
A new life begins

At the guest room in Mikoto's manor

The room was not that fancy in the eyes but yet big and modest

There was a big circle wooden table and several mats for sitting down, the room was very big and ventilated it was almost like a meeting theater

Young Tatsuya was sitted in one of the mats in his rag cloths waiting patiently for Mikoto to come, several other ninja guards were present with him this was only natural because Mikoto is one of the top executives in the village after the family elders few female attendants 4 in number

After a few minutes of waiting Miko comes in a white bathroom robe

"Yo, Tatsuya-kun get over here"

Mikoto says cheerfully as he goes close to him to sit next to him

"Nothing much I just came to meet you since that's what you said I should do immediately I'm done with my work"

Tatsuya replied

Getting closer to Tatsuya, Mikoto notices the awful smell emanating from him

"But first things first, you need to wash up"

Mikoto says as he points to one of the youngest female attendants

"Hey, you there, lead him to his room and make sure he washes up real clean"

Mikoto says

The looking at the girl she must be either 13 or 12 year of age, because she was so small like Tatsuya

She comes in front of Tatsuya and gives a light bow, Tatsuya immediately stands up and follows her

"Tatsuya-kun when you're are done come to the training room, I'll be waiting for you. And thank me later"

Mikoto said as he went to the training and they both depart

Moments later Tatsuya was in his personal room for the first time in some years, the room was quite big. After some time the little girl set up the hot bathtub mixed with a perfume.

"Your bath is ready young master. Do you mind if I scrub your back"

She says as she bows her head

'Oh!! So that's what he meant"

Tatsuya thought in his mind as memories of his previous conversation with Mikoto flashed through his mind

'Does he think I'm a kid'

"No just forget about it I can do that, you can hang around somewhere"

After saying this Tatsuya enter into the bathroom, removes his clothes and head straight for the bathtub


Tatsuya gave off a satisfactory sigh

"How long as it been, now that I think about it alot has happened since I came here"

Memories flashed through his head. From his birth to the death of his mother to him building a house to him being here

"Alot has happened indeed"

After some time on the bath Tatsuya came out with a white towel strapped around his waist, as he enters inside his room he spotted the little girl arranging his new pair of cloths for him

"Here are your clothing young master"

She bows lightly and gestures to the pair of cloths on the futon

Black kimono although but with a white star design on the top except the torso

After putting on the Kimono, Tatsuya lays down on the futon to rest and eat his meal

"By the way, what's your name?"

Tatsuya asks

"My name...?"

She stammers

"Yeah, your name, I mean everyone has one"

"My name... is..."

She hesitates a little

"Well if you don't mind telling me, then there is no issue"

"Yue, my name is Yue"

"Yue, that's a nice name, now that I look at you very well, you're kinda cute"

Yue blushes a bit

Yue was very fair almost white in complexion, she had an purple hair with a pair of dark purple eyes, she was a bit slim but her body shape were already revealing to the eyes

"Thank you young master"

Yue says as she gives a full bow

After having a little rest Tatsuya head for the training room as per their arrangement. In the training room Mikoto was seen painting something on a white board. There was a space at the middle of the training room for matches or kombat. By the sides where different types of weights and a rack of katanas and other different weapons like kunais, shurikens and so many more

"Hey Tatsuya-kun, you've finally arrived"

Mikoto stops everything he was doing

"So you paint"

Tatsuya asked

"Yup, it helps me focus"

Mikoto replied

"Ok, so why did you want to me to meet you here"

Tatsuya asks as he looks and stares at the training equipments

"Ok, ok, you know as per I and the chief meeting we agreed upon you starting school next year"


"So, I want you to be the best among your pairs"

Mikoto says and stares at Tatsuya with a star eyes of excitement

"So you'll be training me"

Tatsuya tries to understand the situation at hand

"Stop, stop, don't be so fast, I won't start training you all of a sudden, I will tell you more about the shinobi way, culture, principles, responsibility and lifestyle"

Mikoto says as he walks around with his hand place under his jaw

"That's nice"

"So what do you say Tatsuya-kun do you want to learn the ninja way"

I don't know if you'll must have noticed the only thing related to demon slayer I've mentioned is Uzui family and shinobi clan, well you'll have to be calm I'm building the environment and the character, so enjoy the show

bjbrowncreators' thoughts