
Demon slayer: The highschool remake

Let's take away the demons and the slaying, change the universe and switch up the timeline a bit. Keep some characters alive, does anything change? Yes but for the worse. Tanjiro could actually be the villain here...

Joemanjiwrites252 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Welcome To The Club!

Lessons had come to a close with the sound of the bell as its signal. After a long day in Kimetsu Academy, the students were encouraged to rest in their respective dorms/rooms for about an hour before sole or group studying among students commence. Tanjiro's current routine was to drink lots of water before taking these naps as it will help with his post Trauma.

Aoi's doctor advice.

He walked down to the common room where the fridge was only to stumble on his classmate already getting water. His giant of a classmate, Shinazugawa Genya, he smirked. If he did things right, he and Genya could bond and become friends and they'll have each other's backs. So with a confident tone, he called to the tall boy.

"Oi, Genya! How you doin'?"

As expected Genya stiffened before slowly turning to glare over his shoulder at a grinning Tanjiro. He turned back to the fridge after a few seconds to Tanjiro's surprise.

He's probably still mad at me for our little beef at the dojo... He thought nervously.

"Haganezugawa-sensei said he'd teach us wood carving in the next class, isn't that exciting?"

"Oi," Genya interrupted him rudely still looking into the freezer. "Stop talking to me like we're friends."

This didn't faze Tanjiro at all. "Aw, I thought we were friends."

"The fuck, No!" The taller boy faced him this time, stumbling back a bit in fear after seeing Tanjiro had appeared in front of him. "What the hell makes you think we're friends?!"

"Come on, we've got a lot in common."

"No we don't!" Genya creased his brows in irritation.

"Yeah, we do; we've both got lots of siblings, we're in the same class and we're the same age!"

Genya was stunned silent. Though they did sound like dumb facts, they were facts... but still...

"Get outta my face, I can't stand you!"

Tanjiro immediately squinted his eyes at Genya's face. "Wait, that scar...its fresh." On Genya's left cheek was a huge scar, it wasn't there yesterday when he saw him. "Where did you..."

Genya hastily turned back to face the fridge while Tanjiro stared at his back. "It's nothing, leave it alone." He mumbled.

"Was it Sanemi?" He saw how Genya stiffened before sighing and taking out a drink. "Just leave it; it's none of your business."

The giant proceeded to brush past him with two bottles of soda in his hands, a blank look on his scarred face.

"Genya." Tanjiro called him before he could leave. His voice had lost all the friendly humor it had a few minutes ago. "You know you can talk to me if something's bothering you." He glanced over his shoulder to look Genya in his eyes.

They stared for a while before Genya decided to leave. "Like I said, it's none of your business." He repeated as he walked out, leaving Tanjiro to stare quietly after him. Genya was yet another character who had caught his interest.


Lessons were still ongoing in Kimetsu Academy as usual. Students were advised to join clubs of their choice to reduce after school idleness. As an example of Club choices, their homeroom teacher decided to ask Tanjiro his preference of a school club. Once Tanjiro answered that he had a sports preference, the news spread so fast it scared him and it became such a hassle as captains of different sports club teams tried convincing him to join their clubs. Apart from Kendo, Tanjiro excelled in other sports and it was a popular fact.

"Thank you for the invite, but I've already chosen the Kendo club." He politely declined another Captain's offer with a bow. He could smell the mix of disappointment and determination even though he wore a smile on his face. Of course he expected to see the senior again; people like him rarely gave up.

The Kendo club was the only club that didn't have their captain out on the hunt for him. Which meant they weren't too focused on getting new members, which also equaled to competition. The thought of that made him grin menacingly.

"Wow, bro." Zenitsu drawled beside him while they walked down the halls together. "I do not wanna know what's going on in your head right now."

Tanjiro let out a chuckle. "Just excited about joining the kendo club."

"Is it really that exciting for you?"

"Well I have been homeschooled for a while, hence my excitement to see how it works out here."

"Hm, good point." Zenitsu shrugged and twisted his lips as he went into thought. "You mind if I ask, what made you go homeschool anyway?"

He noted how Tanjiro's fist clenched and unclenched and his right eye twitched in a millisecond. He might be venturing into a sore topic so it's best he drops it. "You know what, never mind. What's up with you and Kanao?"

Tanjiro felt calm once Zenitsu changed the topic but then his mood drooped. He and Kanao...were not on speaking terms. She had started to confuse him lately, ignore his calls his texts, his attempts to talk to her. She avoided him every chance she got and even went as far as switching seats with someone else so she could seat away from him.

What the actual fuck was going on?

She avoided him like he was infected with some contagious disease. She was so cold towards him and what's worse; it wasn't just him but also Aoi!

"I can say, we're not on good grounds right now. She's been so cold to not only me, but also Aoi!" He sighed. "And they've been friends for like ages!"

"She's giving you and Aoi the cold shoulder for no reason?"

"Well not any reason I'm aware of." Tanjiro answered with a frown while Zenitsu quickly put two and two together.

Ah, he knew it. He knew this situation all too well but like the little shit he was, he decided to keep his lips sealed on the matter.

"You really like Kanao, don't you?"

Tanjiro stiffened. "Where is this coming from?"

"Shut up, you like her. I see the way you look at her." Zenitsu snapped giving Tanjiro a meaningful side glance seeing him smile and a little shade of red dust his cheeks.

"I'm crazy about her." Tanjiro confessed softly. "I've never met a girl as peculiar as her."

"From the way you said that, seems you know about other girls. Thought you were an inside guy."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm not able to meet people, my work needs more connections in order for it to succeed. So to get those connections, I met a lot of women."

Zenitsu came to a full halt in his steps. Tanjiro raised a brow and turned to ask what was wrong with his friend. "Zenitsu...?"

The blonde had a stunned expression on his face and he looked rather pale. Tanjiro began to worry for his friend's health.

"Zenitsu, are you feeling okay?"

"You're...not a virgin, are you?"

Tanjiro rolled his eyes. "Why the hell did you make me worry like that?" He turned and began to walk away.

"W-wait like women as in older or..." Zenitsu sped up after Tanjiro to end up by his side again.

When Tanjiro sent a certain smug smile his way, he blanched.

Christ, what is this guy?

"Does my affinity for older women weird you out?" Tanjiro grinned and Zenitsu clock d his tongue and looked away.

"Man, you are lucky but at the same time, I kinda feel sorry for you."


"You never had a normal childhood did you; your mind was always centered around your work and..." He looked back at Tanjiro. "You didn't get to do stuff kids of your age did back then."

Tanjiro was stunned silent, Zenitsu just pretty much summed up most of his life. While most kids his age were going camping with their families, or playing soccer or trying to get their boogers stuck on the ceiling, he was a CEO in the day time and a gang boss at night. Killing people and making others suffer; he chose that life it for himself.

Over the years, people admired him because he did outstanding work for someone his age. They don't know what he went through. That's why he wanted to give normal life a chance, so he could be a better person for his family and the new friends he has and one day drop his act.

"Yeah..." He answered softly and smiled at Zenitsu. "I wanna make up for those times and live like a normal high school kid will. Can you help me do that?"

Zenitsu nodded with a smile. "Sure."

"Onichan!" As if on cue, Nezuko came running up to them, arms spread wide giggling with delight.

"Nezuko how are you?" Tanjiro grinned widely at her as other students joined her.

"I'm good."

"Kamado-san'." A dark haired student Tanjiro recognized as one of the Ubayashiki siblings muttered to Nezuko. "No running in the halls."

"Gomen, gomen!" She apologized cheerfully. She quickly turned to her friends who consisted of the Ubayashiki and Kanzaki siblings.

"Guys, this is my big brother Tanjiro-kun."

"Konichiwa." Tanjiro said giving them a charming smile that had the girls blushing.

"Who's he, Onichan?" Nezuko asked her hot pink eyes on Zenitsu by his side that had been oddly still the whole time. A dazed expression etched on his face before his lips moved.

"Marry me."

Nezuko burst into giggles while Tanjiro gaped at his blonde friend. "Onichan, your friend's really funny!" she went on to laugh some more while Tanjiro caught Zenitsu's eyes and glared at him. The blonde however, was unresponsive to Tanjiro as he seemed so far off in his own world.

Zenitsu was quite dazed by Nezuko's beauty and bubbly nature that he fell on first sight. She seemed so innocent so Zenitsu refused to have any lewd thoughts about her like he usually would with any other girl. She was too pure, and he would never want to taint her but he would worship her.

"What're you up to after school?" Nezuko asked Tanjiro while bouncing on her heels. "Joined a club yet?"

"I wanna join the Kendo club."

"Wah!" her eyes sparkled with delight as she clenched her fist in front her chest. "That's such a great choice Onichan; no one can beat you at Kendo!"

So cute… Zenitsu thought fondly.

"Ah well, there's a lot of competition," Tanjiro began to explain with a smile. "So I might not be the best but, I'll work hard."

Zenitsu sniggered.

"Yeah, one of those competition being Koucho." Tanjiro's eyes flitted to him in a warning glare while Nezuko gasped softly.

"Koucho as in, like the Koucho sisters?!" Nezuko exclaimed in awe. "You know them, Onichan? Please I wanna meet them, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!"

"Sure you can!" Zenitsu chimed in again. "In fact, your big brother and one of the sisters have it tig-" Tanjiro gave Zenitsu a rib breaking elbow jab in the gut before he could run his mouth even more but unfortunately, Nezuko had already encoded the message. Her eyes sparkled with the kind of joy he didn't like, the type that looked like your dream just came true.


Nezuko lunged at him and demanded he'd tell her more. "Which one are you dating?"

"We're NOT dating." He mumbled remembering how cold she has been for the past days. With a sigh he said. "I don't even know what we are now."

"But you like her, right. I know you do!" Nezuko said and he blushed. What the hell…this was Nezuko's dream so why should he ruin it for her. She looked truly happy for him so he just gave up, smiled and patted her head. "Y-yeah but…don't go telling anyone, okay?"

"Onichan, im so happy for you!" she said whole heartedly while Tanjiro melted. His cute Imoto was his weakness, she was too precious!

"Anyway, I heard you joined the Karate club."

Nezuko went starry eyed again. "Yes, and I'll be the best and make Onichan proud!" she kicked and punched at the air with precise coordinated movements before finishing off with a beautiful 360 kick, leaving Zenitsu breathless and Tanjiro smirking proudly.

"I doubt you'll have any competition Nezuko."

"Beautiful…" Zenitsu mused in a mesmerized tone as he approached Nezuko much to Tanjiro's chagrin. Nezuko was also confused, seeing him smile so sincerely as he said that. "That finish, was so badass. You're exceptional."

Pink dusted the younger Kamado at the compliment from her brother's funny friend. No one apart from her family members had ever appreciated her skills people thought it was odd for a pretty girl to be learning Karate, but this boy with the peculiar hair color was actually encouraging her.

"Thank you Senpai." She managed to say but in a shy quiet tone.

"That's fine, you can call me Zenitsu."

"Oi." Tanjiro was steaming now; overprotective brother mode was on as Nezuko's hands were already in Zenitsu's. They stayed staring into each other's eyes while Tanjiro stood looking like a third wheel.

"Okay, time to go or we'll be late for club meeting." Tanjiro sighed, grabbing Zenitsu by the rear of his collar, pulling him away from Nezuko while they moved goodbye to each other. The truth was, Tanjiro couldn't really find a reason to scare Zenitsu off like he did Nezuko's past potential boyfriends. Zenitsu, unlike them had accepted Nezuko for who she was and didn't try to make her change herself, like her past boyfriends. What he did left a soft spot in Tanjiro's heart. If they wanted to date, he won't stop them.


After lessons, Tanjiro met up with the gang at the Dojo where the Kendo club members meet. Aoi was the only one who hadn't joined the club along with the gang since she sucked according to her. She joined the first aid club instead since Nursing is her career choice.

Nonetheless, they were all pretty much excited to join the most elite club in the whole sports category and school. Their group chattered all the way to the dojo and while Tanjiro tried to initiate a conversation, Kanao will completely ignore him. He heard from Makomo that he was in such a bad mood, that she rudely turned down someone from the volleyball club who came to ask for her by mistake.

He chewed the inner part of his cheek, wondering what in the world would make Kanao keep ignoring him.


The redhead snapped out of his thoughts to respond to Sabito who had been trying to get his attention. "Sorry." He said to the look of concern of Sabito's face.

"You okay, dude?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Tanjiro answered halfheartedly and snuck another glance at Kanao who was walking by Makomo's side far from his reach.

Damn it…

Just what did he do to receive this treatment from her?


"Uh…" Gyomei, President of the Kendo club was speechless, before him sat about 90% of the fresh students ready for their first club meeting. As exciting as this could be for other clubs, it was no good for Kimetsu Academy's glorified Kendo Club. They were the only club that did not go scouting for new members as having too many members was not good for the club.

"Holy shit, this is bad." Tengen whispered so only Giyu and Kyojuro could hear him.

"Tell me about it." Giyu agreed while Kyojuro grimaced and tried to add on a smile and be as optimistic as possible.

"It's not THAT bad…"

"Gyomei-Senpai is on the brink of tears." Shinobu said prompting them to all sneak a look at their captain. Yes, his eyes were welling up.

"Okay…yeah this is fucked." Kyojuro said monotonously.

"Tengen, we've gotta do something." Tengen sat up straight, with a determined look. "Oby do something." He rapped as he snapped his head to face Obanai,

"What the fuck, why me? Obanai protested.

"Oby has crowd phobia." Mitsuri said and hugged the masked guy's arm.

"It's not crowd phobia, Mitsuri. I just don't fit into that whole 'Captain' thing."

"Anyone can be a leader, Oby." Tengen said with his most innocent smile but it made Obanai want to puke.

"Then why don't you do it." Obanai snapped and sent a glare Tengen's way.

"No way, I'd scare the poor kids!"

"Good thing you're aware of how irresponsible you are." Muichiro chimed in, annoying the white haired Prince.

"Say that again, but look me in the eye this time!" Tengen shot back as he and Muichiro glared daggers at each other (Tengen did most of the glaring).

"How about you, Kyojuro-kun" Kanae smiled sweetly and Kyojuro blushed, all the guys snapped their heads to him, obviously looking jealous.

Smiling nervously he opted to stand and do the needful but Sanemi beat him to it and everyone went very silent.

"Oh…shit." Tengen whispered.

"That's not good." Giyu said, looking the least bothered.

Sanemi stared down with crossed arms over the new students, looking as disgruntled as ever. He must have been befuddled that Kanae would suggest Kyojuro saves the day over him.

"Okay, kids!" he began in a projected tone, a crazed smile on his face. "First I'd like to thank you for choosing the kendo club but at the same time, no thank you!"

The students went into straight murmuring but no one dared to make a sound more than that.

"Let me take my time to explain, this is an elite club and we strive for perfection. We don't need slackers, gossipers and worse of all, cocky ass amateurs and I know that 99% of you in here are one of the three I mentioned."

"What the hell is he on about?" Zenitsu asked, looking the most confused out of everyone.

"Well Giyu did tell me they were trying to focus on winning the Nationals so they didn't want distractions."

"Wait…they've never won the nationals?"

"They do make it to the finals."


"But still, this isn't the right way to fix their failures." Tanjiro said.

"Yeah but look at this, the club before had a LOT of members but, they were all toxic and lazy and dragged them down." Sabito explained. "It really affected them, and they weren't able to even qualify once. Ever since they started this policy, they've been able to reach the finals. They just wanna win this year; this is like their last shot. Two of them are gonna graduate this year."

"There are still people who wanna join for the right reasons, they should know that." Inosuke said sternly while his eyes watched Sanemi closely as he walked towards the rack and picked a bamboo sword.

"I'm giving you guys a chance to either get the fuck out of here, or prove your worth."

"Okay." Zenitsu got up. "I'm leaving."

"No you're not." Sabito yanked him back down.

Students were already peeved and left quietly however, there were some cocky ones and Tanjiro's group that stayed back. Sanemi smirked evilly and readied his Shinai. "Hope you're ready to prove your selves, then."

"Sanemi what the fuck?" Kyojuro whispered unable to leave his sitting position.

"He looks quite excited to beat up some kids." Muichiro said dryly.

Tanjiro stared evenly to Sanemi before rising to his feet. "I'll fight you." He declared and everyone gasped.

"Who is that dude, he seems flashy?" Tengen asked, rubbing his chin.

"Flashy enough to get his shit ran." Muichiro finished.

"He's got balls."

"Well he is Kamado Tanjiro." Shinobu said causing them to widen their eyes.

"That's THE Kamado Tanjiro!"


The seniors kept silent from then on and watched them stare off.

"Tanjiro." Zenitsu hissed at him but was ignored. Kanao gaped at him, she couldn't help that she was worried.

"I'll spar with you, and prove the worth of everyone here." He proclaimed and Sanemi chuckled darkly.

"See that's where you're wrong." He cat grinned. "I'm fighting EVRYONE!"

Without any form of warning he charged towards them at great speed and barged a number of them down. The yells and groans from those taken down echoed all over the dojo. Everyone was terrified. Sanemi Shinazugawa was crazy!

"If you had any form of skill, you would have seen that attack coming."

Two third of the students had gotten the hint and began to leave without any form of hesitance. Tanjiro's group and the few others, who dodged, stayed back but they shivered with fear for their terrifying upperclassman.

"Sanemi takes things too far…" Gyomei muttered and Kanae though she fidgeted at the scene hardened her expression.

"Sanemi also hates breaking a promise."

"Well, well, well…look who's here…" Sanemi's voice had gone dangerously low, almost like a growl. Tanjiro turned sharply to the path of his eyes, shaking where he stood, was Sanemi's little Brother. Genya Shinazugawa.

"I warned ya so many times not to come here," he was already in front of the tail Mohawk and kneed him in the gut. "But your stubborn ass won't ever listen, hah?!"

Genya did not look fine; he wasn't even able to make a sound of pain. He looked as though all the air in his body had been knocked out.

Sanemi, relentlessly went ahead to elbow him harshly in the on his back.

"Sanemi!" Gyomei barked uncharacteristically but the white haired senior did not stop his assault. He continued to give blows to Genya in the face before a firm hand stopped his violent movements. Infuriated, he lifted his eyes to crash with Tanjiro's crimson glare; he swore he could see veins form in the boy's face, but what was more intriguing, was the fact that Sanemi could not even move his hand. Tanjiro's grip was vice strong!

"What the-"

"Hit him again and I'll head butt you." Sharply like a Katana was how Tanjiro's threat sliced him. He was appalled, first off this guy was a goddamn first year and second, this was definitely none of his business.

"I'll keep hitting him and you can't stop me, you piece of sh-"

He was hit, he was fucking hit in the head, by this brat's head. The little shit head-butted him for real! He didn't remember seeing him move but he did feel the impact. Genya looked shocked.

Tanjiro stood defensive as Sanemi staggered back, covering his bleeding nose. The older Shinazugawa brother took deep angry breaths and glared at Tanjiro, looking viscous and feral. He looked like he was going to kill Tanjiro.

"Genya's your family, what the hell is wrong with you?!" he asked and immediately dodged a punch from Sanemi but he wasn't able to dodge the kick completely and was thrown back.

"Like I said earlier, this is none of your damn business!" He lunged at a downed Tanjiro who quickly dodged and hit Sanemi square in the cheek. They traded blows in their fierce fight, causing everyone to stare wide eyed. Genya struggled to stand and Sabito supported him.

"Please, someone should stop them." He struggled out. "I don't want Aniki to hurt anyone."

"He won't…" Sabito said.

"Just stay out of this, or I'll kill you!" Sanemi was about to land a critical hit when Gyomei appeared between them in the nick of time and stopped the fight. "Enough." He ordered sternly.

"But he-"

"Shinazugawa," Sanemi stiffened under the weight of Gyomei's almost clear grey eyes, staring dangerously at him. "I said it's enough."

"What is going on here?"

The dojo went mute and everyone bowed in an instant. Tanjiro's head was forced down by none other than Sanemi who also bowed.

Kagaya Ubayashiki, Principal and Kendo club coach sighed. "What's all this about Gyomei?"

"This is as a result of going through with the reformation plan. Forgive my incompetence as club president, sensei." Gyomei humbly apologized.

"I'm guessing Sanemi was in on this."

Sanemi chose to look away as Kagaya sent a disapproving look his way. He looked over at Tanjiro's injured face and then Genya before he sighed again.

"Kamado Tanjiro, I did not expect this from you."

"I'm sorry, sensei."

"You four, just meet me in my office." He said walking out, we'll discuss there.