
Chapter 75: With Bias

Jason had his back to the carriage.

Finch, on the other hand, faced it.

Almost the instant that blood-stained hand reached out, Finch saw it.

The numerous 'bizarre' encounters had long since changed Finch.

More importantly, the young man trusted that Jason could handle this special situation.

Just like he had done before.

Amid the uneasy whinnying of the horses nearby, the young officer did not panic. He took out his revolver, aimed at the position of the carriage, and waited for the commands from Jason, who was already approaching.

"Got a match?"

Jason stood in front of Finch and asked bluntly.


Without hesitation, Finch took out the matches he carried with him.

The young man watched as Jason struck a match and then put it back into the matchbox, followed by...

A toss!

The whole box of burning matches landed precisely inside the overturned carriage.



The carriage immediately flew into the sky.