
Demon King Working System

Jack, A 25-year-old guy walked through the streets with a very happy face. It's his first day of work and after staying unemployed for more than a year. He was finally able to get a job and also in one of the big companies. Jack was so excited that he arrived an hour ago before the given time. So he strolled through an alley near the building. He lighted his cigarette and enjoyed it while standing in the alley. SHOT... Suddenly a shot was fired and a murder happened there which was witnessed by Jack. "Holy shit!! Did I just witness a murder?" Jack shouted as he called the cops and started to record Everything on his phone. RING... "Who is there get him..." "Damn, these call centers. I forgot to silence my phone." Jack ran away with the proof of murder as two killers pursued him. "Damnit stop running you fucking rat." One of the killers screamed at Jack while running behind him "Damnit what type of shitty luck, I have why it always happened to me..." Jack screamed as he ran away from both the killers. SHOT... Suddenly a shot grazed his leg and he fell to the ground, as he screamed in pain. SIREN... Suddenly the Siren of cops sounded and Jack took a sigh of relief that he was saved. "Who called the cops, damnit..." one of them screamed as he asked his other partner and Jack decided to take this chance and tried to run away. SHOT... "What did you think, you could run away from us that easily..." "Hand up, all of you..." "We need an ambulance there is the injured person, he has been shot through the chest near the heart." 'So this is how I am going to die, really now that I got a good job too, why has it always happened with me?' As his crimson-red blood flows from his body, his life slowly fades away, and he falls into a deep slumber from which no one can ever get up. .............. 'Where am I?' Jack found himself drifting into a never-ending dark realm, which seemed to stretch infinitely. #YOU SO YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE OVER MY BODY INTERESTING...# Jack heard a voice but wasn't able to see anyone as the Voice talked with him Jack got to know many things and that he was going to a new fantasy world. #AND BEFORE YOU GO, I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A GIFT TO YOU # The voice said as an unknown energy got inside Jack's body which was comfortable in its sense. #HAVE FUN DUDE AND USE MY GIFT PROPERLY...# The voice said and suddenly Jack's eyes shot open as he woke up and found himself in a new and very luxurious room. TIN TIN.... {SYSTEM IS ESTABLISHING CONNECTION TO THE HOST BODY.} {SYSTEM HAS ESTABLISHED THE CONNECTION. THE DEMON KING SYSTEM IS ONLINE} {SYSTEM IS EVALUATING HOST STATUS WINDOW.} "Ya!! I have my System that is so cool now I am also going to become an MC like those novel characters." With this Jack's new Adventure in an unknown world began.

Mask_Kk · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs


"Good evening young master..."

As I came inside the castle I saw many butlers and maids bowing their heads with respect, but I didn't focus on them as I ran towards a particular room.

Many servants saw Jack running like that with a new creature in his hand but no one gave much thought to it as everyone knows how much their young master had changed these days...


Jack opened the door of the practice room and saw Aurora there swinging her sword with a very beautiful form, she was very Sweety right now but that made her look sexier...

But right now Jack was in a hurry as he ran towards Aurora in hopes of finding a cure for his new Companion...

"Froze I need your help..."

Jack screamed as he leaped over towards Aurora who got startled because of an unexpected visitor...

She was so much focused on her training that she didn't even sense Jack until he came close to her...

"Why are you here shouldn't you be inside a dungeon right now and what's this in your hand, who had you bring inside the castle..."

Aurora asked Jack with a curious look on her face as she looked at the small cute wolf sleeping on Jack's hand...

"I need your help Aurora this is my new familiar and he is very sick, I need you to help me save him.."

Jack spoke in a hurried tone as he was very worried about this cute little thing... And seeing that worried look on his face Aurora didn't question more and took the wolf from his hand and started to examine the wolf's condition...

After two minutes of examination, she looked towards Jack with a worried look as she spoke...

"This wolf is suffering from Mana Depletion... It's a very rare type of disease and could be very harmful to someone's life..."

"Can you save him froze..."

Jack pleaded with a very sad look on his face at first he became the cause of this Little pup's mother's death and now if he can't even save him then what type of a person Jack would be...

Aurora shook her head with a defeated look on her face as she said...

"It's a very rare disease Damon, and I am no expert in this field even I know this disease because of my countless experience..."

"Then who can save it, tell me please Froze..."

Jack asked with a very worried look on his face...

" You should go and get your mother's help, as she is very profound in things related to magic, I am just a warrior but she is a very strong mage, the strongest in the whole Demon Empire..."

Aurora spoke and I nodded my head as I rushed towards my mother roam...



"Mother it's me can I come in..."

Jack was standing outside of his mother's office door as he knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"You can come in..."

As he heard his mother's voice, he rushed inside of her room...

As he got inside he saw a very beautiful white-haired and red Crimson eye lady sitting in front of him with many important papers scattered in front of her desk...

"Mother I am sorry for barging like that when you're very busy..."

Jack apologized to his mother after seeing the bundles of paperwork in front of her...

"Fufufu... Don't worry baby, I am your mother and you can come in any time whenever you want, it is your office too.."

She spoke with a kind smile as she asked him his purpose for coming here...

"Mother I want your help... This is my new familiar and it is suffering from Mana Depletion, can you help him and protect its life..."

Jack spoke with a concerned look on his face as he watched helplessly his new familiar suffering from the disease...

Hearing her Sylvana narrowed her eyes and walked towards Jack...

"Can I examine him..."

Jack was startled as he was looking towards Puma when suddenly out of nowhere Sylvana appeared in front of her like she just manifested out of thin air... Jack's scene wasn't able to catch her presence, but Jack came out of his retrieve and handed Puma to her hands...

"Hmm.... I am not going to ask you how you were able to get a magical beast with a strong base core like his familiar but it seems this beast no matter how talented, is still very unfortunate. It's as if this poor creature is destined to die..."

She spoke and a horrified look came upon Jack's face...

"You know that all magical Beasts have a core where they store their magical power right..."

Jack nodded his head slightly after hearing her question...

"Magic Depletion is a disease one magical energy and Mana started to deplete from there from their core or heart..."

"It can be caused many different ways by an accident or an injury caused at someone's heart or core... In both cases it is curable..."

"But I can't any traces of injuries and any magical accident from his core... Then that means..."

"That means...."

Jack repeated her words with an anxious look...

"It was caused by a birth defect... That means its core is not fully formed from birth... And it is something which I can't fix..."

She spoke and Jack's eyes opened wide with a shocked look...

Jack knows his mother is very strong, it is said that if it comes in terms of magic and intelligence, she can easily defeat the previous Demon King and a person like that is telling him that she can't fix his core...

Jack didn't know what to say, it felt like all hopes were gone for him...

"So you can't save him..."

Jack muttered slowly with a sad look on his face...

"I never said he can't be saved... I just said I can't fix it..."

She spoke and Jack narrowed his eyes....

"Go to Jurian forest, you will find your cure there..."

"Eleven Empire...."

Jack muttered as he looked towards Sylvana...

"Yes even though Demons are inferior to Elves when it comes to magic strength you should not underestimate their mastery of spells, if it weren't for the advantage demons have over other races then surely Elves would be much stronger than demons..."

She spoke but Jack didn't show much surprise on his face as he comes from a planet called Earth and everyone there knows how strong and intelligent Elves are in terms of magic... Heck Jack was surprised when he got to know that Demons and vampires are much stronger in magic compared to Elves...

"There is a person named Selena Silvianthor..."

"She is profound in various healing spells and is very knowledgeable when it comes to cores... I am sure, she can help you..."

Hearing her Jack's eyes lit up in hope as he thought of leaving for Eleven Empire right now...

"But it won't be that much easy to get her help..."

Hearing her Jack narrowed his eyes as he waited for her to continue but what he heard next Made him stumble to the ground...

"It's because she is also known as the Queen of all Elves..."