
Demon Synchronization

God has been forsaken. Greed, materialism, ignorance and pleasure has blinded humankind. The last beacon, holding the world together has been forgotten and abandonded, left behind for scraps of power and temporary satisfaction. With no guardian left, demons tore open the gates of the underworld and poured out into the world, their malevolent presence felt in every corner of the globe. However, not only chaos and destruction followed in their wake, but also an opportunity for all humans to grasp. Each demonic being, restricted in their physical presence but not in their power, sought to corrupt and manipulate humanity in their own ways. Some offered wealth and prosperity, while others promised knowledge and power. But no matter their approach, their goal was always the same: Take over the souls of humans and bend them to their will, ensuring their own survival and dominance in this new world. It was a two way street with the demon risking their own existence in the process if the human manages to resist their influence and forcefully take a fragment of their essence as exchange. The world was driven into a harsh contest where only the survival of the fittest mattered with every human prone to countless temptations and fights with their own demon. However, like humans, not all demons are born equal and the complex hierachy of demon society mirrored that of humans in its own twisted way. Astaroth, the maleficent emperor managed to break apart the chains shackling to his own realm and invaded the earth. He is out to hunt, and to take his prey on one hell of a ride.

Marckaroni · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Last Stand

Even with the overwhelming sense of impending doom, Leon couldn't help but smile right at the Kraken's monstrous eyes.

The joy of finally meeting whom he sought for many years was so intense that the darkness around him started to dim and fade.

However, Leon couldn't afford to bask in this moment for too long, as his oxygen levels were quickly depleting.

"You are nothing against me," Astaroth continued. "Let the deep waters embrace you and let the sirens sing to your final moments."

An intangible connection started to form between Leon and the Kraken. It was a strange sensation, as if Leon's soul was merging with the monster's.

A seething cauldron of pain and agony began to bubble up inside Leon, burning through his entire being.

It was like a volcano erupting from within, spewing out flames and molten rock. The pain was so intense that it felt like his bones were being crushed into dust.

Especially his left eye was throbbing with excruciating pain, as if it was being twisted and pulled from its socket. Leon could feel the strange connection to his body through his eye.

It was as if it was the catalyst for the merging of his soul with the Kraken's.

Leon desperately wanted to close his eye, but he couldn't move it. Even worse, the pain was starting to paralyze him, making it impossible to move or breathe.

A sudden thought flashed through his mind. A crazy one, but perhaps his only chance at surviving this encounter.

With great effort, Leon brought his small, by now dulled dagger up toward his eye.

'Hesitation is death.' Leon muttered to himself, ramming the blade straight into his left eye. Blood started to pour out of the wound, mixing with the saltwater from the ocean.

As much as Leon wanted to scream, his voice failed to materialize.

The silent ocean muffled any sounds he could have made. But as he felt the dagger pierce through his eye, he also felt a sudden release.

The connection to the Kraken was severed.

The intangible connection that linked him to the Kraken suddenly became visible, resembling a crimson-red chain with jagged, rusty edges that dug deep into his flesh.

It was pulsating with a sickly green color, glowing in the dark. The chain twisted and turned, writhing like a living thing.

Leon's mind was still reeling from the sheer amount of pain that he felt but he still couldn't shake off the thought that the chain resembled Demonic Energy.

As if losing its anchor, the chain recoiled back to the Kraken's massive body, disappearing into the blackness of the depths. However, a small portion of the chain remained, drilled into Leon's eye.

A guttural roar escaped the Kraken, its hypnotizing red eyes burning even brighter than before.

"You have sealed your fate, human," the Kraken bellowed. "I, Astaroth, will make sure you suffer for what you have done."

Despite the Kraken's piercing voice, Leon couldn't properly understand anything, his mind too focused on surviving.

Yet, in this hopeless situation, a spark of hope revealed itself.

The leftover part of the chain dissolved into particles of crimson light, scattering across the water.

The particles danced and shimmered in the water, forming intricate patterns and shapes around him.

They swirled around Leon, creating a beautiful yet eerie display. At the end of their mysterious dance, they shot toward Leon, letting themself being absorbed into his body.

Leon felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins as the particles merged with him. The pain that once consumed him slowly faded away, replaced by a newfound strength and vitality.

He could feel his body and mind becoming sharper, more focused than ever before. It was as if he had become one with the ocean, with the very essence of life itself.

A small amount of the particles remained, infusing themself with Leon's dagger. It suddenly expanded, revealing a glowing outline of what could only be a massive Scythe.

The Scythe glowed with an otherworldly light, pulsating with energy that Leon had never felt before. However, it did not take long before tiny cracks accumulated on it.

The cracks grew larger and spread across the surface of the weapon, causing it to tremble in his hand. He knew that it was only a matter of time before the Scythe shattered completely.

Leon could feel the Scythe trembling in his grip, as if it were trying to communicate with him.

Contrary to the lethal situation Leon is in, his mind was calm and tranquil, seemingly knowing what has to be done.

In one swift motion, he raised the Scythe high above his head and brought it down with all his might.

The weapon cleaved through the water, rippling through the ocean. The Kraken let out another furious roar. But as it did, the ocean around them began to churn and boil.

A giant vortex trashed along the water, swallowing everything in its path.

The humongous cut from Leon's Scythe had opened a wound in the very fabric of the ocean, unleashing a power that was beyond comprehension.

The waters around them erupted, burning and squirming like magma. Leon could feel the heat emanating from the water, searing his skin and leaving behind brutal burns.

However, Leon couldn't feel them at all as his nerves got burned before they could even register the pain. His focus was solely on the Kraken.

The Kraken's massive body shook violently, its tentacles thrashing about in a futile attempt to escape its impending demise. But it was too late.

The Scythe had cut cleanly through the Kraken's body with incredible force, splitting it in half. Blood and seawater spurted out from the wound, mixing together in a macabre dance.

As if the Scythe's entire existence served to bring about this very moment, it shattered into a thousand pieces after annihilating the Kraken.

Its particles slowly trickled into the depths of the ocean along with the Kraken.

"Y-You...will...die!" the Kraken hissed in its final breath, its voice echoing through the water.

A silence descended and Leon's adrenaline started to subside.

'Astaroth,' Leon muttered to himself. 'Glad that you finally decided to show yourself'

A burning sensation etched itself into Leon's left eye. He winced, his hand instinctively reaching up to his eye, but he quickly realized that the burning was not physical.

It was a feeling that he had never experienced before, as if something was trying to communicate with him directly, bypassing his physical senses.

Something ingrained itself into his mind as if it wanted to make him see.

However, Leon had no time to waste as his body was already starting to shut down. He needed to get back to the surface, but he wasn't sure how far it was.

His body felt heavy, almost like it was made of lead and he could barely move anymore, as if he was weighed down by the weight of the world itself.

Yet he knew, this isn't the time for him to die, not after surviving an encounter with his demon. His last act of defiance would be to survive, or at least try to.

With his willpower as his only strength, Leon began to swim upwards, his body resisting every move he made.

His lungs burned, pleading for air, but he couldn't afford to take a breath just yet. He had to keep moving, no matter how impossible it seemed.

His vision began to blur, the darkness of the abyss starting to consume him. He could see nothing but blackness, his body slowly succumbing to the pressure and lack of oxygen.

The dark, murky waters were slowly giving way to a light blue sky, the sun setting over the horizon.

Leon's determination intensified as he saw the light of the surface getting closer.

With one final burst of energy, he broke through the water's surface, gasping for air. His chest heaved as he took in deep breaths, his body feeling as though it was on fire.

The warm sun on his face felt like a blessing, and he took a few moments to regain his strength before opening his eyes. The sight that greeted him made him take a sharp intake of breath.

The sea was littered with a few corpses, their bodies scattered across the pristine waters. The once beautiful scene was now marred with death and the chaos caused by the Kraken still remained.

Leon's heart sank as he looked around. The destruction was immense, and he couldn't help but feel responsible. But it was too late to dwell upon it.

He couldn't have known that his demon was this strong yet. At least now, he knows better.

Climbing up a ladder that was conveniently located on the side of a nearby pier, Leon pulled himself up onto the wooden planks.

A short moment of relaxation washed over him as he lay there, catching his breath and taking in his surroundings.

It didn't take long before Leon's body began to feel heavy, and his eyelids started to droop. The adrenaline that had kept him going was slowly dissipating, leaving him feeling weak and exhausted.

He tried to push himself up, but his muscles refused to obey. The world around him began to spin, and his consciousness began to fade.

Yet a small smile crept across Leon's face as he closed his eyes. He managed to take one step forward in his life.