
Demon Prince Soma

Dynamo_Drew240 · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Demon Prince Soma

part 0: prologe

Deep in the forest in a open area. the rain fell as I see a boy crying while holding someone in his arms. then I wake up

part 1: Truck-kun

while in the library soma searching for books to help him sleep.

he hears a distant voice calling.

Prince Soma...

what was that? I must be out of it. I should head home.

As he walking he hears the voice again but it's getting closer.

*beep beep* *crash*

-Prince Soma wake up.

-what happened where am I?

- Prince Soma we arrived.

part 2: safe house.

- oh yeah, I was at the library...no, I was getting my little sister ready to leave the castle.

[memories being scrabble up]

- butler Matias why do we have to leave our home?

- well lady Lilly, war has reached our home now we must protect you and young Prince Soma.

- Big bro I don't get why we have war.

nothing good comes from killing others.

-you right Lilly, don't worry we will be safe here.

[As midnight approaches I hear sounds outside.]

- Lilly wake up, we are leaving.

- Big brother where we going.

- bad men are here we have to leave.

we run through the forest we reached an open area.

- I feel like I remember this place somewhere

arrow pierced the chest of little Lilly as she lay there cold.

- Big brother, I'm cold. why is it so cold.

- *sob* don't worry I'll warm you up

*hugs her close*

- Big brother,... can you bring peace to our home?

-*sob* yeah sure. we can even visit the garden again too.

- that be nice, thank Big brother *says with her last breath*


-*crying* Lilly Don't go.

[they did this to her. they killed her.]

part 3: awakening

Soma cursed the one who killed his little sister. feeling rage and sorrow triggered a hidden power.

which turned his hair white, his eyes Blood Red, horn painfully grew out his head. he grew wings that were black as the void left in his heart.

the shadow wrapped him in a cloak.

everything is heighten hearing, smell, sight, and more. strength and speed were boosted tenfold

- soldiers over here.

- dead kid?

- captain watch out...

everything was slow for Soma. one after another Soma tossed and pummeled all the soldiers except for one.

- why did you come here.

- I was given orders to hunt down the Demon lords family.

- who gave you the orders.

- I won't say.

Soma gazes into his eyes. the soldier begins to say a name.

- sir Duke Baldner.

- Duke Baldner

As Soma turns around, the soldier picks up his sword to try to stab Soma. but failed because Soma already torn his heart out.

part 4: lost

after awhile his looks come back as painful as the way he got them. the screams filled the night sky.

he then found a village with a Slight relief he passed out at the entrance. the swordsman came out his house and saw him. he quickly brought him inside.

Morning came Soma woke up in a unfamiliar place. swordsman came in and told him dinners ready lets talk while we eat. Soma hesitant at first. he sits at the table. Swordsman family gathers around to eat.

swordsman Leo- hey kid, my name is Leo

Liz- hey I'm Liz and this young girl is Amelia

Amelia- what's your name?

Soma- my name is Soma.

Leo- you from the Demon race are you?

Soma- what you going to do if I am.

Leo- Train you to be a swordsman. listen

I been in the war there is no end to it.

Liz- he just a boy Leo Don't talk about war.

Leo- look at him Liz that face say he already experienced it.

Soma- if you help me find my sister and bring her back I'll help you.

Leo- sure Soma.

Soma and Leo walk into the forest and reached the open area. there she was laying there Soma picked her up and carried her back to the village.

Soma buried Lilly and sat there at her headstone.

Liz and Amelia. watched as he just silently sits there.

part 5: farewell

he remembered that Lilly said she want to bring peaceto our home. he then starts on his training.

3 years has passed. now he is 15 years-old mastered the sword.

Leo- I got nothing else to teach you.

Soma- thanks master Leo

Amelia- hey foods ready.

Leo told Soma that the war is being dragged towards our village and they have no choice but to stay. so they asked him to take Amelia with him on his journey.

Amelia- I want to stay

Leo- No we have no choice but you have your future to look forward to.

Liz- your father's right.

Soma- master Leo is this what you want?

Leo- yes, Soma.

Soma- alright.

a carriage was provided with a month worth of medicine and scrolls

Soma- what's all these scrolls for?

Liz- oh those are magic scroll it will help you learn magic. I gave you all the scrolls I had. I would have taught you personally but it's too late now.

Leo- go on now. get going before it gets to emotional.

and Soma and Amelia set out to the Kingdom of Gracio.

end of chapter 1