
Demon of Konoha

Naruto was okay with being neglected and unloved for he had someone..he had a someone who others called a demon. But that 'demon' was a father to him was the only person he could call a family. But everything that was good wont last. The Shinigami decided to accept Kuramas request and made Naruto carry a new tenant. And this is the start of a Legend. The Legend of 'The Demon of Konoha'

Ashmulee_Mulee · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 9

Mirajane nods as her son disappears from his mindscape and his eyes open a slight bit making so she can see the outside world once again.


I sighed again as I popped my back and headed towards the shower after greeting and holdi ngf my daughter for along time.

When I got there I stripped myself of all my closes and looked in the mirror to see myself, messy Blonde hair, bags under my eyes, and paired with a set of tired eyes on me. 'At least none of the injuries of there carried back into the real world' I thought to myself as my eyes trailed down to my chest looking around and taking notice of a silvery mark that definitely wasnt there before. It was positioned right where both of his collar bones meet at the center bottom part of his neck.

Raising my hand I traced it slightly 'Wasnt this the scar I got from that ambush attack on Gloria?' I asked myself as my eyes widen and I look for other scars that I gained from my little experience. Slowly but surely I found them all..all 35 of them. 'How will I explain this? All my injuries were gone but the scars that were accumulated.' Groaning loudly I raked a hand down my face as I promptly turned around taking a mental note to add this to the report that I have to write.


I groaned slightly as I shifted in the bed I was laying on to sit up. Hearing some movement besides me I quickly opened up my eyes to see who was near me to see a blue haired nurse standing besides my bed with a worried look on her face.

"Take it easy will you?" She says as she moved her hands around my body basically giving me an easy checkup. As she pulled away she started speaking on again " You've been out of it awhile after Lord Yamanaka escaped from your mind, so your joints will be stiff." Hikaru nods his head as he shifted over to where his legs is hanging off the end of the bed.

The nurse watched me for awhile til I guess she deemed me ok enough and headed of the room I was in to i guess go tell the Hokage that I'm awake. And then I will most likely get questioned about what went on in my mind.


A/N: I know this is a short chapter but its the only one on hand that I can post rn. I've been busy studying for the ACT. Wish me well peeps!

I will probably never update on Fri, Sat, and Sunday because I will mostly be extremely busy.

Ashmulee_Muleecreators' thoughts