
Demon Lord: Path To Become Demon King

[Current realm]: Elven realm The Demon incubus Lucius is the son of the Legendary Demon king, and the Demon queen succubus of hell. he is now on a path to become the strongest demon in existence take many women from different races to make an army, and to feed off his lust. he is also on a path to find and annihilate the son of the great legendary Dragon king and the great Witch of calamity.

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6 Chs

Anna's escape?

Chapter 3

When Anna met the vampire Alice and the demon Lucius, she was save by the both of them from the mindless demon that was chasing her, but Lucius just didn't let her go that easily, he has different plans for the elf.

Anna was taken by Alice to her master's temporary home. Lucius place was on the side of the mountains, the inside was very cozy for a demon like Lucius. of course Lucius place will be nice, he want's to treat his women very nicely.

Anna was slowly waking up from the back chop to the neck by Alice, when she woke up she realize that it was dark, and she was chained up from both wrist and feet, so she started panicking.

"W-where am i?!" the chains were causing loud clanking on room she was in. then she suddenly remember on what happened. "(Oh i remember now, Alice hit me on the back of the neck but the real question is were am i?)"

She still didn't know were she was, so she started calling for Alice and Lucius. "ALICE!! LUCIUS!! WERE ARE YOU?!!" she shouted their names. so she waited but there's no response.

"(Crap were could they be) ALICE!! WHERE ARE YOU!! PLEASE RESPONSE!!" she shouted her name again, after a couple of seconds there's still no response, then a lampshade suddenly open.

"Why are you so loud? it's the middle of the night." said Alice in a sleepy voice. she was only wearing a top black dress that was showing her semi large boobs and white panties. she got up from Anna's loud shouting.

"Alice? Umm... where am i? where's Lucius? and can you get this chains off me?" said Anna.

"Your in my room. Lucius? well he might be sleeping or he's out killing some elves or some random monster's nearby, and the chains? they will stay on you for now." she said then she immediately went back to bed but Anna still want to talk.

"Wait! can i atleast sleep on your bed? the floor is cold and not good to sleep on." Alice wasn't fond of her idea but she knows that Anna will just keep waking her up and asking her.

So she stand up from her bed out off annoyance. "Tsk! fine! but i will put these shackles on you so you can't escape." Alice then took off the chains that was holding Anna. then she put on the shackles on her wrist and feet.

"Now stand up and follow me. and don't you ever think of running away and escaping this room, or else i will punish you even if Lucius doesn't command me to do it." she said with a glare.

Anna was scared and doesn't want to get hurt, so she was willingly to follow Alice commands. "Of course I'm not gonna go anywhere, i will follow you and Lucius every commands." she said in a shaking voice.

"Good. now go to bed before i change my mind."

After that conversation, Anna went to rest on Alice's bed. the two of them were facing the opposite direction several inches away from each other, Alice was sleeping peacefully and fantasizing Lucius punishing her and ravaging her in her sweet dreams.

"Oh Lucius~." she said unconsciously while Anna was just listening and try not to question on what's happening on Alice's dream, but at the same time she was thinking on how to escape from them.

"(What should i do? if i escape the chances of death will be very high if upset the both of them, I'll try to escape early in the morning tomorrow, if i can't escape tomorrow I just have to gain their trust and escape another day)"

After deciding her plan to escape, she went to sleep peacefully and waited for tomorrow to make her grand escape.


The next day very early in the morning.

The sun was setting on the horizon. Alice was still sleeping, while Anna managed to wake up, so she slowly started getting up from the bed trying not to make a single sound. "(Now i just need to walk to the door)"

She slowly started walking towards the door, the door was only several feet away, the door to freedom was near, she managed to get close to the door without making any sounds. "(Now i just need to open the door)"

Right was she about to open the door, she suddenly let out a gasped and her eyes widen, she felt i cold breath from the back of her neck and can feel a razor sharp nail from the back of her body.

She slowly tilted her head in disbelief that Alice was awake, the she look at the corned of her eyes and see Alice smiling in excitement. "(How did she wake up?!)"

"So what were about to do right now? are you perhaps going outside just to get some fresh air-." Alice then went close to her pointy ears. "Or your planning running away and try calling for help?" she said in cold voice.

Anna's heart immediately sank and she was sweating all over her face, she started panicking in fear and thinking of the different possibilities on what's going to happen to her. she started thinking of lie she can speak and convinced to Alice but she can't think of any because in her state right now.

So she started speaking out of adrenaline. "No i wasn't trying to escape i was just-" she said in a trembling voice, she stop her sentence because she doesn't know what to say next.

"What was that? Oh did you run out words to say? Hmm." she whispered to Anna's ear. Alice stomach then suddenly growled. "Oh would you look at that, my stomach's growling." she then let out a smile.

"Should i just suck your blood since you disobey me and lie to me." Alice leaned close to Anna's neck then she summoned chains on both of her wrist and feet, and she was ready to feast. "Thanks for the meal."

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