
Demon slayer:Hiromo revenge

In the Taisho era demons and humans were fighting and their fight continues after few hundreds years,Boy named Hiromo got the same fate as his life will turn upside down when demon killed his parents and sister he will go on path to become demon slayer and to avenge his family members

Burhan_Selimovic · Komik
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15 Chs

Chapter 3:Final selection

After training with Sakuraki and after learning the first form of fire breathing now it's time for him to go to the final selection to become a demon slayer

As Hiromo came down the hill he said that he would make Sakuraki proud

Half an hour passed and Hiromo reached the gate leading to the final selection

Behind that gate are stairs that lead to the top, while on the sides grows wisteria poison that is deadly to demons

As Hiromo walked up the stairs he said that there was a lot more climbing than he thought

After 10 minutes of walking he reached the top where there were many people who had reached there

Hiromo looked around seeing many killers

When he looked ahead he saw two girls with white hair, they started talking at the same time that the final selection will begin

Then they explain that they have 7 days to survive and if they succeed they will become official demon slayers

After they explained, they said it was starting and everyone went their separate ways

Hiromo looked to the right and decided to go that way, while he was going he said that he just had to survive for seven days and so on.

However, as soon as he reached the wider area, he saw a demon eating a demon slayer

Hiromo was startled by the situation and immediately started to attack, the demon tried to hit him with his jacket

Hiromo dodges it and uses fire breath the first form of burning fire and immediately cuts his head as the demon's body disintegrates

Hiromo ran towards the man but half his head was missing and blood was everywhere

Hiromo said it was the first demon and he didn't feel fear or anything

Hiromo saw a way forward and continued to run, as he ran he saw another demon running and Hiromo immediately ran towards him

The demon screamed but with a quick swing of his sword he immediately cut off his head

Hiromo says that it is not expected that there will be weak demons like this, but he still believes that there is one dangerous demon

Hiromo continued walking saying that he didn't see any other demon slayers

Hiromo walked and couldn't do it anymore so he rested, the first night passed and the second came

While walking, Hiromo said that today something will be dangerous because he has such a feeling

Hiromo found a place where he could sleep, but suddenly he hears the roar of a demon

Hiromo stood up and looked ahead and saw a demon just walking

Hiromo immediately ran and behind the confusion the demon was eating the demon slayer

Hiromo told him to stop and he attacked him with the first form of burning fire and immediately cut off his head

Hiromo returned his sword and the demon's body disintegrated, Hiromo looked at the dead demon slayer and said that it was the second one he had seen dead.

He said that he had no luck and he fell asleep again and woke up, the sun was shining and he lay like that the whole day and when night almost fell he heard the demon slayer and the demon who had long claws fighting.

Hiromo ran to help and cut off the demon's hand, the demon fought back and attacked him but Hiromo took a deep breath and dodged and cut off his legs

The demon's other arm began to regenerate, but with a swing of the sword that produced the fire, the demon killed it.

Hiromo asked the demon slayer if he was alright but he just said thank you and ran away

Hiromo was surprised but continued to walk, another day passed and that last night arrived

Hiromo was walking saying that he would still manage to survive, but suddenly he saw a couple of dead demon slayers

Hiromo walked straight and he saw the demon slayer who was briefly alive and told him that he had the strongest demon ever and it was called a ninja demon and then he died

Hiromo was shocked but just ran forward until he saw a tall muscular demon throwing a kunai containing poison

Hiromo saw the two demon slayers fight but both die quickly as the demon reaches them with incredible speed and stabs a kunai in their neck

Hiromo couldn't believe what he saw and immediately started to attack and used the first form but the demon escaped

The demon said he was fast and introduced himself as a ninja demon, Hiromo also introduced himself and said he felt this was a very strong demon.

The demon said that it looks like Hiromo is actually strong and said that it would be a pleasure to eat him

The demon attacks him but now Hiromo uses another form: fire wheel and attacks him in the form of a wheel but the demon dodged it and threw a kunai that only brushed part of his clothes but did not poison him

Hiromo said it was close and they stopped fighting for a while, Hiromo took a deep breath and swung the mace again but the demon dodged again

The demon jumped up and threw kunai with both hands and Hiromo just dodged them

And as Hiromo avoided it he used the first form: burning fire and cut off his hands

As the demon regenerated Hiromo almost cut off his head but the demon blocked it with his hand which was not fully healed

Hiromo said that he adapted to his style, and as soon as he said that the demon threw a kunai which he managed to block but it was a diversion to throw a shuriken and cut the left side of his head

Hiromo grimaced in pain but continued to attack with his sword as the demon just dodged telling him he wasn't fast enough

After a few minutes Hiromo got tired and the demon took advantage of this by kicking him in the solar plexus and Hiromo was knocked back by the force of the impact hitting his back against a tree

Hiromo was on his knees and was vomiting blood, but he suddenly remembered Sakuraki's words that he would survive.

The demon started to attack but Hiromo suddenly dodged the blow and jumped into the air

The demon threw two kunai and blocked them with the first form:burning fire

The demon said he was just lucky and threw a shuriken but Hiromo blocked it with second form:fire wheel

The demon jumped up and went to hit him with a kunai but Hiromo took a deep breath and said

"fire breath: third form: destructive fire dragon"

Hiromo swung and cut off his head and the attack was in the form of a fiery dragon

Hiromo immediately fell to the floor after that, saying that he had succeeded

The night passed and the sun had just risen and the five demon slayers returned alive

They said congratulations to those who survived while Hiromo proudly said that he had succeeded and thanked his family and Sakuraki