
Demon Slayer: Reincarnated as Kaigaku

You would think getting reincarnated into the world of Demon Slayer you would get an overpowered system, that's what I thought to but instead I got reincarnated in the body of one of the future villains who ended up being fodder. "Goddamn it." ______ Random update schedule, and I'm not bad at English so there's that. No-Harem

TheFanBoy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Prologue 2/2

[POV Kaigaku]


I could guess what was happening, it was the event that would be the turning point of Gyomei's life you could say it was his canon event.

But now standing Infront of two literal demons I believed I would be ready, but instead I could feel my legs shaking in fear and I even wanted to piss myself in fear but I didn't.

"I smell other scents on him, tell me boy point is in the direction of your family and we'll let you live!"

I stood there looking at the two of them in fear, I wanted to run and move but my body didn't let me I wanted to fight back but my body didn't let me.

"Hmm he ain't moving, you go find them."

"Ha!? Why do you get the first meal!"

"Just do it!"

I wanted to fight back, I wanted to run up to them with balls of steel yet I couldn't. They were fighting about who would eat me first and hearing that was causing my stomach to churn I didn't want to die now.

I noticed how the first demon with an annoyed expression walked passed me, they finished arguing and the demon infront of me was the one who would be eating me.

"Alright kid since your young I'll make this quick just close your eyes!"

He walked closer and closer until he was only a few steps before arm's reach, my body finally did something it was stupid but it was something.




I swinged my Bokken at him but It did nothing, what did I expect it was just a normal wooden sword and I was far from strong. But I didn't want to die.




I kept swinging and swinging the Bokken, It was pathetic and I could see the Pity in the demons hungry filled eyes. I raised it ready to strike him again but he caught it this time and suddenly I felt a burning feeling in my chest and then I was sent flying.

'Ah he kicked me.'

I couldn't see anything but I was sent flying before I suddenly felt a pain in my back before falling down, I had hit a tree and now I could feel that my left shoulder was dislocated as it was limp.


My body couldn't hold it as I vomited all over the ground, I was instinctively backing away from the demon yet my back was already on the tree so I couldn't move any further.

'I don't want to die...'

The demon was toying with me he was definitely enjoying my pain, I was holding my left arm in pain a part of me just wanted it to be over.

'I don't want to die.'

I began remembering my time in this world everything I've done from stealing from my so called mother to run away, to meeting Gyomei and finally accepting my new life.

'I don't want to die!'

From teaching the kids to seeing Sayo finally walk, and helping Gyomei with fixing up the temple.

'I don't want to die!'

I looked at the smiling demon he was raising his fist ready to kill me, I hated it I hated everything I hated how I would die I hated how after all this time I was still pathetic.

I knew I wasn't special I wasn't strong I wasn't overpowered, I'm an Idiot think a system would help me. I hated all of it.


I clenched my fist stood up ignoring the pain and reeled back my fist and sent it towards the demon.



My fist made contact with the demon and I noticed how I could see it being covered with a black and white aura, I could feel the power with it and as quick as it appeared it was gone.

"The hell!-"

The place where I hit the demon started to crack a bit before the demons regeneration started to heal it.

'My shoulder isn't dislocated anymore!?'

My left arm was no longer sore, it was as if It was never dislocated.

"I don't know what you did brat but I've had enough!"

He slashed his claws towards me and unlike last time I could actually see his movement, and as if it was normal I punched him in the gut and the weird aura appeared again and caused his stomach to crack.


My movements didn't stop there it was as if my body was in auto pilot, I wasn't stronger I know I wasn't but that weird aura doing something to me making my hits stronger and cause cracks on the demon.

My body moved on it's and I used my right leg to kick the demon on the face before I span around and did a back kick send him back, and all of this was accompanied by the strange aura.

'What in the hell is this!?'

I could see the places I hit the demon starting to crack and fall and the fact that I wasnt out of breath was weird, then finally after so many years of waiting I heard it.


[System initiated]


Name: Kaigaku

Level: 1

Strength: 7

Fortitude: 3

Agility: 4

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Charisma: 0

Investment Points: 15

Attribute Points: 0


Cursed Energy Manipulation, Basic Kendo.

I couldn't say anything I was confused about this system I didn't specify what type of system I want but this was definitely a helpful one, I didn't know what Investment Points are but I know what Attribute Points are but apparently I had zero.

'Cursed Energy, as In jujutsu kaisen!?'

I couldn't think about it any longer as I had to block the demons fist, and now what I knew what that strange aura was called it covered my arms reducing the pain I felt from the demons punch.

"What the hell are you!?"

The demon tried to punch me again but I was still able to see his movements so I weaved barely dodging his fist, before I sent an uppercut towards him.

All my movements were rough and crude all pure instinct but I was still able to do something as half the demons face started to crack and crumble.

"Wasn't the original Kaigaku's blood demon art similar to this?'



I felt something stab my sides I look to see the demons nails piercing me, I grit my teeth and punched the demon with all I have right in the face.

I couldn't see anything else as out of nowhere I immediately became tired and then all I saw was black.

[Demon Slayer: Reincarnated as Kaigaku]

System explanation time, if you play deepwoken you'll notice how it's oddly similar to the deepwoken status system but this is different.

Attribute Points are points he can use freely while Investment Points are the amount of stat Attribute points he needs to put in a specific stat to level, every two levels he gains one skill/ability while every level he can pick 2 talents.

The talents will be shown later, and in this system having attribute points in every stats doesn't matter. As this is more of a lending hand system to use Investment Points he still needs to train and invest his time in a specific status.

[Demon Slayer: Reincarnated as Kaigaku]


I clench my head and felt something rough on it, I scratched and noticed how red flakes were falling from my hair.

"Dried blood..."

I looked around noticing how there was no demon in sight which meant somehow I killed it.

"It's almost sunrise..."

I stood up looking at my surroundings, and began slowly walking to the direction of the temple but then I remembered something crucial something important.

"There were two demons!"

My slow walk turned into a sprint and despite still being tired I kept running, I didn't know how Gyomei would kill a demon without a weapon as the only things that could be used as such were rusty old farming tools.

'Please be alright!'

I kept running and running to the direction of the Temple, I didn't know if Gyomei could even fight a demon without a weapon from the anime I knew he was strong but he's still 17 and blind! I don't know how he was able to fight demons and become a Hashira but I don't see him fighting in his current state.

Then I saw it right Infront me were the mangle bodies of Mizuki, Kento Rumi and Bumi that laid on the temples entrance. And right behind them was Gyomei throwing his fist ine every direction as Sayo was crying in the corner.


Hearing my voice he turned to my direction as tears started to stream down his cheeks.

"K-Kaigaku!, Your alive!"

Hearing his worried voice I did something someone of the mental age of 27 shouldn't have done, I ran towards him and pulled him into a hug I was glad he was alright and not because he was one of the important characters in demon slayer but because I was worried.

I loved him like he was my true older brother, he along with their others was one of the many reasons I started working. When I first got adopted by him I just thought of it as a way to be close to the future Stone Hashira but after all these years I learned to actually care for my new family in this world.

But seeing them laying on the ground lifeless made me cry, me a teen in a childs body cry if someone from my world were to find out they would call me pathetic.

"Everyone over here!"

Suddenly I heard someone scream outside, it was definitely someone visiting the temple as ever since we've loved here it actually looked like a working and proper temple.

Then I remembered something from 10 years ago, it was a Reddit post specifically 'Why did Gyomei get framed?' and then I finally realized this was that moment sure it was a bit different since I was here but then I looked at Sayo who was behind Gyomei shivering in fear and Gyomei himself who had blood all over his hands and the bodies of multiple children around us with no proof that it was a demon.


I couldn't let Gyomei suffer because he was protecting Sayo, it wasn't right and right now he was barely keeping himself awake it would be impossible for him to run when he's blamed so the only logical solution was to take the blame.

'Screw it.'

"Kaigaku what are you-"

"Just stay still Aniki!"

I grabbed the rough and rusty old knife we had and start ripping his clothes of as I used it to wipe his body hands, I had to be quick I could hear the foot steps and the voices of the Visitor's getting closer.

I wiped his hands as much as I can before splashing my hands in the puddle of blood in the floor, I looked at Taro's lifeless body and started to tear up again but I pulled through and started covering myself and the knife in blood.

"Himejima-san what's going on!?-"

"T-The children!

I looked behind me to see four of the villagers and I began my act, something that would save Gyomei from the beating and punishments of a crime he didn't do.

I quickly tackled Gyomei and pressed the knife on his throat before making the most vicious expression I could make.



Gyomei who I was holding 'hostage' was confused he didn't know what to do, but before he could say anything I covered his mouth and whispered to his ear.

"I'll be alright Aniki."

"There's stab wounds all over the bodies!"

"The brat killed them!"

"Let go of Himejima you brat!, I knew trusting a deliquent like you was a mistake!"

The villagers charged at me but they were too slow as I took this chance to kick Gyomei towards there direction and made my way to the window and jumped out of it.

I didn't look back as I started running away further from the temple,I kept running and running and I didn't look back. I couldn't look back.

As right now I'm abandoning the only family I have in this world without even saying good bye.