

It's been a week since the demon had attacked Mizukiri. Now everything were back to normal as it should be over even better than normal.

Tatsuya had been named their hero, and was offered a big house, a 24 hours working maid Servants, and faily supply of different needs. He lived the peaceful kings life withing those few days well some were spent on treatment though

Without wasting time the villagers had began to rebuild the destroyed house and facilities, farmers had begin to farm for new fresh fruits and vegetables, fishers jad begin their work and the port station began partially stable. The news that the demon being killed hasn't reached neighbouring villages and visiting merchants are still afraid of stepping foot in the village.

Mizukiri isn't a regular village that thrive due to the villagers hardwork and skills although it's a small one the village is a rich one in any aspect of riverine business and man service. Although it's quite ironical as how a village that excel in all aspect of riverine business should be small and underdeveloped. That's because they are cowards, yes cowards. They avoid violence and are peace loving creatures, that's rhe definition of cowards in this era. A Samurai is meant to speak with his blade and strength but that's not the case for the people of Mizukiri, they avoid anything that will bring about violence that's why they fail or are afraid of expanding borders and developing further that's a coward's way out

Now the village head had called Tatsuya over for his daughter's sixteenth birthday celebration that didn't concern him in any way but he had to go, he had to create a good relationship with the Village head no matter what.

The preparations were going well the ceremony was the be held in the Village head's house, you can tell that the Ceremony will be a banger just by looking at the faces of the villagers the women were in charge of the meal of the day, they were as happy as ever cooking after all their little miss is an adult today and from here on out the ones little miss will set her eyes on looking for a strong handsome looking man to be her husband, it was a thing of joy. The men were in charge of garthering supplies, such as ingredients of any kind. While the children did their usual playing around and not caring about what is happening, but they also were looking foward to the ceremony

Meanwhile Tatsuya in his house

Tatsuya in his bedroom sitting on his futon and seemed to be seriously delibrating on some pressing issues well known to him and him alone.

After some time of thinking he would lay down on his futon and stand up again and lay down again rolling himself all ove the futon, he was in a state of panic no confusion.

'This is a trap' He thought to himself while moving around his room, seems like he was thinking about the ceremony and the fishy invitation he got yesterday

'It all connect doesn't it, she is sixteen making her an adult and ready for marriage, that fishy old geezer' Tatsuya cursed and fell on the floor in exhaustion due to overthinking.

Knock knock...

Tatsuya-sama whats was that sound

A young man barges inside the room after knocing. This was Tatsuya's personal assistant somwhat like his secretary

"Nothing much..." Tatsuya lazily rolling himself on the floor

"Say Zoro-kun do you have any idea on how the chief's daughter looks like?" Tatsuya asked Zoro, yes Zoro. Zoro was caught up during Tatsuya's battle against that Demon, apparently he had a case of amnesia and could not remeber anything about himself the only thing he could vividly picture was Tatsuya infront of him stabbing the Demon in the eyes, and he decided to follow Tatsuya for the rest of his life, Tatsuya couldn't complain after so many disturbances he had recieved in a single day and couldn't allow it to continue.

After taking him in, an appropriate name was another issue. Tatsuya looked at the features of this young man apart from his handsome looking face the most prominent feature about him was his glossy green looking hair, then as an otaku he took it upon himself to name him Zoro

"She is quiet a beautiful maiden Tatsuya-sama, and she is popular I'm still suprised you haven't seen her Tatsuya-sama" Thus said Zoro

Tatsuya grabs his chin reflecting on his past action and movements since he had entered Mizukiri

He shakes his head as no memory of any beautiful girl came in play, the only beauty he had met in this village was the girl working in his favourite Ramen Shop, to bad she is late what a waste, a waste indeed.


"Yes Tatsuya-sama"

"...By which time will this Ceremony start?" Tatsuya asked

"The exact time is not stated but it should begin at dusk i guess" Zoro stated. Tatsuya takes a look at the window, it was almost evening.

"I need to get ready then..."

"Exactly Tatsuya-sama, and about your dress..." Zoro snapped his finger and two Maid Servants enters inside the room with a pair of cloths

With one was a black katana with the Mizukiri clan crest at the left side of the breast of the cloth, And the other held a whit Haori with the Mizukiri crest on the back it was big. The crest was simple, a sea wave inside a circle shape

"...But first you have to take your bath"

Tatsuya nods and head straight to the shower downstairs


Meanwhile at the Demon Slayer Corp

Ubuyashiki was sitting at the Varenda of his House, it wasn't that big or luxurious but it was a place fitting for someone of his status to live in, the compund was beautified with beautiful flowers and the groud was covered with crytal like stones it reflected the sun's rays and made the environment shiny. This was also the ground where some meeting with the leading figures of the Demon slayer Corp took place.

Infront of Ubuyashiki was an old man, not that old to be a grandfather, but he was sure old most likely in his late 50s. He had fading brown hair and a slightly wrinkled face. Seems like he was summoned by Ubuyashiki

"So about the report...."

"Yes Oyakata-sama about the report, as i had wrote in the letter, under my supervision and observation he has completed it. It was marvellous so splendid it is the perfect fighting style. this will change our era, it will put us ahead of thos filthy demons" The man said in Ecstasy

"Hmm... i see, all we need are capable people to learn that same style, right"

"That is how it seems, Oyakata-sama..."

"....I guess the Kinoe will do" He chips in

"Hmmm right, that's true. But I'll add two or even three to the list of people"

"That is not a problem Oyakata-sama"

"Alright then, send words immediately in three days time the Kinoes, Reiko, Michikatsu, Shion and Tatsuya. You are aware of these individuals right?"

"Yes Oyakata-sama, I'll pass the message immediately" The old man said and left the compound

A white beautiful looking woman came to assist Ubuyashiki to stand up. She was pure white, purple eyes, and a slender gorgeous figure

"The Demon Slayer Corp is finally reshaping, we will do it, we will make an age where people won't be afraid of Demons, an age of peace, freedom and happiness" Ubuyashiki looks at the blue sky in accomplishment.


At the village

It was already evening the village was beautifully decorated with beautiful lantern, flowers and many more. It was truly a sight to behold. The villagers had finished preparations and went back to their houses for their final preparation that is to get ready for the celebration.

The ceremony was to be held in the village heads house. People had began to full the place Tatsuya accompanied by Zoro came early and was offered an executive seat on the high table to sit beside the village chief.

And with the arrival of the birthday celebrant the ceremony started, it was a blast. Food and drinks of any kind were available for everbody to eat, drink and make merry. Tatsuya was so fixated on the girl he was definitely sure he had met her somewhere, her dark long hair and dark eyes were so familiar.

The young girl went beside her father and whispers something into his ears. The man nods and turns towards Tatsuya.

"Tatsuya-san I'll like to thank you for saving my daughter's life the other night" The man bowed his head.

It was then it occured to him, that was the girl he had saved from the demon a few days ago.

"Introduce yourself now" The village chief said to his daughter

The girl shyly walks infront of Tatsuya and bows before him

"I'm Naomi, thank you for saving me" She shyly said

"No issues, that's what i was meant to do, just enjoy the party today is your day so enjoy" Tatsuya waved his hand

The girl bows again and left the high table stepping down to celebrate with the people as per Tatsuya advice.

Tatsuya picked up the bottle of Sake and pours it into the cup, he was not a heavy drinker or even a drinker to begin with but thevillage chief told him that the Sake made from the village had medicinal qualities and he decide to take it.

As Tatsuya poured it into the cup, the sweet aroma evades his nose, he uncontrollably inhales deep to take it all in. Tatsuya picks up the cup and gulps down a mouthful of the nutritious Sake, tue feeling of rebirth assaulted him, it was as though all his burden was lifted from his body he felt light and easy, it was splendid indeed, he went for another sip after another, he face and eyes went red.


He was drunk

"Neh Chief-san you could have told me you guys had such content on you Hicc..." Tatsuya hugs the chief

"Tatsuya-san please calm down, are you perhaps drunk"

"Me?? Drunk?? Don't be ridiculous Chief" Tatsuya gulps down another cup. It was at this point in time that the aid of the master should be contacted, but looking at the crowd the chief spots Zoro with a bright red face dancing with the young ladies around, the chief felt exhausted and sighs

"Oh?? Samurai-san..." A familiar voice calls out to Tatsuya

Tatsuya vividly recorgnised the voice. Tatsuya throws his gaze towards the direction of the voice

"Haa...Old Merchant-san, it's been a long" Tatsuya recorgnised the old man who had carried him to the village

"It's been a long time indeed"

"Old Merchant-san leave anything you are doing and come and taste this heavenly content" Tatsuya pours him a cup of sake and urged him to drink up. The old man picks up the sake and gulps it down instantly

"It's heavenly indeed, this will make a good profit if being sold" Hearing the comment of the Merchant Tatsuya immediately sobered up.

"Chief, how many kegs of this heavenly sake do you guys produce in a day" Tatsuya asked the chief

"At least 50 in a day" In the chief answered

"How about making 50 more, will that be possble?"

"Sure anything for you Tatsuya-san"

Tatsuya turns towards the merchant

"How will you like to buy a keg for 5000 Sen"




They both shake hands with a smile om their faces, this is a business with both parties having their own gain.

"My cargo will be here everyday to pick the goods" The Merchant says with a smile

"Thats music to my ears" Tatsuya nods

'50 keg × 2000 will give me total income of 100000 Sen per day that will be a total of 3 million per month, i still nee more but i can go with this for now'

Tatsuya was planning something big.

After the celebration it was mid night and everbody began to retire to their houses.

"Tatsuya-sama i hope you are not hurt." Tatsuya carried th drunk Zoro on his shoulder as they went home. Upon arriving some maid servants rushed to welcome him and carried Zoro to his room

One of the maid servants handed him a letter written on a scrol

The content was short and precise, straight to the point, the content stated...

"Reiko-nee is in trouble"