
Demon Slayer:Zenitsu's Adventures

Zenitsu is returning from his exhausting daily work of delivering goods but little did he know what was he about to witness...

mystic_hail · Komik
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1 Chs

The Genesis


"Good day at work,that old man was a creepy one, fighting for a penny.How stingy!"

It was a dusky twilight and the sweat was trickling down his chin with his Haori drenched.He rode his bike up to his Minka,which was at the peak of the hill.

On his way,he caught a sight of something odd,she was a lady sobbing with her head swinging to her neck.He moved on to help but she all of a sudden ran into a ditch,screaming. But little did he bother about it and moved on.

He parked his bike and entered the house.

"I'm home!"

"Welcome home,son"

"Oh dear you are back.I've made your favourite soba",said mom."Go and take a bath before having it."

"Onii chan!!!!!,you're back,I missed you so much"

,said Riku,his younger sister.

He took his Haori off and then came a voice

"ZENITSU!",said his dad."Come here and sit next to me.I want to talk to you something really important."

Zenitsu-"Hm?What is it?"

Dad-"It's about the dark side of this forest."

Zenitsu-"the dark side…I wonder what it is."

Dad-"It's unrealistic but this place is cursed by some mysterious and creepy creatures who have killed many residents of this forest and even ones who visit here.The terror of these creatures forced the people to leave this forest and move to the next city.As the ones who saw those creatures,many have already been slaughtered,no one actually knows how they look like.Later some people started calling them "DEMONS".

Zenitsu-"did you just say...demon…?

Dad-"Yeah I know it's hard to believe something like demon in this generation but that's the truth."

*Zenitsu laughs*

Zenitsu-"come on dad don't act so weird.Do you really think I'm that naive to believe in such thing!"

*laughs again*

Dad-"Zenitsu! I'm not joking around here.I'm serious!"

Zenitsu-"haha whatever"

*zenitsu leaves*

Mom-"Have your dinner,dear before it gets cold".

Zenitsu-"Yes Mom!"

*he devours his dinner and heads to his bedroom*

Zenitsu-"Good Night Mom,Dad,Riku."

*turns the lights down*

Zenitsu(thinking)-"Hmm demon.Interesting.I wonder why Dad looked serious about it.Does that mean that thing I saw before was….."

"Huh,never mind.Only a psycho would believe in such things."

*He goes to sleep*

"Zenitsu…..Zenitsu...Dear Zenitsu wake up or you'll get late for your work again."

Zenitsu(drowsy)-"yes mom…"

Riku-"Good Morning, Oni chan!"

Zenitsu(yawning)-"Good Morning Riku…"(he pats on her head gently)

*goes to bathroom,washes his face and does his daily chores*

"Breakfast time!",said his mom.

*He finishes cleaning the windows and heads for breakfast*

Zenitsu-"Mom,where is dad?"

Mom-"Oh,he has gone for some secret mission of which even I'm not aware of."

Zenitsu-"A mission?! , but mom isn't Dad a swordsmith?"

Mom-"Yes he is,why?"

Zenitsu-"um,never mind"

Mom-"c'mon stop hiding,tell me what it is."

Zenitsu-"Mom, did you hear yesterday what was Dad talking about?"

Mom(smiling)-"you mean about demons?"

Zenitsu-"Exactly!Has dad ever talked to you about that?"

Mom-"Yeah, do you want to hear his story?"

Zenitsu-"Yes mom, please!"

Mom-"It was a dark night,with glowing sky and the stars were gleaming at their fullest. Your dad was returning from an errand and on his way, he saw a woman whose clothes were torn off and her body had scratches,scratches of a wild animal.As per your dad, she was weeping and tears were dripping down her face."

*Zenitsu remembers what he witnessed earlier*

*his mom continues*-"As soon as your dad proceeded for her aid, she started rushing towards a ditch. Hopefully, your dad grabbed her hand. But…."

Zenitsu-"Yes mom then what hapepened"

Mom(panicking)-"She…She was not a woman!"

Zenitsu-"You've got to be kidding me,Mom!"

*zenitsu laughs*

Mom(raging)-"Do I seem like I'm joking here!"

Zenitsu-"I'm sorry mom, please carry on,what did it turn out to be?"

Mom-"To your dad's surprise, it turned out to be something that has never been seen in this world! Seeing something bizarre like that,your dad panicked there and almost fainted but being a swordsmith he pulled out his sword and tried fighting that brute.It injured his upper thigh.He swung his sword and decapitated it.Then something happened that was a blinding flash for your dad…"

Zenitsu-"What was it,Mom?"

Mom-"It vanished! To be precise, they turned into ashes and flew into the sky."

Zenitsu-"No way!"

Mom-"It happened.Your dad was stunned to his feet.He screamed and dashed out as fast as he could and returned to home.After that, your dad was ill for 2 days.He didn't utter a word for a week."

Zenitsu-"it's terrifying in even listening, I wonder how Dad went through all this"

Mom-"After this incident, many villagers seemed to witness the same thing and few were even killed.That creature was never recognised properly so later villagers named it Demon"

Zenitsu-"So that's the origin of demons"

Mom-"Alright Zen! Hurry up and finish your breakfast before you get late for work"

Zenitsu-"Yes Mom!"

*wonders*- The story of Dad seems incredulous but after what I saw yesterday,it was the same thing.A Demon.But wait one thing is itching in my mind.Mom said demon so is there only one demon or…..there are many …."

*He screamed*

Mom-"What's wrong? What happened to you all of a sudden?"

Zenitsu-"nothing mom,I promise it's nothing"

Mom-"umm okay but consider taking a rest before you leave."

Zenitsu-"It's alright mom, you don't need to worry."

*he bids his mom and sister bye and leaves*

*He pulls out his bike and leaves for work*

Zenitsu(mumbling)-"Apart from demons, what about Dad's secret mission.Ughhhh so many mysteries to ponder about."

*while working in the store*

Shopkeeper-"Zenitsu,could you pass me that can?"

*zenitsu still wandering about demons*

"Zenitsu! Zenitsu!"

Zenitsu-"yes….yes sir how may I help you today?"

Shopkeeper-"Zenitsu! What's wrong with you, it's me."

Zenitsu-"Oh! Mr. Nakamura"

Shopkeeper-"Where are you lost into?"

Zenitsu-"Oh it's nothing"

*passes the can and leaves for another work in store*

Shopkeeper-"Oh god what's wrong with this young boy, I hope he'll be fine"

*after finishing all the work in store, he leaves for his home in his bike*

Shopkeeper-"Oi Zenitsu! wait"

Zenitsu-"Hm? What is it?"

Shopkeeper-"Could you please deliver these flowers to Mr. Yamamoto before heading to your home. I guess his house is in your home's way, so make sure you get it done"

Zenitsu-"Alright sir!"

Shopkeeper(thinking)-"I'm worried about this young boy"

*on his way to his customer*

Zenitsu(sniffing the aromatic pink flowers)-"Woah! These flowers smell so gooooood"

*reaching customer's door, he rings the bell*

Zenitsu(calling)-"Mr. Yamamoto,your order! Mr- , whoops!"

*a flower falls down*

Zenitsu-"Oh no! this one got soiled, lemme just put it in my pocket before he sees me…"

Yamamoto-"Oh Hey! Thanks for delievering this"

Zenitsu-"Well, it's my job so hehe.. never mind, have a good one"

Yamamoto-"Thanks boy take care!"

Zenitsu(exhausts)-"Oof finally time to go home"

*on his way to home,in the forest, he hears a loud familiar scream*

Zenitsu-"Oh my- what could have happened"

*he rushed his bike up the hill and headed towards the origin of sound.It was none other than his own home!*

Zenitsu-"What in the world-

-happened here"

*he couldn't believe his eyes*