
Demon of Ataraxia

Serendipity is finding something good without looking for it. That unexpected meeting that changes ones life. A chance encounter an accidental meeting of souls now he can’t go a day without her.

Cyriacus_Nathalia · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


I woke up to the sound of birds.

Where am I ?

What happened?

I looked around to find myself in my room. I must have slept off while talking to Lucien last night and he must have brought me back to my room.

It is so like him.

Ever since i've known him, he has been nothing but respectful to me. He hasn't said or done anything inappropriate.

He has been perfect both in speech and mannerism.

Cold and aloof he is, and also proud when it comes to his abilities but all in all he happens to be a gentleman.

Oh well he has every right to be, just look at me. From a powerless weakling to a badass and it's all thanks to him.

I got up from my bed and went through my morning routine. I just finished dressing up when I heard a knock on my door.

Who is it?

It's me Clarissa.

I opened the door to find Clarissa standing in front of me looking at me with judgmental eyes.

Yes, what can I help you with?

You've been summoned to the throne room.

I've been summoned to the throne room, what for?

When you get there you will find out. I'm leaving and just because you now have powers that does not mean you should keep the king and queen waiting.

Looking at her departing back I couldn't help but wonder what exactly is going on.

I know I did nothing wrong.

But wait a minute of cause I will be summoned I was not supposed to have powers. I better stick to the story I told Illaesa on no circumstance should I mention Lucien's name.

I quickly closed my door and hurried to the throne room.

Reaching the throne room, I was shocked.

The entire royal family was present including the thirteen council of elders of which four were women.

That also includes my dad and even his wife.

Adryll, Leticia and Devon. The entire soul shadow sect including the boys where present. I saw Illaesa and some people I don't even know.

Greetings my king, my queen I said bowing to the royal family as well as the elders.

Ionia welcome.

Thank you my king.

Now tell us how you got your powers.

My king I don't know how to explain it.

Illaesa said you told her you found out not long ago.

Yes my king I was looking for a master to train me but no one agreed to train me.

I secretly watched them from afar. One day I saw Master Flynn, teaching the elementals how to channel their energy through breathing and I suddenly felt hot while trying to imitate master Flynn and just like that I discovered I have magic.

How is that possible? questioned the queen you better tell us the truth.

I am telling the truth my queen ask any one, no one agreed to teach me.

If what you are saying is the truth what about you having light elemental, how do you explain that?

We haven't seen anyone with light elemental for some time now how do you explain the fact that your family is known for Thelsia yet you are an elemental and you also have thelsia and you have three elemental abilities. And you are telling us you mastered all these by looking at others in a couple of weeks, things others have been trained to do all their life? questioned one of the council members.

My king I knelt down begging.

No matter what happens they must not find out about Lucien. I was fortunate enough to walk in on master Flynn, teaching the others but I can't continue spinning a tale or I will be caught. I just need to convince them somehow that I practiced by myself.

My king I am telling the truth no one likes me, no one talks to me. Ask around no one will come out and say they trained me or that I trained with them.

What is that thing on your wrist asked queen Catherine.

My queen it was given to me by my late mother.

Is that not a rainbow moonstone questioned one of the female council members.

Yes my lady it is.

Caius continued the lady, is this Isabel's daughter?

Yes Magdalene replied my father.

My king if she is isabel's daughter then she might be saying the truth.

Is being her daughter enough questioned the queen.

My queen, Isabel when she was alive was known for her astounding abilities she was the best spell caster and potion maker in Ataraxia and she was also a light elemental. Given that this child is a product of an elemental and thelsia magic it is not that surprising that she possess both abilities.

She is a product of two powerful bloodlines.

Caius if I can remember correctly is she not the child Isabel blocked her energy flow?

Yes my king she is the one.

Did you open it?

No my king I know nothing of this I found out the way the rest of you did.

Child how did you open your energy flow?

My king I didn't. My father told me it was impossible so I believed him.

My king if I may speak said my father's wife.

You may.

Thank you my king.

Ionia I haven't seen that bracelet on you before, when did you start wearing it?

Not too long ago I answered.

Was it before or after you discovered you can do magic.


So you are saying after you started wearing the bracelet that's when you discovered you have magic?


My king it seems her late mother must have spelled the bracelet for her, to help unblock her powers.

How long have you had the bracelet?

Since my mother died.

And you haven't put it on once until recently?

Yes my king.


My mother told me to only wear it when I miss her terribly.

So you wore it because you were missing her?

Yes my king.

Caius check if the bracelet is spelled?

Okay my king.

My father walked to me and held my hand while touching the bracelet.

My king there is no energy on it, it is just like any other piece of jewelry.

Is it possible for it to have been spelled Caius?

Yes my queen knowing Isabel's skill it is possible.

If so, why is there no energy then.

Maybe after doing its job there was no magic left said one of the elders

My king if I may speak.

Go ahead Illaesa.

Thank you my king.

When I first saw her with the bracelet I asked her about it, and she said it was given to her by her mother. And that she misses her thats' why she is wearing it. And as for her abilities i've been monitoring her. She has been looking for a master all this while and she told me she did not see any, that instead she is practicing by watching others.

Caius how did your late wife get hold of a rainbow moonstone?

I don't know my queen, this is all new to me. Everyone knows she was insane and dangerous before she died. I know nothing.

I do remember Isabel said the king.

She was indeed powerful too bad how she ended.

Well as her daughter it is not surprising you are gifted like her.

Since we've solved this mystery, you all are dismissed and you have two days to heal and enjoy your victory before you resume your duties.

Thank you my king we all greeted and left the throne room.

For a second there I thought you were in trouble.

I thought so too Celeste.

Well I'm proud of you Ionia and I'm happy everyone get to see how amazing you are.

Look at you, you look more beautiful as crazy as it sounds.

I don't think it makes any difference though, everyone is still treating me like a pariah more now than before.

It changes nothing.

Right, I tried looking for you yesterday but I couldn't find you I even went to your room but you were not there.

I was overwhelmed with everything and I decided to take a walk to clear my head.

You must have been surprised to discover your magic like that.

You are strong Ionia.

After you left yesterday everyone was talking about you and coming up with crazy stories.

They think you are dangerous and that you will end up like your mother.

I don't think I have strength for this kind of conversation Celeste.

It is fine, forget about everyone.

Let's go drink, eat and be merry my friend.

Celeste and I went to one of the taverns and ate our fill. Everyone was giving me strange looks but I ignored them all, I really couldn't care less.

After eating, we decided to drink. We just started when a boy came to our table.

Hey babe I know I will find you here. Said the boy kissing Celeste on the mouth.

Tyrone! said Celeste hitting him on his stomach while blushing.

Hmmmmmm Ionia meet my boyfriend Tyrone.

Tyrone meet my friend Ionia.

I've heard a lot about you I don't think there is a soul in Ataraxia who doesn't know you said Tyrone.

Well I've heard nothing about you.

I'm sorry Ionia it hasn't been long we started dating and a lot was happening I wanted to tell you today before he came.

You don't have to apologize Celeste, I'm not angry.

I'm happy for you. You look happy.

You really are okay?

Why won't I be?

Nice meeting you Tyrone and please take care of Celeste she is an innocent soul don't hurt her. If you know you will leave her broken and in pain better end it now. If you hurt her I will make you go through unimaginable pain.

I will be off, see you later Celeste.

For someone rumored to be heartless and evil she do care for you. She scared me with her threat just now.

She is a good person just seriously misunderstood.

Well she don't have to worry, I won't hurt you.

Leaving the lovebirds I decided to call Lucien, I need to thank him for last night.

You called?

Yes I did, you brought me to my room last night.

You were sound asleep.

Thank you.

You've thanked me enough Ionia.

Well you've been wonderful Lucien.

You reek of alcohol.

Nice sense of smell, I did not even drink much.

So did anything happen at the palace?

Where you questioned?

How did you know?

It is only normal for questions to be asked when someone known to be without magic suddenly have magic.

Yeah, I was summoned to the throne room. But I handled it, I did not mention you or anything. My mom's reputation turned out to be the perfect cover story.

Do you know, I was just out with Celeste and her boyfriend interrupted us.

Okay from the way you are sounding I take it you don't know she have a boyfriend.

Of cause I don't.

You don't like him?

Well he is quite handsome but there is something about him I just can't place.

She is your friend, it is only natural for you to be concerned.

Well I told him to be good if not I will come for him. Enough of that though.

What are you doing tomorrow?

I don't know yet why?

The king gave us today and tomorrow to relax and heal.

I want to take you around Ataraxia tomorrow, do you think you will be free?

I think I can go with you.


I need to go back though just in case someone comes looking for me. I don't want them to suspect that I disappear all the time.

Okay let me take you to your room.