

Tatsuya POV

After the Infiltration, I use the first week to heal up. The samurais were as cruel as I thought, they beat me to pulp and broke some bones, they were being cautious as expected.

The second week that's when my plan was set in motion, I made sure to make a scale of everyone and everything. They were 700 Samurai here with 100 slaves for work. Ryujin wad wise enough to call for an Infiltration plan. The weaponry was large too they were well equipped and they were well stocked with food stuffs too

The third week, I caused a fire in one of the food storage buildings cutting their supplies short, if not anything atleast rations will reduce which will make them feed poorly and be weak.

And now this is the last week. Five days until the designated day of the the attack, I have to at least kill them totally from the inside, and I have the right plan to do so.


It was another new day for patrol and guarding for the Kaminari Samuarais and another day for intense labor for the slaves like building of tents and fetching logs of woods, and smiting of weapons

"Commander sir, they are here" A Samurai messenger bows. The commander stands up and heads to the wooden gates.

On arrival, there were new set of slaves and five cargos carry food stuffs worth another month

The commander mover to the Samurai mounted on a house and the Samurai jumps down and they both shake hands

"You guys are early than usual and you brought more workers" The commander says

"Yes, the clan head came up with a new plan I'll relay the message to you privately" The Samurai says and the commander walks him into the tent

Tatsuya who was carrying a log of wood got distracted by what he just saw

"More supplies??" He caused

It was not going according to plan.


A samurai wipes him with a wipe on his back which made Tatsuya shout and roll on the floor.

"Why spacing out you bastard" The Samurai asks him

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so suwwy" Tatsuya immediately carries his log and continued following the line

'Five more days and you heads will be rolling on the floor I promise you that'

Later that evening after the night meal the slaves all went back to their wooden cage. Tatsuya was in the corner receiving his daily ass woping from the prison boss, he was huge and bulky with a shaved head and a scar that ran through his left eyes, rendering that eyes useless

*knock knock

A samurai knocks on the cage and opens it throwing in a new inmate, he was average around Tatsuya height, has a short purple hair and a white skin.

"Ehh...? Its not that bad here, compared to the village" The boy says and relaxes on the floor making himself comfortable.

Tatsuya and the boss just ignored him and continued, The boss was throwing punches at Tatsuya and Tatsuya was doing well to recieve it with his face


The boy stops the bosses punch from reaching Tatsuya's face


Everyone there gasp, this was the first time someone stood in the bosses way.

"Hey brat do you know what you've just done?" The boss asks him

'Yes, i was him. What you are doing is not right" He says. The boss was now annoyed and focuses and the boy and began throwing series of punch at his face and the boy recoeved it well with his face.

The following morning Tatsuya and the boy face were all swollen

"I recieved a beating too, hahah" The boy laughs, but Tatsuya just ignores his antics

"And by the way, my name is Zenitsu" The boy says. the name got Tatsuya's full attention

"Are you related to Zenitsu Agastuma by any means" Tatsuya asks

"Agastuma??? Who is that, I haven't heard of that name, is it a remote clan?" Zenitsu fires Tatsuya with barrage of questions

After the morning meal which was handed over to the boss for their disrespect, both Tatsuya and Zenitsu were assigned the same work, to feed the horses and take good care of them. Since that morning Zenitsu became clingy with Tatsuya, which annoyed him. He didn't want to get to close to anybody to avoid failures

Later that day, in the night before the lock down. Tatsuya and Zenitsu were sitting together outside looking at the moon.

"Sorry Tatsuya, I know I'm a borther to you but I can't help it, this is the first time I'm seeing someone my age years now" Zenitsu says bur Tatsuya just kept quiet and continued to look at the moon

"Say, Tatsuya can I tell you a story" Zenitsu asks but Tatsuya just kept quiet

"I once had a sister, but we got saperated a long time ago, we played together, I was always running and she was always at my back chasing after me to stop me. And I hated her for that. She doesn't want me to play or run, because she was always afraid I'd get hurt. That's annoyed me. What do you think Tatsuya was she good?" Zenitsu asks, but Tatsuya ignored

"After sometime we were attack and we eventually got saperated and I promised to get back to her, I was a fool all along Tatsuya-kun, she was always running after me but yet I hated her for it, and now she is no where and I want to be with her again" Zenitsu sobs and Tatsuya kept quiet in that situation

"Tatsuya-kun can I ask something" Zenitsu asks, and ad usual Tatsuya kept quiet

"Can you be my friend"

"I refuse" Tatsuya says and leaves the place

Zenitsu was suprise, this was the first time Tatsuya ever spoke to him

"He spoke to me, He spoke to me!!!" Zenitsu shouts in joy as he ran to the cell before lockdown

The third day before the attack

As usual Everyone were working as hard as possible, time around the slaves were forced to train under the Samurais how to handle a weapon.

'I thought as much, why will they bring more slaves, that's because they wanted to grow in numbers'

After Tatsuya fake training session with his Samurai partner he fall on the ground and begins to fight for air as though he was exhausted

"My bestfriend!!!!" Zenitsu shouts his name from a far distance a vein pops out from Tatsuya's head

"Oi I told you not to call me that again" Tatsuya barks

"What do you mean best friend, you spoke to me yesterday for the first time" Zenitsu smile and rubs his shoulder against Tatsuya's own

"You got me annoyed"

"Well that's that. Tatsuya-kun, you know the Daimyo promised to let us be free men after this war, so what are you going to do when you're a free man?" Zenitsu asks, but this time Tatsuya answered


"Ohh...? That's nice of you Tatsuya, no matter what you do I'd make sure to help my best friend. As for me I'll go and search for my sister. If my fuzzy memory serves me right, she was taken by the Shinobi clan" Zenitsu says, sparking Tatsuya's interest

"What's you sister like?" Tatsuya asks

"Well she's cute long air, that's all I can remember after all that was when we were still kids by now she must have grown to a fine woman" Zenitsu says with a grin

"What of her name?" Tatsuya asks again

"Her name...?? I guess I can't remeber very well" Zenitsu scratches his head

"You are really dumb to forget your sister's name"

"Don't say that to your best friend Tatsuya"

"I don't remeber calling you one"

The second day before the attack

Nothing of much note happened, Tatsuya and Zenitsu were sent on saperate place to work and train and it was on this day Tatsuya made his big move

In the middle of the night, Tatsuya woke up and walk silently to the door and messed with the ropes used to hold it and went of the prison and went straight to the storage building. Tatsuya did well to set everything ablaze. and Immediately went to the prison and lay down on the floor to sleep

The day of the attack

On this day, Tatsuya's mission was over and was meant to wait and give the sign for the attack to begin

After the after noon training session, Tatsuya and Zenitsu were sitting down together on the ground receiving the scorching rays of the afternoon sun

"I wonder who is setting our food on fire, does he want us to due of starvation?" Zenitsu asked rhetorically

"It must be the enemy for sure" Tatsuya answered

They both keep quiet for some time

"Tatsuya-kun, you got any ideas why they're training us like this" Zenitsu broke the silence

"Maybe they want us to participate in the upcoming battle" Tatsuya answered

"Man.... Thats bad, and I'm not yet good at swinging katanas" Zenitsu grumbles

"I'm heading back" Tatsuya stands up Zenitsu follows

"So soon let's enjoy this moment we aren't doing anything Tatsuya-kun"

'This night Captain will attack, I have to figure out what to do to weaken the enemy more'

In the Middle of the night. Tatsuya stands up and as usual messed with the door and went out from their little prison cell

'I have to do something, They must be waiting for my sign now'

After walking for some time he comes to a stop infront of a tent

'This must be the tent' He enter into the tent and see the commander sleeping peacefully, he takes the katana at the edge of the tent and made the commanders sleep eternal.

"So you were the enemy after all" A voice he recognised rang through his eardrums. Tatsuya froze at a place but then regained his composure and turned to face Zenitsu

"If you stand in my way, I won't mind killing you" Tatsuya grips the katana tightly

"I don't mind being killed by you Tatsuya-kun. All I just want is for you to answer my question and that's all" Zenitsu says

"You are from the Shinobi clan, aren't you" Zenitsu asks

"What makes you say that?"

"I'm not entirely a fool Tatsuya-kun, when I mentioned that she was taken by the Shinobi clan noticed how i got you interest and you immediately responded asking how she looks like, meaning you have an idea" Zenitsu takes a pause and continued

"And I won't tell you how she looks like until you tell me Tatsuya-kun, do you see me as your best...no your friend!!" Zentsu shouts attracting a samurai

"Who is there!!" The Samurai flashes a lantern touch at them, but Tatsuya dashed beheading the Samurai immediately


The headless body falls on the floor making Zenitsu freak out and fall with his butt on the floor

"Go back to the cell, I don't plan on killing any of the slaves" Tatsuya says and was about to go but Zenistu stops him on his track

"That's where you got it all wrong. You are my best friend, whether you like it or not, and I made a promise to help you in which part you choose, so I'll be helping you. I know I'm not strong as you but I'll do my best, I'll make myself as bait and you kill everyone" Zenitsu says and dashes out yelling

"Help he is coming after me"

Tatsuya tried to stop him but it was too late, Tatsuya just did his part

"Don't go blaming me when you die" Tatsuya says and began killing the once he could kill to reduce the numbers

Meanwhile outside the camp, deep within the bushes Ryujin and a total of 300 men where waiting for Tatsuya signal.

"What's taking him so long" Ryujin causes

"We just have to be patient Captain" Yasushi reassures him

"Tatsuya-kun..." Ineyo tightly held the butterfly obi Tatsuya gave to her and was so worried it was written all over her face

"It will be alright Ineyo-chan, Junior-kun will do it" calms her nerve

Back to the camp, Zenitsu was able to get the attention of some Samurai and Tatsuya laid waste to them from behind. Now Zenitsu and Tatsuya were now saperated. Zenitsu was struggling to misdirect one of the Samurais chasing him but it wasn't working, the Samurai was persistent.

Zenitsu ran into the weapon smiting shade and hide behind an anvils, most of the furnace were still on fire melting down ores for tomorrow's labour, there was extreme heat but Zenitsu had to keep up with it, to prove himself worthy and to save his own life.

The Samurai was following Zenitsu foot print and was approaching the exact anvils Zenitsu hid behind. After few step, the Samurai was now behind Zenitsu anvil in panic Zenitsu ran out

"Wait" The Samurai chases after him.

As Zenitsu was runing for his life the Samurai was directly behind him, out of panic he carries one cup of the heating iron by the handle with his bare hands, burning his skin but he didn't care about it and pours the content on top of the Samurai. The Samurais body began to met as he was shouting throwing himself from one anvil to another in pain then in the process, the screeching Samurai hits the handle of another heating iron and flicks it. The content spills on Zenitsu guts immediately melting it. Zenitsu shouts in pain.

Unlike the cry of the Samurai, the cry of Zenitsu was familiar to Tatsuya and without wasting time he ran to the place.

Entering the shade he couldn't see anything, bur he follows the cry of Zenitsu and found him in excruciating pain Tatsuya rushed and picked him up

"Oi, what happened" Tatsuya looks and the puddle of blood all over the floor both the Samurai's and Zenitsu's

"...I...guess I messed up..." Zenitsu forced his words out of his mouth. Zenitsu grips Tatsuya's cloths tightly

"I ...feel...cold Tatsuya-kun" Zenitsu whispers to Tatsuya, Tatsuya removes his cloths and covers him

"Haa...much..better. I can't...see again...oh..I'm dying...." Zenitsu whispers slowly as he approached his death

"I can see her again, Tatsuya-kun, my sister, Huhh??why is she hugging you" Zenitsu whispers

"Its okay, I'm with you, you don't have to talk, just rest" Tatsuya grips the cold hands of Zenitsu, but Zenitsu just kept on talking and talking

"She said I should tell you...'Thank you'" Tatsuya grips his hands more and more tightly

'What the hell is he seeing

"Oh that's right...I'm such a fool...its at the point of death...I'm remembering her name....Yue onee-chan"


Sup guys, I just wanted to say I need your support both in this book and my original novel titled [THE CURSED DEMON LORD], Please I strongly need your support. And as scheduled, Tencho War Arc is remaing 6 chapters more, I don't know how you see it so far just, I just hope you enjoy it.

bjbrowncreators' thoughts