
Demon of Ataraxia

Serendipity is finding something good without looking for it. That unexpected meeting that changes ones life. A chance encounter an accidental meeting of souls now he can’t go a day without her.

Cyriacus_Nathalia · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


All rise for the king and queen.

The king and queen walked in after the announcement was made, king Alaric looked very much like the king he is, but it was the queen everyone was looking at. Her traditional dress flows from top to bottom and has a keyhole neckline which wonderfully reveals the elegant dress worn below it. The delicate corset-like tied fabric of her dress covers her stomach where the continuous flow is broken up by a large leather belt worn fairly high around her waist. Below the leather belt the dress opens up slightly and reveals the dress below. The front of the top dress is shorter at the front and flows straight down the back. The back continues to flow to a good length behind her and ends in a narrow rectangle. Her sleeves are a little short and a little wide, their flow is broken up just below the elbow where they're divided by small refined bands, these are the same fabric and color used to outline the sleeves of the dress.

Her dress in combination with her tiara and jewelry made her look breathtaking. Everyone bowed as they made their way to the throne. The princes and princesses came in also and sat with the king and queen all of them looking blindingly beautiful.

One of the kings trusted counsel stood up to address everyone.

We are gathered here today to celebrate the birthday of our beloved queen, the crown jewel of Ataraxia. I won't say much because they are a lot of things planned for today. My queen we the people of Ataraxia wish you the very best today and always. Now let us make merry in honor of our queen. Hear! hear!

The entertainers came to the center of the hall and started their acts as food and drinks where being passed around.

Ionia look at prince daryl and Emmett look at how handsome they are.

They are indeed handsome celeste I said while looking at my family.

Your thoughts are not with us Ionia. How can you not be enjoying yourself look at the food the dancers and the atmosphere. Everyone is full of cheer you are the only one looking so pale that you might be mistaken for a ghost. Do not let people say you wish ill of the queen on her special day.

I look pale?

Yes, are you sure you are alright?

I think I need a breather I'm going outside for some air.

What about the party you will miss out on all the fun.

It's fine enjoy yourself I won't be long.

I walked outside the throne room towards the entrance of the castle and sat on a bench.

The castle of Ataraxia has eleven slim towers that forms a protective barrier all around the castle and are connected by lower narrow walls made of dark brown stones. Tall windows are scattered here and there across the walls in an asymmetric pattern.

Looking outside one of the windows of which my bench is positioned, I could see various large houses scattered outside as well as small buildings and other structures. Even the market place can be seen from the palace walls.

Regaining my composure I relaxed a bit more. I don't know why I was saddened by the fact that my family looked all happy and united smiling and eating together as if I did not exist. I felt empty inside. I thought I was done feeling this way, apparently I've been lying to myself. Self pity won't solve anything anyway, sooner or later I need to understand the reality of my situation and come to terms with the fact that this is my life now. Looking at my dad today I don't think he is open to allowing me back into the family anytime soon.


I was lost in thought when I heard that all too familiar voice.

Dad I greeted


I need to talk to you Ionia.

Looking at him I felt hope building up inside me maybe just maybe I misunderstood him

Ionia your mom and I decided that it's best to leave you here. You are a fallenvale nothing can change that however your conduct and behavior is not something we can continuously turn a blind eye to. You are a threat and danger to your siblings. You do not respect me or your mother you are temperamental and cold and do as you please. You are a child of nobility, a daughter of fallenvale. Yet you can't carry yourself with the pride and grace that is associated with your ancestry. You will bring disgrace to my name and family no more. You will stay here and do as you are told. You are eighteen already and old enough to take care of yourself. I've spoken to the king as much as I would love to hand you over to them to straighten you out, laws and tradition must be obeyed. You are a fallenvale one of the strongest magical families in Ataraxia. The blood and bravery of our ancestors laid the foundation of this kingdom and that blood apparently is your saving grace for you will not be going to war neither will you be given to anyone as a servant all thanks to the legacy of your ancestors. Maybe living a life of mediocrity is what you need to understand how privileged you where.

You look so much like your mother you know. She was so beautiful when she was alive and had one of the strongest abilities in Ataraxia. Too bad all you took from her is her looks and nothing else. You are weak and an embarrassment to the family. I don't want you near your siblings I don't need you corrupting them. Am I clear?


I don't know why I burst out in hysteric laughter but it is better that than tears.

Dearest father for a moment there you know I had this glimmer of hope that maybe just maybe I misjudged you. That you are here to take me back, how disappointing. So what? I'm a disappointment a stain on your legacy? You sound as if i'm a monster or a brat who is overspoilled and over pampered. Oh! And what's that about my mother how you loved her and how powerful she was. You loved her so much that your love for her led you into the arms of her best friend a year after your marriage and eventually led you into marrying the said best friend. Where was that love when you where planting your seed in someone else. Your love for her led to her death, you killed her. You know what father, all I ever wanted was for you to look at me the way you looked at my siblings to love me the way you do them. Powers and abilities are gifts, some have them some don't. You don't decide the amount of love you give to your children based on their abilities. Children are blessings to their parents. Parents are to love them, protect them, teach them, defend them and guide them towards the path meant for them. All you've done is neglect me and act as if I don't exist.

Do you even feel guilty at all? How do you even sleep knowing that you broke her that because of you she is dead?

Your mom was sick she had a mental problem that has nothing to do with me. Besides, all these are adult stuff you have no business putting your nose in issues that are not your concern.

Mental problem you say? You and that old hag drove her to insanity. She was beautiful and kind and loving. She gave up working with the king to be your wife to make a family with you she loved and respected you. But what did that love bring her huh? You slept with her best friend knocked her up and then got married to her barely a year after your marriage. Even with that she forgave you she forgave the both of you and chose to live in peace. Yet you neglected her, shunned her, treated us as if we didn't exist. She became the laughing stock of Ataraxia people mocked and insulted her, pointed fingers at her for being a fool. Then the witch you married orchestrated everything and made it look as if my mom was a mad woman till those who pitied my mother started calling her deranged alongside everybody. You dear father did nothing you watched as she became a shadow of herself till she eventually took her own life. I loath you.

Watch how you talk to me young lady!

This is what I am saying you are mannerless and stubborn and untamed. If you had agreed to marry the man that came for your hand maybe you would have been humbled a little but what did you do you embarrassed and insulted him and brought shame on how family. With this attitude I wonder who would marry a shrew like you.

Are you really my father?

I'm beginning to wonder the same thing Ionia believe me.

You brought a man older than you old enough to even be my grandfather to marry me and what, you think I should be grateful to you? Trust me father I'm terribly scared of getting married because of you, I seriously don't want to end up like my mother, who lost herself while loving a man and ultimately ended up killing herself. I wonder if she thought of me, what would become of me. And not to worry if I do get married you are the perfect example of the kind of man I don't want to get married to.

Enough of this madness ionia. I am warning you, I can be very dangerous when crossed. Since obviously I mean nothing to you I hereby free you of this burden. You are no longer my daughter with no abilities calling you a fallenvale is an insult on the name itself. However that is all you have, a fallenvale in name only. Goodbye ionia and keep off my family apparently with this display of yours whatever madness that took hold of your mother clearly has you too and I want no part of it.

I watched my father as he turned and started walking back.