
Demon of original sins

Warning:incest, gore, strong language,18+, torture By a twist of fate, Kael, a young demon, from a small and weak demon baron family chances Mark of Sins. With his newfound power, Kael's ambition and greed grew driving him to embark on a relentless journey of conquest With the power of the Mark of Sin coursing through his veins, Kael's thirst for power knows no bounds. Fuelled by ambition and greed, he schemes, betrays, and manipulates his way to the top, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in his wake. No territory is too vast, no riches too extravagant, as Kael seeks not only to expand his own dominion but to acquire the other Marks of Sin by all means As Kael's influence grows, so too does his ruthlessness and his enemies. He employs every tool at his disposal – Schemes, blackmail, war, assassination, and mind control – to crush any who dare stand in his path. Where will Kael's journey leads? Will his greed be satisfied or will he search for more??

jasonphlg · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 17:spells training (2)

As the hours passed I could control increasing amount of Nether energy, to the point I could summon a demi dozen Nether tendrils. I then attempted to grab objects with the Nether tendril. At first it was almost impossible but with more attempts I finally managed to grab a small rock with the Nether Grasp but this took all my attention, with the slightest distraction causing disruption in my control.

With my initial success I decided to change to the infernal Conflagration spell, with my focus on increasing the size of the flame to the intended size. As for the shadow cloak, I decided to work on it later when I mastered infernal Conflagration and Nether Grasp to a certain degree. Thus started my relentless training in these two spells Alternating infernal Conflagration in the morning and Nether Grasp in the afternoon.

As my training continued hours turned into days and days into weeks.. My Control over the Nether Grasp and infernal Conflagration grew stronger. I learned to manipulate the spectral tendrils with precision, weaving them into intricate patterns and shapes with a mere flick of his wrist.

I experimented with different techniques and weights, honing my skills until the spell flowed through me like an extension of my hand

But mastering the Nether Grasp was not without its challenges. The Nether energy was a fickle and unpredictable force, its power as volatile as the depths from which it emerged. I faced setbacks and obstacles at every turn, my progress hindered by the relentless onslaught of doubt and uncertainty. Yet, even in the face of adversity, I refused to waver. With each trial overcome, he emerged stronger and more determined than before.

As for infernal Conflagration I also faced difficulties. With a deep breath, I started to pour more mana into the flames increase it's size considerably. At first, the roaring flames hovered hesitantly in my palm, its glow powerful but unsteady, threatening to explode at any given moment. Sweat beaded on my brow as I struggle to control the volatile flames, my muscles tensing with the effort.

But I was not one to be deterred by a mere flicker of doubt. With each repetition, I poured more of my mana in the flames, willing them to obey my command. Yet, as the flames grew in size, so too did the challenge I faced.

The inferno raged with a ferocity that threatened to consume me, its wild energy testing the limits of my control. I gritted my teeth against the searing heat, my skin blistering from the intensity of the flames. But I refused to surrender to the inferno's wrath. With every fiber of my being, I pushed back against the flames, my will burning as brightly as the fire itself. Through sheer determination and unwavering focus, i began to shape the inferno to my command, bending its fiery essence to my will with a steely resolve.

As the flames danced and swirled around me, il felt a sense of triumph swell within my chest. I then threw the raging flames to a target some distance away.. There was a huge explosion as the metal target explode in countless debris.. I was greatly astonished by the power of the spell and celebrated my success inwardly.

In the blink of an eye 2 weeks had passed since I started training in those spells, I had gained intermediate Mastery of the two spells faster than I had though. I could now summon dozens of Nether tendrils and could grasp about 3 grown man with the Nether Grasp.. As for infernal Conflagration the explosion could cover the size of half a basketball court.

Spell Mastery was divided into 4 stages namely initial, intermediate, completion and perfection. In the initial stage the spell caster has just learned the basics of the spell and can perform it with some degree of success. However, their control over the spell is limited, and they may struggle with consistency and precision. Spells cast at this level may be weaker or less effective compared to higher levels of mastery.

At the intermediate Mastery spell caster has a deeper understanding of the spell's mechanics and can wield it with greater skill and finesse. Spells cast at this level are more reliable and powerful, with increased accuracy and potency.

At the complete Mastery The spell caster has mastered every aspect of its execution, from incantation to manipulation of magical energy. Spells cast at this level are almost flawless, with precise control and maximum effectiveness. The spell caster can adapt the spell to various situations and use it with ease.

At perfect Mastery stage, the spell caster's understanding of the spell is unparalleled, and their control over it is absolute having the spell becoming a part of themselves. Spells cast at this level are executed flawlessly, with unparalleled precision and power. The spell caster can manipulate the spell in ways that were previously thought impossible, achieving feats of magic that defy imagination. At this stage no incantation or chants are required with the spell being cast almost instantaneously