

Tatsuya sat down on the chair within the Ninja acedemy premises, he was already exhausted on his new job, because of his actions, after the war he was charged of taking care of Class A Ninjas in fitness exercise.

Tatsuya sat down sipping on the black content in his cup, that was chocolate. With each sip Tatsuya released a sigh in relief.


A loud shout came from a few distant away

"Oh, Anko-chan" Tatsuya recorgnised the beautiful body figure of Anko and besides her was another beauty, Ineyo.

"Onii-chan how is your new job going?" Anko jumps and sat beside clinging unto him

"Stressful as fuck" Tatsuya replied

"Ehh?? But the pay is sure huge" Anko adds

"Ke... Huge?? I see it as a peny" Tatsuya replied

"Hmmm... is that so" Anko holds her chin. After some seconds of silence, Anko noticed the awkwardness building up and decided to give Ineyo and Tatsuya a little space.

"Let me go get something for us to drink" Anko said and left the two alone.

The two remained silent for sometime, then Tatsuya decided to break the silence


"You've been avoiding me lately" Ineyo cuts him short.

That's right, ever since the war ended lots of event had happened. Yasushi and Himawari deaths, after that, All members of Division 1 got missing including the captain Mikoto Uzui.

"Well...umm...I've got my hands busy lately so i couldn't make up time" Tatsuya responded

"Okay, that's alright if you say so" Ineyo said.

Tatsuya sighed in relief as Ineyo bought his excuse

"I've been getting some strange dreams ever since we came back to the village" Ineyo said

"What's the dream all about" Tatsuya asked

"I can't explain it very well but I'll explain to the best of my memory" Ineyo said

"It always starts up with a strange scenario, I'm always kneeling down looking at a white haired boy carrying a dead body in his arms, and all i feel at that moment is sadness and sorrow, not for the dead body, but because I was left behind, i don't know why but that's how my dream always starts and ends" Ineyo said

"That's some dream you've got, but do you have any knowledge about the boy or the dead body he was carrying" Tatsuya asked

"Nope" Ineyo shakes her head

Tatsuya puts his hand under his chin and began to think aimlessly about Ineyo's dream

"Onii-chan!!!" A shout rang through Tatsuya ears bringing him out of his head

It was Anko running towards them, with a scroll in her hands

Huff... huff...

Anko hands the scroll to Tatsuya

"Lord 9th...is waiting for you...at the gate" She pants furiously

"Captain?? But why?"

"I don't know...he said it's urgent and you should come with you gears and supplies"

"Huhh???" Tatsuyan decided to opens the scroll andafter scanning through it he began to shake and threw the scroll away and dashed to the gates.

Anko picks it up and read it

'Mikoto is alive' was the content of the scroll

After some minutes Tatsuya was at the gate with Rujin

"Is it true?" Tatsuya asked

"Just as you read, it's true"

"So where is he"

"Tsukuguni clan...hiding i guess, it will be a 5 days journey, but since it's both of us we will make it 3 days at most, we leave immediately"

And so that evening Tatsuya and Rujin started their journey to the Tsukuguni clan residence.

On the second day Ryujin and Tatsuya where already at the Iga province, a day journey from the Tsukuguni clan residence, there was not enough money to rent a room that night so they decided to camp in the bushes, was that their greatest mistake, well read to find out.

Ryujin and Tatsuya sat on two logs sitting opposite each other staring at the flames that roasted their night meal, it was fish.

"Tatsuya before we advance more I'd like to tell you a story, for no reason i have a feeling if i don't tell you now i won't tell you again" Ryujin said

Tatsuya just kept quiet and adjusted the fish

"I and Mikoto where or are slaves to the villlage. We are originally from a small village called Hiko, the village was so small it was wiped out within minutes by the shinobi. Then everything was good, literally everything, his smile was my pride i always wanted to protect that smile of his, but after that faithful morning Mikoto changed, he became somthing else our father was killed during the clash, our mother was taken as a slave into the village so where we, Mikoto killed the man who harrased her in one strike with his bare hand plunged into the man's gut, he was a beast. I knew Mikoto was blessed with superhuman strength but i never knew he was that strong, , Mikoto was the one protecting us. After some months our mother fell sick and died. A year later the village acknowleded him and gave him the title as the number one captain after portraying his feats. Under his request i was also given the title as captain, that was when i formed Division 8.

A year later when i knew i lost my brother was when he told me about his plan. he told me that he wanted to stop all these wars happening here and there, and he wanted to kill the cause of wars. At first i was happy but then he explained himself properly thats was when i knew what he meant by the cause of war, he wanted to kill everyone, old, yound, and children, in other to stop wars he made wars himself, thats why he searched and tried to make the perfect ninja, but after alm his efforts, he couldn't accomplish anything. All i want to tell you is Mikoto isn't who you think he is, he is a monster in human flesh..."

Ryujin stops and grips his sword in alert as he heard the sword of something flying through the air with immense speed.


It landed on the fire, the pressure pushed Tatsuya and Ryujin back

"Kekeke...So these are the targets" A feminine voice was heard within the thick debris

As the debris settled down the figure became clear, it was a girl wearing black cloak with the hood pulled down, she hand pale white skin with and dark hair, her eyes were red, she hand a long fang shooting out from her mouth. A white wing was at her back which helped her in flying.

She scanned the area and her eyes landed on Tatsuya

"Kekeke... there he is"

She grins and immediately went digusted when she noticed Ryujin

"Master will take care of you"

She dash towards Ryujin and kicks him really hard sending him flying through the woods but Ryujin wad able to reduce the impact of the kick with his handless left arm

"Now as for you kekeke" She chuckles and dash towards Tatsuya.

Tatsuya was fast enough, he pick up his katana and block her kick, he uses the opportunity to go for a slash but the demon girl kicks backwards dodging the attack

"You are very skillful as Master predicted" She said

"Who is this master you speak of"

"I am not obliged to speak"

She said and flap her wings, multiple feather blade shot at Tatsuya, Tatsuya was able to block some while some of them impaled him

'Tsk...i need to close the gap' Tatsuya thought

With a kick Tatsuya managed to close the and began to launch a barrage of attack on the Demon. the Demon used it wings to block Tatsuya's attack

'Hard as steel' Tatsuya began to add more pressure and power to his attacks. He was now in the attack side and constantly kept the Demon on the defence side.

Tatsuya attack were now effective as little blood came out from each slash Tatsuya made. The demon now knew her wings were no match or soon to be no match for him, she switched to her hand.


She grabs Tatsuya katana with her hand and broke it in two

It was what at this moment that Tatsuya knew that he was totally fucked

With a heavy punch the Demon send Tatsuya flying miles away crashing on trees and breaking them

Cought.... cought...

Tatsuya coughed out a huge amount of blood, blood coming out from his mouth and nose his eyes was pure red, his cloths were soaked in sweat and blood, let not evem talk about his broken bones from the impact

"Fuck! fuck!! what the fuck is with that punch" Tatsuya caused and began looking for his katana to continue the fight immediately

"Where's it, where is my katana, ohh thats right its far away"

"Kekeke... i know the hit was really hard" The demon girl laughed as she approached Tatsuya.

Tatsuya was losing or had already lost a huge amount of blood, he was now going pale and numb

'Tsk, I'm losing consciousness' Tatsuya caused and knelt down on the floor


Tatsuya chuckled

'Is this it? I wasn't evem able to start my Demon slayer journey....haaaa this suck...' Tatsuya's eyes closed slowly as he began to fall in a deep sleep

"There she is..." Was the last sentence Tatsuya heard before falling asleep

'A woman? This voice i know it...."

3 Months later

In a small room, Tatsuya was laying on a soft bed all bandaged up, his eyes began to slowly twitch as he gain consciousness, the roof wasn't familiar so he panicked and sits upright in haste only to be attacked with a striking pain in his abdomen and head, and to be greeted with a girl laying on his laps sleep and drolling

He immediately recognised the face, it was the girl he saved from those horny Samurais.

Tatsuya sat still for some minutes allowing the girl to rest as he looked through the window and observing the beautiful environment

"Hmmm...stop Yuma-chan let me have some" She sleep talked


The girl turns herself finding comfort to sleep more but instantly woke when she realised that wasn't a bed but someones flesh and bones

"You've finally woken up?" Tatsuya said

"That question is meant for you" She made a comeback

"What do you mean" Tatsuya asked

"You've been asleep for 3 months" She said, making Tatsuya eyes open wide

"What about Captain?"

"Captain?? You where the only person spotted on sight, both alive and dead"

"Is that so" Tatsuya calms down and anticipated that he must have gotten back to the village or he was around in the village, there is no way a superhuman like Ryujin would've died

"Well during this 3 months i ran some test and found out many things about you. Firstly, you are immune to poison, the demon that attack you poisoned her wings hut it had no effect on you, and your recovery is quite odd" She said

"What do you mean odd?"

"Its seems like you have perverted cells, you only recover when a woman is beside you, why is that so?"

"You can ask my maker" Tatsuya answered


She sighed

"Well I'm glad you're okay, Reiko is the name what's yours" she asked

"Tatsuya Uzui" Tatsuya answered

"Ohhh...its really you, i knew it from the moment i saved you, Long dark blue hairs, sharp blue eye, from the Uzui branch in the Shinobi village, Shinigami-san" Her eyes were stary in excitement

"Please I'll urge you to refrain from calling me that, fiest of all where am i?"

"Well umm... you are in the..."

Knock.... knock....

"Sorry for my intrusion" A pale man on white Haori and black Kimono walks in with a white woman by his side to aid him, his eyes were purple and a marked as though he was burnt covered the upper side of his face. Thats right you all know him

"Ohh, Shinigami-san, will you like to join the Demon Slayer Corp"