
Demonic Guide: I Have a Demon Goddess!

Anyone would be shocked to find themselves in a pile of corpses, so you can just imagine Oswald’s shock when he found that he had not only woke up in a pile of corpses but had also been transported to another world! To Oswald’s shock, he had found himself in another world of Magic and knights, where each person could become a Transcendent and strive for unimaginable power. But Oswald didn’t have the privilege to enjoy any of that. The body he was in had once been a magic genius destined for greatness, but now he was nothing but a crippled waste with a chunk of his memories missing. As result of this, His family that had relied on him for protection was now under the attack and siege of countless other greedy nobles. Oswald, with his back against the wall, had to find a way to survive. Why was he being targeted? Why could he not remember anything about the last few days? Who was trying to kill him? Follow Oswald as he tries to solve these mysteries and survive in this strange new world of Magic, Knights, Gods and most importantly, Demons.

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Chapter 20: Blood for the Blood God!

If Oswald could hear Scarface's thoughts, he wouldn't be embarrassed. In fact, he would just sneer at the man.

Ever since he had taken over this body, he had enjoyed days of luxury and wealth that allowed him to come to a new realisation,

He was a young master now!

Since there were powerful henchmen under his control, he would be stupid not to use them!

Suddenly, Mr Kirk turned back to look at Scarface with a cold frown on his face.

"In the presence of our noble young master, why aren't you kneeling?"

Before Scarface could even answer, he felt a powerful force in his stomach, completely winding him and sending him onto the floor, whether he liked it or not.

Oswald showed no emotion on his face as he walked towards Scarface, coldly looking down on the struggling man.

"I'm not going to say something hypocritical like I'm going to be punishing you for justice or anything like that. If you ever wondered why this happened, you should remember noble matters aren't something a mere gangster can interfere in. You should have never touched the Blakewell family!"

As Oswald spoke, he nodded towards Mr Kirk.

In an instant, Mr Kirk's figure flashed.

"Crack! Crack!"

The sickening sounds of bones breaking rang out in the small room, as Mr Kirk broke the arms of two of the gangsters, causing them to pass out directly from the pain

The poor family watching on the sideline, instantly paled as they saw this sight.

Even Oswald was slightly shaken once he saw this brutal scene.

The only one who remained indifferent was Mr Kirk, whose gaze soon locked onto Scarface.

In that second, Scarface's heart sank as he quickly put his arms up in a pleading gesture

"Please young master, please spare my life!"

As Oswald watched Scarface's display, his eyes widened in both shock and horror.

As Scarface raised his arms, Oswald saw the sight of a vile, blood red scorpion tattoo twisting around his forearm.

In an instant, the veins on Oswald's head bulged as he quickly grabbed his head in pain.

Within seconds, fragments of memories poured into his mind





In mere seconds, countless twisted scenes and memories poured into Oswald's head, leaving his mind in an absolute mess.

Oswald's completely red eyes glared at Scarface with a vicious look as a truly twisted expression appeared on his face.

"You…" muttered Oswald hesitantly.

Oswald was about to speak when he suddenly realised there were still many other people present.

Oswald then turned towards Mr Kirk and the family still present and asked.

"May you please leave? I need to speak to the man alone in private."

As the family heard these words, they quickly left, not wanting to stay in this violent place a second longer.

The only one left was Mr Kirk

"Oswald, are you sure about this? It could be dangerous."

Hearing these words, Oswald just smiled

"Don't worry, you've already injured the man. I won't have any problem dealing with him."

Hearing this, Mr Kirk wanted to say something else, but seeing Oswald's firm gaze, he reluctantly gave in.

He was still his employer at the end of the day.

After confirming things were okay with Oswald one more time, Mr Kirk finally left the house, leaving behind just Oswald, Scarface, and the two incapacitated gangsters.

Taking a deep breath, Oswald's emerald green eyes stared at Scarface for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Scarface didn't dare speak at all, creating a strange, awkward silence.

Eventually, Oswald was the one to break the silence as he nervously spoke.

"Since the Dawn of time, heroes were born, Villains were slain, and empires rose and fell…."

Hearing this, Scarface's eyes shook in horror, but he didn't dare think too much and nervously opened his mouth and spoke.

"Wealth and fortune are gained and lost, but all those things are temporary. Only the flow of blood is eternal! Blood for the Blood God!"

The second those words left Scarface's mouth, there was a silver flash as Oswald's sword flashed out, severing Scarface's arm.


Scarface roared in both grief and pain as he saw his arm soar into the air, spewing blood all over the floor.

With a look of hatred and betrayal, Scarface turned towards Oswald as he roared.

"Why the hell did you do that??? Aren't you the same as me?! Aren't you a cultist too?!"

As soon as heard this his body shook and he fervently denied.

"How dare you slander me! How could I possibly be a lowly cultist? Besides, If I am a cultist, where is my mark?"

Hearing this, Scarface's eyes went bloodshot with frustration!

"Don't tell me you don't possibly know?! Only inducted cultists can learn the slogan. Besides, High-level cultists can use their mark! It's only activated upon contact with blood!"

For a second, Oswald was left completely frozen in place.

He looked at the blood surrounding his feet and hesitated.

'Should I try it?'

There was a part of Oswald that didn't want to step into the truth. A part that wanted to live a simple life of a young master and be distant from all these troubles and schemes.

But besides this, there was another aspect, one much greater and larger. An aspect that didn't want to live in fear. An aspect that wanted to control and free itself and know the truth!

Gritting his teeth, Oswald tore off his shirt, reached onto the floor, and smeared Scarface's blood on his right arm.

The instant blood touched him, Oswald felt a powerful burning sensation as a humongous red scorpion showed up on his skin.

It was enormous in comparison to Scarface's tattoo. Running down his entire right arm and onto his chest, showing off a vividly depicted scorpion that seemed to viciously glare at everything, yearning for their blood!

Scarface watched in awe as he saw Oswald's tattoo manifest itself.

When he looked at the much smaller tattoo on his arm and thought about all the twisted and depraved things he had to do to receive it, he once again looked back towards Oswald, but this time he was filled with an overwhelming sense of horror.

'What sins did that man commit to receive such a tattoo!'

In Scarface's mind, Oswald's figure seemed to grow into that of an incomparable demon.

Oswald's now completely bloodshot eyes locked onto Scarface, giving him an incredible amount of pressure.

"Your cult… no, our cult what exactly is it?"

As Scarface heard this question, a strange expression appeared on his face but he didn't dare nor answer.

"The cult serve is the cult of the Blood God, Va-"


Before Scarface could carry in his sentence, Oswald punched him square in the nose.

"You damn bastard! Are you trying to get us killed?? How dare you call a god by their real name!"

In this world of magic and the divine, true names actually had power and especially to beings with immense power such as the gods!

Gods in this world were given titles and strange names not just to show off their power but also because it's known that Gods have the power to sense the mention of their true name and could always send a strand of their presence to observe what was going on! So, it was no wonder Oswald was so vicious

That Scarefaced fool had nearly brought his presence under the full view of a strange evil God!

Raising his sword, Oswald mercilessly wiped it across Scarface's neck as he threatened,

"Try something like that again and I won't just punch your head, I'll sever it, you hear me?"

Oswald's green eyes burned at scarface causing him to quickly nod his head in compliance.

"Carry on." Instructed Oswald coldly.

"Well, the cult I serve is the cult of the Blood God!"

"And how did you get into this cult?" Asked Oswald.

"Through our boss the bloody blade Assassin."

"So does that mean the entire cut-throat gang…" as Oswald spoke a brutal aura flared around him.

"No, no, no!" Quickly denying Oswald's train of thought.

"The boss knows that this is something that can't be publicly declared and only introduces some high-level members of the gang into the blood cult. From what I know there aren't more than 4 Blood Cult worshipers in the Cut-throat gang."

As Oswald heard this, he visibly relaxed.

"So then tell me more about this boss."

"Well, the boss is the leader of the cut-throat gang and the one who introduced all of the members from the gang into the Blood Cult.

He's a Rank 2 Transcendent Assassin and even has the record of killing an injured Rank 3 Transcendent through assassination!"

"I know with the power of your boss it's impossible for him to be the leader of the blood cult in this city, so tell me more about the blood cult and its members."

But this time, As Oswald asked this question, Scarface didn't answer, leaving Oswald with only an awkward silence.

"What's the matter?" Asked Oswald coldly.

"Is it that you don't want to answer?"

Oswald didn't speak anymore and just slowly drew his sword, but that was already enough for Scarface.

"No Sir, please! it's not that I don't want to speak but that I can't speak! During rituals and meetings all members keep their identities hidden, I'm just a low-ranking member of the blood cult so it's impossible for me to know everyone's identity. I can only tell you the identity of the members in the Cut-throat gang; only the head of the Blood cult in Riverglen City could know such details."

Hearing this Oswald didn't ease up on Scarface and just frowned.

"Why didn't you just say this earlier? There's no point in keeping someone around that's useless!"

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Just As Oswald was about to swing his sword, Scarface desperately interrupted him.

I may not know the incentives or strengths of the other members but I do know that the rank two strength of my boss can only get him a place of roughly the lower levels of middle management within the cult.

Hearing this Oswald's face twisted into something ugly as this had only confirmed his deepest fears.

The Blood Cult was way out of his league.

If it was just rank 1s or Rank 2s then Oswald still had a bit of hope of dealing with them but if it was like how Scarface said, then there was really no hope!

If Rank 2 can only get you lower middle management, then what about the upper management? What about the leader?

Was he rank 3, rank 4 or maybe even… Rank 6?

As Oswald thought like this, his body shook.

Hopeless! His situation was truly hopeless!

Even after gaining this knowledge about the Blood Cult nothing had changed for him!

If before he was a simple goldfish, trapped inside a bowl and ignorant of the world. Now he was still a goldfish trapped in a bowl, the only difference was that now he could look outside and knew he was trapped in a bowl.

And this may not even be a good thing. Such knowledge without the ability to do anything, might just be even more pitiful than complete ignorance.

Oswald's eyes looked towards the massive tattoo spanning across his right arm and grit his teeth in frustration.

Was there really nothing he could do? Was he really just doomed to die?

Just as Oswald was falling into the pits of despair and hopelessness, an image flashed across his mind.

It was his Family.

To be honest, Oswald had many mixed emotions about this family.

He knew they weren't his original family, but even still the memories of this body and the vivid emotions it felt were just too hard to reject.

It was during these thoughts that Oswald heard a voice

'I… I want to save them…'