
Demons and Devils.

okay so i figured i screwed up the first time. but i know you guys were enjoying the story, so i decided to redo it. this time just going with the flow instead of trying to follow the actual Highschool dxd story. Characters will be out of character, dont like dont read. Don't own HS DxD, don't care about flames and haters, supporters and ideas welcome.

Robert_Munson · Komik
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17 Chs

chapter V

Roxas was walking through the campus. He was bored. No other way to put it. The ORC as it was called, had not responded to his application. Now he was just walking around the school. He wasn't allowed to leave the grounds of the academy, even though he had a free period before class let out. That made him just sit and wait, or walk around. Most in his position would likely have go to study, or snuck off the grounds. But he didn't simply because he felt he needed to be there. Maybe he was crazy but he thought, or at least felt that something was drawing him here. As if by staying would answer all his questions.

Dustin might have been right. He was going crazy trying to solve his parents murder on his own. Although Dustin never called it that. But Roxas was sure. There was no other way they could have died. His dad always drove safe. Hadn't had a accident in the years after Roxas was born. Not so much as a close call even. And to top it all off, the car was brand new. only had twenty-five miles on it, there was no way someone could blame his parents for allowing the car to fall into disrepair when the car hadn't even needed new oil or tires yet.

Then there was that strange note book his dad had that he had inherited. It was locked in a box that was more of a display case. The glass was unbreakable glass as he had tried to break it several times. But for some reason or another it wouldn't break. Roxas felt that note book held something important. Something that he needed to know as it would at least set him on the right path to finding the truth of his parents.

It was then that the bell had rang. And so began his long walk home.