
Demon Slayer: I Have Deadpool's Powers!

I got reincarnated in Demon Slayer with Deadpool's Powers. --- Demon: "How are you not dead?! You are only a human! Me: "I have something harder than your fist HAHAHA" ---- Kagaya: " You have the powers of a demon, but you are human. What exactly are you? Me: "Me? Well, let's just say I'm cursed." ------- Oya Author here. The story will start way before canon and will start to go time by time into canon. Ok so I don't own anything from demon slayer other than my own stuff ----- #No Harem ----- I'll try my best to follow the story but don't blame me if I make mistakes.

MisterRE · Komik
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18 Chs

A Whole Bunch of Things

Naniyori stood up and walked out, "Follow me."

Tenshi followed and exited the door along with Naniyori. Naniyori guided Tenshi to the east side of the mountain and there was a gate.

Despite Tenshi's questions that were building up, he stayed quiet and followed. Naniyori opened the gate and they were greeted by an incredible sight.

The ground was sand, red sand. It looked like a beach without the ocean. Tenshi crouched down and picked up a handful of sand and found that it felt heavier than normal sand.

Tenshi hasn't felt the feeling of sand in this life but he did in his last life so he could remember the sensation.

He looked up and saw scarlet ores merged with the mountain stone on the edge. The walls of ores were plentiful! There wasn't only scarlet ore but coal, metal, silver, gold, and other ores that Tenshi couldn't identify.

"Amazing, isn't it? Once I came up here and started building everything, I came upon this." Tenshi looked over to Naniyori and saw that he had a prideful smile on his face.

"Have you—have you mined any ores yet?"

Tenshi didn't see any holes or scratches or anything that signified that the ores were mined.

"Of course not. What would an old man like me have any use of ores like these? I don't care for wealth nor do I have a hobby of creating products other than ones that I enjoy,

"As for the Scarlet ore and Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand, they are just like any other sword if you ignore the fact that they are sunlight swords that can kill demons which is something I have no use for."

Tenshi just stared at the whole place that was filled with everything he needed. "Can I take some?"

Naniyori smiled, "You can take it all, after all, like I said, I have no use for anything here."

Tenshi was incredibly grateful but he was also in a dilemma since he couldn't carry all of it back home. He also had to mine it and everything.

Tenshi crouched down and took a handful of scarlet sand, 'I don't even know how much of everything I need to create Nichirin Swords.'

All of the sudden he felt a sizzle on his arm where the mark was located and the sand that was in his hand got sucked in the arm like a vacuum.

"What! No!" Despite it only being a handful of sand compared to a whole beach, it still hurt his heart.

Then something even worse happened. Half of the sand that was here got absorbed by the Origin Mark.

"Nooooooo!" Tenshi collapsed and cried since half of the sand was gone now.

Tenshi started punching his arm out of madness, "Give! Me! My! Sand!"


All of the sand that got absorbed by the mark came out and stacked each other like a huge hill.

"Bro, what the fu—"


Naniyori smacked Tenshi on the back of his head and yelled, "Don't you dare curse! Also, this is amazing! You have a free dimensional storage space where you can store whatever you need, maybe, I don't know how that works,

"Maybe it can't store that much since it only absorbed half the sand here. Is that the limit? Hmm, so interesting!" Naniyori's eyes shone with interest then looked over to Tenshi and yelled, "Start mining the ores for goodness sake."

Tenshi still seemed to be out of it but then quickly came out of his stupor and his smile grew even larger than it had ever been before.

"I need a few pickaxes."

Naniyori heard the order and ran as fast as he could to his house and picked some up that he had bought a while ago just in case he decided to mine the ore.

He returned and gave the pickaxe to Tenshi and let him do his own thing.

Tenshi went to work and right when he was just about to swing the pickaxe, he sighed in helplessness and thought, 'This will take a while.'


A couple days later, Tenshi had only mined a quarter of the ores.

'I had been mining everything while taking only a few breaks and rest and I only mined a quarter of everything. Like I said before, this will take a while.'

Two weeks later, Tenshi was almost done mining all the ores and the ores he did mine, he organized them by type of mineral. He was mining his last ore and it happened to be an ore he had never seen before or mined.

He inspected the ore and saw its appearance. The ore was the size of a baseball and had a rough texture and was very bumpy. The color was all black with some white specks on it.

He looked even closer at the white specks and saw stars. Tenshi looked at it and muttered, "Star ore."

Tenshi took one last look at the Star ore and then began mining it to finally finish the long lasting journey and finally go home.

He mined it and then began sorting out the types of minerals to make it even more organized.

He put his hand out, 'Absorb.'

On cue, the Star mark glowed and began sucking in the ores. He took half of each of the piles of ores and finally it stopped as if it was full.

'The mark took half of everything here. Half of the sand and half of the ores.' Tenshi was thinking until he thought of an idea, 'Let's just leave all of this here and one day I will come back for it.'

Naniyori, who was watching Tensh, quietly sat in the rocking chair and drank tea. He looked at the stars shining in the night sky and gently closed his eyes to feel the coldness of the wind blowing, the smell of nature all around him as well as the aftermath of Tenshi mining.

He gently smiled and continued to rock his chair with his eyes closed and then eventually, the chair stopped rocking.