, Stoneface collaborated with allied agencies to tackle global supernatural threats. His ability to adapt to different cultures and environments proved invaluable in these operations.

X. Psychological Profile:


Stoneface's stoic demeanor serves as a psychological asset, enabling him to confront and overcome the psychological effects of supernatural encounters.


Displays a high level of adaptability to unpredictable and supernatural situations, a quality essential in the dynamic world of Department 37.

XI. Security Clearance:

Level: SSS (Triple S Security Clearance)

Access Authorization: Classified information related to supernatural anomalies and Department 37 operations.

XII. Current Status:

Active Duty:

Stoneface is currently an active operative undertaking assignments critical to national and global security.

Awards and Recognitions:

Continues to receive awards and recognitions for outstanding performance in the field, both in his military career and as a Department 37 operative.


XIII. Conclusion:

Agent Stoneface, with his remarkable military service record, supernatural countermeasure training, and unwavering commitment, has proven to be a valuable asset in the Department's mission to counter supernatural anomalies. His transition from the battlefield to the world of the unknown showcases adaptability, resilience, and a relentless dedication to protecting humanity from the supernatural.

XIV. End of Document: