
Demon King Working System

Jack, A 25-year-old guy walked through the streets with a very happy face. It's his first day of work and after staying unemployed for more than a year. He was finally able to get a job and also in one of the big companies. Jack was so excited that he arrived an hour ago before the given time. So he strolled through an alley near the building. He lighted his cigarette and enjoyed it while standing in the alley. SHOT... Suddenly a shot was fired and a murder happened there which was witnessed by Jack. "Holy shit!! Did I just witness a murder?" Jack shouted as he called the cops and started to record Everything on his phone. RING... "Who is there get him..." "Damn, these call centers. I forgot to silence my phone." Jack ran away with the proof of murder as two killers pursued him. "Damnit stop running you fucking rat." One of the killers screamed at Jack while running behind him "Damnit what type of shitty luck, I have why it always happened to me..." Jack screamed as he ran away from both the killers. SHOT... Suddenly a shot grazed his leg and he fell to the ground, as he screamed in pain. SIREN... Suddenly the Siren of cops sounded and Jack took a sigh of relief that he was saved. "Who called the cops, damnit..." one of them screamed as he asked his other partner and Jack decided to take this chance and tried to run away. SHOT... "What did you think, you could run away from us that easily..." "Hand up, all of you..." "We need an ambulance there is the injured person, he has been shot through the chest near the heart." 'So this is how I am going to die, really now that I got a good job too, why has it always happened with me?' As his crimson-red blood flows from his body, his life slowly fades away, and he falls into a deep slumber from which no one can ever get up. .............. 'Where am I?' Jack found himself drifting into a never-ending dark realm, which seemed to stretch infinitely. #YOU SO YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE OVER MY BODY INTERESTING...# Jack heard a voice but wasn't able to see anyone as the Voice talked with him Jack got to know many things and that he was going to a new fantasy world. #AND BEFORE YOU GO, I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A GIFT TO YOU # The voice said as an unknown energy got inside Jack's body which was comfortable in its sense. #HAVE FUN DUDE AND USE MY GIFT PROPERLY...# The voice said and suddenly Jack's eyes shot open as he woke up and found himself in a new and very luxurious room. TIN TIN.... {SYSTEM IS ESTABLISHING CONNECTION TO THE HOST BODY.} {SYSTEM HAS ESTABLISHED THE CONNECTION. THE DEMON KING SYSTEM IS ONLINE} {SYSTEM IS EVALUATING HOST STATUS WINDOW.} "Ya!! I have my System that is so cool now I am also going to become an MC like those novel characters." With this Jack's new Adventure in an unknown world began.

Mask_Kk · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs


"So this is the dungeon that was suggested to me by my butler..."

Jack curiously looked towards the cave-like system which stretched towards the darkness...

Though Jack was a demon and there was no problem for him to go inside dark places... But he hesitated a little bit...

Jack didn't care about darkness because he can see in the darkness like clear day but the thing which made him hesitate was the unknown...

Jack doesn't know what type of monsters he would find inside and how much stronger they would be, so he was a little hesitating...

'Master standing here won't help us in any way...'

Jack heard a voice inside his head as he looked towards his hand where a bright red long single-blade double-edged sword lies majestically...


Jack took a long breath and nodded his head and walked inside the cave...


The cave stretched very long, and Jack followed the trails as he walked inside...

A Dungeon in this world is a cave-like system which consists of Dense Mana inside... Due to the monsters which live inside them...

Every Dungeon has a boss monster on their last floor... And all monsters in the dungeon are all weaker than the monster...

So if this dungeon is a silver-rank Dungeon, then that means the strongest monster here would be a peak Silver-rank... Which Jack can easily handle as he is as strong as an Early Gold ranker...

'Master, I sense dirty mana coming from ahead...'

The monsters are mindless beings who don't have a proper mana flow inside them, that's why the mana inside them gets corrupted and they become mindless monsters...

The monsters with more pure mana would be much stronger and much more intelligent...

"There is an open section out there, I think we would find our prey out there..."

Jack spoke and walked to the open section...

As he walked towards the open section, he saw five wolf-like creatures standing there and eating a corpse...

'These wolves look different than the ones in my world... They are much bigger than them, and their eyes look so hollow as if there is a demon possession upon them...'

Then Jack narrowed his eyes and looked towards his hand, touching his small horns and shaking his head...

'Well, in this world, I am also a demon. I have to leave my past self and accept my present...'

Jack muttered to himself as he looked towards the pack of the wolf...

'Are you ready, Dawn, for some action...'

Jack used his connection to ask the question...

'I am always ready, master...'


Jack nodded his head with a smile and then looked towards one of the wolves, who was wandering alone in the place, while others were having their sweet meal...

'Let's take out that one first...'

Jack spoke as he pointed towards one of the wolves...

'Yes, master...'

Dawn answered and Jack of them jumped down towards the pack with Dawn in his hand...

Jack landed on the ground without any injury and ran towards the wolf with full speed...

The wolf tried to turn around and see what the commotion was all about but suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his back as he tried to move with a look of panic in his face suddenly Jack teleported in front of the wolf and decapitated his head.

For the wolf who was just a bronze rank, Jack looked like he was teleporting in front of him...

Before the wolf could feel anything, his head fell down and a pool of blood started to spread from his headless body like a fountain...

"Well, that was very easy..."

"Even though I am not a fan of animal harming, they don't look much like animals to me," Jack thought to himself as he looked towards the fallen dead body of the wolf...



'Wait, does that mean I can raise my bond rank by killing more monsters? That's cool,' Jack thought to himself as he looked towards the other wolves who were looking at Jack with eyes full of rage and hatred...

'Well, let's do this, Dawn...'

'Yes, master...'

Jack nodded and then started a killing streak...





"It's madness. I had killed 20 wolves and still only got 1 shop point? Really..."

"Haaaa, it can't be helped... Let's go and kill more monsters..."




Right now, Jack had killed many wolves and was tired... Even though he has high stamina, fighting 35 wolves had taken its toll on him... At first, it was easy to defeat them, but as time passed, the monsters became a little stronger and attacked Jack in packs...

'Master, why don't you use magic alongside your sword technique...'


Jack listened to Dawn's advice and started to think about the possibility...

"Yeah, you're right. With this, I can even train my spells too..."

Jack said with an excited look on his face...

And just like that, a never-ending killing streak had begun... Jack used his fire and water spells to weaken the monsters and deal killing blows with his sword...




"Well, I have killed many monsters here," Jack thought to himself as he walked much deeper into the dungeon searching for more monsters...

{STAMINA: +17}

{SPEED: +14}

Jack looked at his stats and was happy that his stats had raised due to his excessive workout...

As he walked inside, he felt a much stronger presence coming from further ahead...

Jack's curiosity got the better of him, and he walked towards the presence...

As he walked further inside the dungeon, a very big-looking door came in front of Jack...

The door looked way bigger, and Jack didn't see any more routes leading to deeper levels.

"Well, it seems that this is the boss room," Jack thought to himself then shook his head and thought...

"I should hunt more wolves first, and then I will come back here again..."

Jack thought to himself as he walked back to raise his kill count...




Jack looked at his progress as he nodded his head with a smile and looked towards the big door...

"Well, it seems that I won't get many kills here. The rate at which the monsters are responding has reduced greatly..."

"Dawn, are you ready to have a face-off with the boss monster..."

"I am always ready, master..."

A big grin came upon Jack's face as he looked towards the big door...

"Then let's begin the fun..."
