
Demonic Path: I Can Optimise

Li Wei finds himself transmigrated into a cultivation world within a Demonic Sect. With a system that allows him to optimise cultivation techniques

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59 Chs

A Safer Path

Li Wei's attention shifts to the entrance as the morning stillness in the cave is interrupted. He hears footsteps, distinct and approaching. He turns and sees two disciples making their way towards his cave. Their steps are measured, indicative of purpose.

The first disciple, younger, with a sense of earnestness in his stride, carries a sack. The contents are obscured from Li Wei's view, but how the disciple handles it suggests it contains items of some significance.

The second disciple, carrying himself with a hint of experience beyond his companion, also bears a sack. Its shape is nondescript, leaving its contents to Li Wei's imagination. There's a certain carefulness in the way he holds it as if it contains something delicate or valuable.

Li Wei observes them, and his expression is neutral. The arrival of these disciples with their concealed items piques his curiosity. What could they be bringing to his cave? As they draw closer, Li Wei readies himself to find out.

Standing just outside his cave's entrance, Li Wei watches them approach.

"Senior Brother," the first disciple greets, his voice respectful. "We have come to trade."

Li Wei nods in acknowledgement, his eyes briefly scanning the basket and the scroll. "What do you have?" he inquires, his tone even.

The two disciples carefully place two sacks laden with herbs at Li Wei's feet. The sacks are bulging, the tops loosely tied, revealing a variety of herbs peeping out. They await Li Wei's evaluation with eagerness and uncertainty.

Li Wei crouches down, examining the two sacks filled with herbs placed before him by the disciples. He unties the tops of the sacks and peers inside, his eyes scanning the variety of herbs. The contents are diverse.

He recognises several herbs immediately. "Gleaming Star Moss," he thinks, picking up a delicate, luminescent herb. "Good for enhancing mental clarity." He places it back gently and moves on to the next. "And this is Fire Root, useful for boosting inner heat and energy."

He picks up another herb, a vibrant green leaf with tiny purple specks. "Ah, Moonlit Dewleaf," he notes, "known for its soothing properties."

Despite his familiarity with many herbs, Li Wei realises his knowledge of pill refinement is limited. "I know what they are and some basic uses, but how to combine them into effective pills is another matter," he thinks.

The idea of pill refinement intrigues him. "Alchemists are highly regarded in the sect," he muses. "But without reaching the Foundational Establishment, it's a distant dream."

He looks at the eager faces of the two disciples, then back at the herbs. "But there's no harm in starting to gather resources," he concludes.

Li Wei offers a trade. "Two bone pills for both sacks," he proposes, his voice steady.

The disciples exchange glances, a hint of reluctance in their eyes. "Senior Brother, we were hoping for four pills," one of them speaks up, his voice firm.

Li Wei raises an eyebrow, considering their counteroffer. "Three pills," he counters, trying to find a middle ground.

The disciples remain steadfast. "Four pills, Senior Brother. These herbs are rare in the lower regions of the mountain," the older disciple explains. "It took us a considerable effort to gather them."

Li Wei looks at the sacks of herbs, his mind racing. "I recognise some of these, but their true value... it's hard to say," he thinks. He scrutinises the variety, trying to assess their worth. "They could be valuable for pill refinement, but I'm only guessing at this point," he muses internally. The uncertainty nags at him, yet the potential they hold is too significant to ignore. "I'll have to take the risk. These herbs could be more useful than I realise," he concludes, deciding to proceed with the trade despite the unknowns.

Li Wei ponders for a moment. He recognises the quantity and variety. "Fine," he agrees, a slight nod conveying his acceptance. "Four pills."

He retrieves four bone pills, handing them to the disciples. They receive the pills with gratitude, their faces lighting up at the successful trade.

"Thank you, Senior Brother," they say in unison, bowing slightly.

Li Wei nods, accepting their thanks. As the disciples turn to leave, Li Wei's gaze falls on the herbs. 

Li Wei stores the sacks of herbs in his cave.

In his cave, Li Wei contemplates a future plan.

"To become an alchemist," he murmurs, "one must reach the stage of Foundational Establishment."

"A path to learning Pill refinement... when I reach Foundational Establishment," he thinks. Becoming an alchemist within the sect holds appeal – a role that commands respect, offers a chance to blend in, gain status, and, importantly, avoids the more perilous aspects of sect life.

"The only problem is Senior Huo is also in the pill hall." He pauses, considering the implications. "As an alchemist, I'd still be under his eye, and he's not one to show leniency."

"But reaching inner disciple status changes things. Senior Huo might think twice before doing anything drastic. Punishments, sure, but outright killing an inner disciple... that would draw the wrath of the sect."

"Learning pill refinement could be a safer path," he muses, considering the long-term. The role of an alchemist, rich in knowledge and skill, offers a less dangerous yet prestigious path within the sect. "It's a way to stay under the radar, focusing on knowledge rather than direct conflict."

"My experience as an assistant in the Pill Hall is also beneficial. I've understood the basics of herb categorisation. It's not starting from scratch."

The prospect of mastering the art of pill refinement, understanding the intricate properties of each herb, and manipulating Qi to forge potent concoctions presents both a significant challenge and an exciting opportunity. "Alchemists are respected and not usually thrust into the dangers of the front lines," he reflects.

"This could be my strategy for the future," Li Wei concludes. "Stay low, acquire valuable skills, and avoid unnecessary risks." He sees this path as a way to navigate the complex dynamics of the sect, gaining strength and crucial knowledge while keeping a cautious profile.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Li Wei begins to organise the herbs, planning his next steps towards this new goal.

The morning progresses slowly, the sect gradually coming to life as the sun rises higher. 

Li Wei sits contemplatively in his cave.

"I need to reach the 8th level," he thinks, rolling the small pill between his fingers. The reason is clear and pressing: Xue Feng, an 8th-level Qi Cultivator, is a formidable opponent he must confront. "Only at the 8th level do I stand a chance against him."

Li Wei recalls the shopkeeper's words, the promise of a significant boost in cultivation. "This pill could be the difference between life and death in the coming confrontation," he reasons. The risk of taking the pill is high, but the danger of facing Xue Feng unprepared is even greater.

"Waiting for the 'right moment' is a luxury I can't afford," he muses. The urgency of his situation is palpable. "Every moment I delay, Xue Feng grows stronger, and my window of opportunity narrows."

Quickly bridging the gap to the 8th level becomes increasingly appealing. "In the world of cultivation, power is the ultimate arbitrator. This pill represents a leap towards that power." His mind is made up. The benefits outweigh the risks.

With a deep breath, Li Wei brings the pill to his lips. "To challenge Xue Feng, I need to be on equal footing. This is my chance to tip the scales in my favour."

Li Wei sits cross-legged on his cave's cold, hard floor, a sense of readiness coursing through him. His body feels robust, energised by the recent breakthrough in his cultivation. The Qi within him swirls comfortably, settled in its newly expanded boundaries. He feels a deep connection to this internal power, a harmony between his physical form and the Qi that fills it more fully.

Li Wei holds the clear, white pill in his palm. Its pristine surface and unassuming size give no hint of its potential. 

"An inner disciple parted with this," he muses, turning the pill between his fingers. "It must hold considerable value." His eyes narrow slightly in thought. "Such a pill in the hands of an inner disciple suggests it's a substantial source of Qi. This isn't just a simple supplement; it's likely a powerful catalyst for cultivation." He pauses, feeling a mix of anticipation and caution. "If used right, this could propel me to the 8th level."

With a steady hand, he brings the pill to his lips and swallows. It goes down easily, leaving no taste. For a moment, nothing happens. Then, a sudden warmth spreads from his stomach, radiating outward like a heat wave.

The warmth intensifies as if his blood is beginning to boil. It's an overpowering sensation, consuming his entire body. Beads of sweat form on his forehead, his skin flushes red, and his breathing becomes rapid. The cave around him feels stiflingly hot, the air thick and heavy.

He focuses inward, trying to control the surge of Qi that the pill has unleashed. It's a daunting task; the Qi feels like a wild, unrestrained and powerful torrent. It courses through his meridians, pushing against their limits with an overwhelming force.

Li Wei clenches his teeth, steeling himself against the internal tumult. He forces a breath out, "Hnngh," as he attempts to channel this relentless energy.