
Demon In Attack On Titan

A boy reincarnated into the world of aot, all alone, with no friends or family, with only a system that promises him unmatchable power. What will be the fate of this boy? Will he be the savior the world needed or the very thing that caused the world to end? First book ever, so please don't judge it like it was written by a pro. If you want the story to be better you can assist me with that, just give me advice and let me know my mistakes.

ChaoticCultivator · Komik
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3 Chs

First Battle

As he said this Akiras body became white giving off a very cold feeling, then his body appeared again but looked much different.

This time his skin was healthy and didn't look pale and sickly, his hair looked cleaner, and overall he looked much healthier.

"Hmm, must be the stats I put on my health, nice!" But then the frozen surrounding changed and everything began to move again.

"Ok, then it's decided we will both do it at the same time hehe," The fat thug said.

"Okay boss, but let me have the throat, mmm, it's been a while since I've had one so young I can't wait to hear him struggle to scream as i..."

Because the thugs were being too perverted they didn't notice the change that Akira went through and just began walking towards him.

While Akira himself was calm thinking about the words the system told him before time started to move again.

Apparently, along with the rewards of the system, he even has a passive ability which is to see the stats of others.

'Show me their stats'

[Fat Thug

( Can't Think Of Anything Else.)

Strength - 3.5

Speed - 1.0

Health - 2.5

Defense - 3

Agility - 1

Stamina - 1


[Ordinary Thug

( Can't Think Of Anything Else.)

Strength - 2.5 -

Speed - 3.0

Health - 3.0

Defense - 2

Agility - 2.5

Stamina - 2.5


'I could definitely beat them, but how can I do it without killing them? As much as they deserve death, i-i just can't bring myself to do it! With the other thug, I had no choice, but now I am much stronger, if I were to kill them now it would definitely make me a murderer.' Akari tried to think of a way to defeat the fat thug without killing him, not realizing how naive he was.

'Ok, I got it, if I put enough fear in them they won't ever bother me again right? Then I'll use all of my abilities to scare them away!' With this thought, Akira's Sharingan began to swirl slowly turning into a 2 tomoe Sharingan. As for how his Sharingan evolved, it was due to the memory of killing the previous thug.

Since the Sharingan was given by the system it is much more flexible than the original, for example even without chakra the Sharingan can still manipulate others!

So even without the opponent having chakra, he can still use genjutsu on them.

Unknowingly the thugs had already looked into the eyes of Akira and before they knew it their surroundings changed to a pitch-black space with no light at all.

Realizing their surroundings had changed, the thugs instantly started freaking out.

"What's happening?! WHERE ARE WE!??!"

"Dammit LET ME OUT"

The thugs screamed and shouted but to no avail.

"Dammit, it must be that boys doing! How else did we get here?! Those eyes dammit I should have paid more attention. Those eyes looked weird and gave off a weird feeling Dammit" The fat thug shouted, while the ordinary thug panicked on the ground.

While the thugs were under the illusion Akira on the outside began to walk out of the alley planning on finding out where he was.

"Hey, ma'am could you please tell me where I am?" Akira didn't want people to run away from him because of his eyes so he closed them, smiled, and tried to be as cute as possible.

"Aww, child did you lose your parents? Do you want me to take you to them?" Said the middle-aged woman smiling.

"No, thanks but could you please tell me where we are?" Akira refused and repeated his question.

"Okay then, well your pretty young so I guess you don't go out much but I figured even someone as young as you would know we are in the wall of maria." The woman said in confusion.

Akira was smiling since he wanted to appear as cute as possible, but when he heard what the woman said his face went pale and he staggered backward.

Seeing Akira go pale, the woman reached out and grabbed Akira and realized he had passed out.

Seeing such a cute child she could never leave him in such a dangerous place, so she decided to take him home.


Waking up Akira was still shocked but was more focused on his surroundings, he seemed to be in a room with multiple beds.

As Akira was looking around he could see a little child peeking through the door staring at him.

Seeing the child Akira was even more confused but then the woman who he had met earlier opened the door, came in, and smiled at him.

"Hello child, my name is Samantha I'm a worker at this orphanage, after coming across you on the street seeing you had passed out I decided to bring you here." Samantha caringly spoke.

'So I must have passed out huh, it seems the shock of being in the world of attack on titan was too much, also I'm still very hungry, even though my health has expanded a lot and I can definitely heal much faster than any other human I still need food or else I won't have any energy' While thinking this Akira's belly rumbled making him blush.

Seeing that Akira was hungry Samantha told the little child who was peeking on Akira to go get some food for him.

- 3 days later -

'Sigh I don't know what to do.' It's been 3 days since Akira came to the orphanage and since then he has bonded with the children and Samantha but he still couldn't get his mind off the titans.

After realizing he was in the world of Attack On Titan, he decided to ask Samantha what the date was and she told him it was 843, meaning its 2 years before the fall of maria.

Akira was trying to think of a way to get himself, Samantha, and the orphans out of wall maria but he couldn't think of a way, he hadn't watched AOT in years so he couldn't remember all of the plot even if he wanted to.

Barely edited this one, so their are prolly a lot of mistakes.

ChaoticCultivatorcreators' thoughts