
008- Wait You're Joking right

Burials Ceremonies are kind of like very different in Nigeria, it's not as silent and as mournful as they make it in the US but it was more mournful than usual because my father was still very young before he passed. In Nigeria they organize a big party and alot of strangers eat and everybody party hard, some happy for the free food and some sad for the dead young man. After the parties I was taken around for sight seeing and for Nigerian foods which I had been used to even before my parents died.

After a month here the current family head who was my father's eldest brother called me and some other members of the family and was wondering if I should stay in Nigeria till legal age but I vehemently declined, I really didn't have any need to stay with people I didn't even know and so after much arguments they agreed and they booked a ticket for me to go back but they wanted me to stay at a family member's place, a request to which I did not give an answer.

In the evening before my departure one of my dad's best friends Mr Gilbert walked up to me, handed me a BOA bank card and he said.

" Hey Denim, here take this your dad wanted you to have it and to be frank with you he doesn't want you to stay here"

" Thanks uncle G, I'm not staying around here as well"


" In that card there's the life saving of both your parents and some of their properties are in your name as well, I'll have the documents delivered to you when I get back okay"

" Okay Uncle I appreciate"

After he left, I went back into my room, took a nice shower and wore my clothes, I took nothing else and I went with uncle Gilbert and other family members to the airport.

" Are you sure you'll be okay alone" uncle g asked

" Yeah I'm cool, I've got someone to stay with, don't worry about me for real. I'll call you went I get home"

After saying my farewells to other members of the family, I got on the plane back to NYC.

I was in the first class section so I could sleep more comfortably and that was just what I did after eating, I slept soundly till I arrived at New York. When I got back I called Alicia to tell her i was around and then i took a taxi to her shop where we were gisting till evening before going home.

At exactly 8:30 in the evening Alana came back from work.

" Denim you're back, why didn't you call me" Alana who was just coming back asked.

" argh common girl we live together.... uhm....at least for now. So that's completely unnecessary"

" You're sounding like you're not sure when you'll leave?" She asked with a serious tone.

" uhm actually I have multiple places to stay but uhm I kind of like just enjoy my time with you guys and uhm..." I was about to continue rapping before she interrupted me.

" Hey look at me....no body says you're not welcome here, matter of fact I don't even want you to go"

" hehe but someone was so uncomfortable with letting me stay the other day"

" The streets aren't safe my boy"

" what do you know about the "streets"

" they sell good cheese"

And we all continued joking and laughing with Alicia joining in at times before they both stood up and left for the kitchen to prepare dinner and I also went on an errand for Alana.

Later after meals I figured it's time to let them know what my next plans would be so I called them close.

"You guys are really becoming the closest relatives I have now for real"

" Stop with all the emotional words, they're signs of weak guys" Alana snapped back

" I'm just 14 I'm not exactly a strong guy right?, wait damn don't tell I'm your type "

" My boyfriend will kill you"

"Is it the bodybuilder one"

" that's offensive, how many guys have you even seen me with"

" I think 6 if we're counting realistically" Alicia chipped in.

" Nah not all 6 are boyfriends some are submitting their applications" I teased.

" oi shut up technically I don't have a boyfriend"

" what do you mean "technically" damn this is controversial" I screamed

" shut up okay so what's the issue"

" we really have a lot to talk about"

"Then start talking or I'll go to sleep" Alicia quipped in

" Girls if one day, I tell you to leave everything and follow me would you agree"

" Argh shut the fuck up I've had enough preaching at the church okay," Alana muttered

" No f words"

" Nah I'm not talking about Jesus, I'm talking about me uhm I want to be a footballer and I kind of like want both of you to be with me"

" Are you proposing c'mon boy NOOO" Alana retorted

" Alana you're not my type"

" My mum told me all boy's say that to get in your panties"

"Alana I'm 14"

"Alana he's 14"

Me and Alicia screamed at the same time

" I feel like I've been defiled" I muttered

"Seeee which 14 year old talks like that, Alicia don't be deceived by him he's an ancestor!!!"

" Ancestors? Meeee?!!!"

" On a more serious note den you do know being a footballer is an uncertain dream right"

" it's a sure deal for me"

" I don't know what's giving you the confidence but if you can offer me a job that pays more than I currently earn I'll go anywhere with you" Alana said with all seriousness.

" when the time comes I'll think about it " Alicia replied.

" So Alana, I can actually make you a star you know right?"

" I'm not selling my soul"

" hahaha bwahaha your soul Is worth nothing mi amor and I'm very serious, I am a very talented songwriter but I want to chase my path as a footballer so you can be my vocalist and I'll be your writer and your producer" I told her an half truth, in my life music was my original career choice like alot of other footballers but the difference was talent. I had lot of talents in music but as a musician, talent is just a small part of becoming popular so I forgot about singing and I took my career serious.

" Enough with the million dollar dreams we don't even know what to eat tomorrow, we don't have sauce anymore and I'm broke as fuck"

" oi how about we go shopping tomorrow and also I'm thinking of us moving into a better place with a gym, a pool and nice facilities to help me better train before I start my career"

"Wait you're joking right?"