
breaking through the second stage of lightning god fury

as lon_ chi awaited the rain, for almost 3 minutes at last the rain finally dropped as it's started to rain heavily at last it as he sat crossed leg and began to absorb pure heaven qi as he felt a sensation of pain coming from his dental hummm I must have circulated my qi to the wrong way which could lead to block of Media seems I have to be more careful as he separated his mind into two different parts one was absorbing lighting qi while the other was removing impurities," lighting god fury was a martial art which only the strong could cultivate and those that has a strong soul splitting your mind into two parts was not a easy task the complication when splitting your mind is very dangerous any suddenly mistake could lead to sudden death this martial art could make a person as fast as lighting though it could make the person who cultivate the art fast the cultivator must not be weak or else their body could explode and even their ashes wouldn't remain because it involves the law of nature and one thing that martial artists says that nature its self is very mysterious and has a the strength even the heavens have to be wary of so just this martial art alone the cultivator must have a strong will and must be willing to take risk people often says if a person does not have strong Technic but have a very fast speed they could escape from a battle with out getting hurt but the complication was too server that why not many people dared to practice it as the rain was falling heavenly as if the heavens where angry the lighting qi in the air became much more dense" not good the lighting qi is getting more chocoholic as lon_ chi spat out a mouth full of blood,I need to block off my dental a lot of impurities have gotten into my body that I need to get rid of asap if I absorb more lighting qi I might burst at any time that why its good for cultivator to cultivate strong body, as he took out a cleansing pill and swallowed it as he quickly unblock his dental so the pill will start to take it's effect after a full hour of cleansing finally broke through second level of lightning god fury from here it's gonna became hard to cultivate it I need a lot of resources just the first level and I almost died hummm got to be more careful,haven cultivated the whole night I need to head home as lon_ chi jumped off the mountain let test my speed as lon_ chi circulated his lighting qi too the fullest as he crossed 2 mile a breath wow this is more than my expectations with this I can easily suppress a lot of cultivator in the illusion ream as he headed home.