
Demon Hunter! A Fairy Tail Adventure

What would you do if you were given a chance to live again after your death?? Would you take it, and milk it for all its worth? Or would you be content and pass on naturally? This is a story of a young man who got that 'second chance' at life. Join Alex as he try's to make the most out of his second life in the wonderful world of Fairy Tail! Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy tail or any of the characters from the series except my own MC. This is just a fan-fic I'm doing for fun to kill some time. Might have some romance in the story, however there will be no harem and no lemons. So sorry in advance if that's what you're looking for. P.s. I don't own the image or anything related to WOW and will remove it if I am required to do so.

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It had been a couple of days since Alex and Natsu's group had returned from Clover town and Alex was getting bored.

He had enjoyed the fight between Erza and Natsu, It was always amusing to watch Natsu get punched around, but now nothing was really happening.

Natsu and Gray were on unnaturally good behavior now that Erza was around, so the guild was a little quieter than usual.

'Oh I know!! I'll take the Deliora quest before Natsu and Happy do. I still need to test the damn demon particles more' Alex thought excitedly, he was still a little annoyed with himself burning all the particles from Lullaby.

Walking to the top floor of the guild hall Alex noticed Laxus lounging on the sofa. "Sup man! How are you feeling after the operation?" he asks as he walks towards the job board.

"Not bad actually, I noticed my spells take way less mana now. I'm still getting used to it" Laxus replied.

"Right on, should make you truly a monster once you do get used to it" Alex said with a laugh.

"Like you're one to talk about being a monster!" Laxus scoffed. "Are you really taking another S-class quest? Didn't you just get back from one?" Laxus asked curiously when he seen Alex stop in front of the board.

"What can I say? I'm getting bored and wanna go explore again" Alex replied with a shrug.

Grabbing the Galuna Island quest off the board, he headed for the Masters office. As Alex was leaving the common area of the second floor, he heard Laxus mutter something about him 'turning into a second Gildarts' but chose to ignore him.

When he entered the masters office, he found him shuffling through a mountain of paperwork that went over his short little head. 'Damn it would suck to lead this bunch' Alex thought with an inward chuckle.

"Hey Gramps, I'm thinking of heading out again for a while" Alex said to the old man.

"Hmm! Oh, Alex" Makarov said with a start. "Where you headed off too this time?" He asked, seemingly unconcerned about him wandering.

"Galuna Island" was Alex's simple response as he handed the job request to the master.

"Do you know about Curses?" Makarov asked curiously as he read over the request.

"I know enough to get by, but more importantly I know there isn't any energy in this world my fire can't burn" Alex replied unconcerned.

"Very well. Are you going alone?" Makarov asks. "I will ask Gray if he wants to come along, but if not then I'll go alone" Alex replied with a shrug.

"Not that I doubt your judgment, but why Gray?" Makarov asked curiously.

"I heard a very interesting rumor on my travels and if it is correct then this job might bring some closure to his past" Alex said cryptically.

"Do tell" Makarov said, his full attention now on Alex. Makarov was one of the few people who knew of Grays full backstory.

Alex told the master that on one of his travels, he had heard of a group of people transporting the Ice that contains the demon Deliora to the Island of Galuna before there was a request to clear the 'curse'.

"If my theory is correct, this so called 'curse' has to do with the demon in the ice and this group that transported it" Alex said after he finished his tale.

Makarovs face had gone pale when he made the connection between the Moon Drip spell and Galuna Island. 'To think, someone would be foolish enough to try and free that accursed Monster' Makarov thought in rage.

"If it is just about clearing his past, you would just have to kill the Demon. I don't think you would need him there just for that?" Makarov asked curiously, after he had calmed down.

'Smart, crafty old bastard' Alex thought wryly. "You're correct Master. There is something strange with his Ice, it ever so slightly resembles 'Demon Slayer magic' and I want to study it a little. I might even be able to turn him into an Ice Demon Slayer if I'm right" Alex said with a smile.

Makarovs eyes went wide before a giant smile made its way across his face and he started laughing.

"Besides, I already have a way to make Natsu stronger, but can't give it to him without raising Grays strength too, can't have those two idiots too unbalanced after all" Alex said before they both let out a good laugh at the thought.

It didn't take much to convince Gray to come along, he thought it would help him become an S-class wizard sooner if he started assisting on S-class quests.

Natsu over heard them talking and he instantly wanted to come too. Alex told him he could come if he could beat Laxus in a fist fight, much to the amusement of the whole guild Natsu tried climbing the stairs to get to Laxus and was smashed back down by the master.

As Natsu was still yelling at Laxus to fight him, Alex gestured to the door and he and Gray left.

Gray tried getting more information out of Alex, about why he was actually coming on this job, while they were on the train to Hargeon but Alex wouldn't budge, telling him he would have to wait till they were on the Island.

Gray was a little shocked to know they were going to the cursed Island, but wasn't scared.

When they got to Hargeon, Alex looked around for the Demon and his little boat that should be around here. Finding him easily because of the 'tainted ethernano' all demons have, Alex approached.

"Hey! We are wizards from Fairy Tail, could we hire you to take us to Galuna Island?" Alex said to the stunned man.

"Galuna Island! Don't you know that placed is cursed?" the man asked moments later.

"Yes, we have accepted the job to try and clear the curse" Alex said calmly.

The man didn't hesitate to invite them aboard his boat at that, he almost seemed excited.

They all made small talk on the way and eventually the Island came into view, Alex noticed when the boatman tried to 'sneakily' fly away but didn't call him out.

Gray made an Ice dock when they were close enough and they both left the boat.

Using {Mana Manipulation} he could see the residual magic in the air from the Moon-drip spell and wanted to clear it as soon as possible, the 'smell' was very foul to a Demon slayer.

'Not surprising I guess, it messes with the demons memories, this shit is potent and tries going straight to your head like a hallucinogen' Alex thought in disgust.

Telling Gray they had to meet with the village Chief before they could investigate, they headed for the center of the island.

The meeting with the villagers didn't take too long but it was annoying with the old elder yelling about destroying the moon all the time.

They left the village shortly after they got the information and headed to the temple, even Gray could tell it was the spot the foul magic was coming from.

Night had fallen before they made it to the temple, and they could see the pillar of purple magic climbing into the air so they headed straight for the top.

As they were eavesdropping on the people performing a ritual, Gray visibly tensed with wide eyes.

Having witnessed Grays behavior Alex asked him in a low voice if he knew them.

Gray told him about their history reluctantly, but didn't know why they were here. Alex mentioned it probably had to do with the Demon frozen in a block of ice under the temple and Gray lost it.

Running out to confront Lyon and ask why he was disrespecting the memory of their mutual master, he was in a rage.

Alex chuckled at his predictable behavior and entered {Stealth}.

As Lyon and Gray were having their confrontation, Lyon sent his lackeys to destroy the town. Alex intercepted them all without anyone knowing, before they had even left the temple.

He tied them up and sealed their magic, it wouldn't do to have them interfere later. Going back to watch the fight while still keeping {Stealth} up he waited for Ultear in her creepy little man costume to show up.

He knew she was powerful, but he also knew he could seal her magic before she ever discovered him, a magicless wizard was no threat to anyone.

Ultear appeared in her 'Zalty' persona and interrupted the fight between Gray and Lyon temporarily.

Alex chose that time to interfere and sealed her magic, but by doing so it also undid her disguise and brought confusion to everyone.

Half the people were wondering why she turned into a girl and the other half were wondering where Alex came from.

Lyon could feel the magic rolling off Alex, because he wasn't suppressing it and began to get scared. 'What is this?! Not even Ur had this kind of magic power!' Lyon thought in panic.

"That's enough of this crap, Surrender yourselves or I will be forced to attack. Be warned, I'm not very good at holding back" Alex said menacingly to Lyon and his group of cultists.

"Alex, he sent a group to wipe out the village" Gray said in alarm when he saw Alex.

"I already got them, it's just these idiots left" Alex said casually.

Lyon having had enough of the back and forth piped up "Who are you calling an Idiot!? I, Cold Emperor Lyon will revive Deliora and finally surpass UR! And nobody is going to get in my way!"

Lyon shouted before trying to charge his magic. Alex didn't give him the chance and before anyone could react he smashed Lyons face into the ground effectively ending the encounter.

The people performing the Moon-Drip ceremony were very scared now and Alex had Gray surround them with an Ice wall before they ran away.

Gathering everyone inside the ice prison, Alex waited for those that were unconscious to wake up before he started the interrogation.

He kept Ultear bound and gagged for the discussion as he did not want to hear any of her crap. He knew at this point she was heavily brainwashed and would do anything to get what she wanted, even genocide was not out of the question.

Alex had sealed Lyons magic but he didn't tie him or the villagers up, not yet anyway.

After everyone told their sides of the story, Alex told them he would release them all unharmed but it would wait until after they were done cleaning up the mess they made.

Keeping their magic sealed, he had Gray make a bigger Ice Prison and gave them all enough food and water to last 2 days. That is how long the seal on their magic would last and it was also their punishment for causing trouble.

Leaving the 'prison' Alex and Gray grabbed Ultear and headed under the temple.

"Do you mind removing her Gag for a second? I want to ask her why she looks so much like my old Master" Gray asked when they were halfway down the temple, he appeared to have wanted to ask sooner but held off till now.

"That is because she is the daughter of your late master" Alex said nonchalantly without removing her gag.

"That's impossible! Ur told us her Daughter died!" Gray shouted disbelievingly.

"It's the truth, ask her yourself when we get down stairs" Alex replied. He had noticed Ultear stop struggling when she heard what Gray had said and he knew her curiosity was probably eating her now, their stories didn't line up at all.

When they got under the temple, Gray had a momentary panic attack seeing the form of Deliora encased in ice before he calmed down.

Alex created a small camp before removing Ultears gag, he didn't remove her bonds or the seal but she could now answer their questions.

"What the hell do you mean by "my mother said I was dead?" she abandoned me!" Ultear shouted angrily toward Gray.

"No she didn't! At least, that's not what we were told" Gray responded just as loudly back to her.

Gray then started telling Ultear everything Ur had told him and Lyon about her and what the Bureau of Magical Development had said to Ur. Gray spoke calmly and to the point about the whole event, even telling of when Ur slapped Lyon when he tried saying they were replacements for her daughter. At the end of his story Ultear was crying, she had hated her mother for abandoning her all these years when she was just being manipulated.

Alex didn't interrupt their little heart to heart and just listened in quietly from the side as he studied the Iced Shell that was covering Deliora.

He knew Ur was technically still alive and wanted to see if his broken {Mana Manipulation} could do anything about it.

He knew enchanting could change the very form and nature of someone or something so it had to be possible, just like when Zeref changed Irene back to a human, from a Dragon.

He studied the Iced shell the whole time Gray and Ultear were talking and came up with a few theories, He could straight up melt the ice and collect the water but Ur would be unable to communicate with them and might be forever stuck in that form or he could create another vessel and move her consciousness and magic too it.

With his help, she should theoretically be able to take control of the new vessel though she would never be 'human' again.

Deciding this was the best bet he approached the other two people in the room, he would need both of their assistance if he wanted this to work.

"Okay, listen up love birds!" Alex said jokingly when he seen their closeness. "I have to tell you something you both might benefit from so hear me out before you start asking questions" he said quickly when he seen they were going to try to argue with him.

They both shut-up and paid close attention to him. "There is a small chance that I may be able to save Ur" he began. "I repeat a Small chance!" he said quickly when they were about to interrupt.

"In order for this to succeed all three of us will have to work together, as it will take a massive amount of power and I can't do it on my own" he finished before giving them a moment to process his words. "Are you both willing to give it a try?" he asked after a minute.

"Won't we have to fight Deliora after if we do this?" Gray asked, he wanted to save Ur very badly but didn't know if he was ready to face Deliora.

When he noticed Ultear waiting for this answer as well, Alex replied.

"I can sense it's life force has almost completely disappeared, it seems like Ur has been killing it this whole time so it will most likely not be much of a fight" he said, unconcerned with it all.

"How do you plan to save her?" Ultear asked, clearly unconvinced of it's possibility.

"I am an Enchanter, I will create a vessel for her and then pull her consciousness and remaining magic into it, she will never be truly human again, but it will take a doctor to be able to tell" He said seriously to the skeptical lady.

This got Ultears attention and she started really considering the possibility 'Maybe, just maybe it could work. I would be able to ask her for the truth myself'.

Will it work?! Stay tuned, and find out next time on Dragon Ba... oh... wrong show.


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