
Demon Emperor's Wild Husband

Demon Emperor's Wild Husband During his first life, he was brutally killed by those he called family. In his second life, he lost everyone he loved and cared for, while being betrayed by those he called allies and friends. In his third life, he won't make the same mistakes as his previous life, in this life, those family that killed him will face a life worse than death. He will also protect those he loves and cares for.

Empress_Tiny · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Chapter 30

Zhao Yang opened his eyes slowly, his head was pounding, and he felt lightheaded. Maybe because it was hurting, when he opened his eyes and looked around, he was confused with the scenery he was seeing. He closed his eyes again and shook his head, as if resetting his brain to see right. However, once he opened his eyes again, he saw the same scene. 

A modern bedroom, it was a beautiful colour scheme of light grey, cream and green. Zhao Yang was really confused now, he had no idea where he was and why he was here. Shouldn't he be in the palace right now, as if he realised something, he quickly looked down at his belly, he saw that it was flat. He didn't know how to describe the feeling he felt. 

The last thing he remembered was Jun dying right in front of his eyes and he fainted after. He thought that the people from the other kingdoms would torture him or something or at least kill him, maybe they did. 

He had no of putting together the pieces of how he ended up in the modern world, unless everything he experienced was a dream. 'No, it can't have been a dream, it all felt too real'. He got up from the bed and looked around the room, because his head was still pounding, his vision wasn't the best, but he noticed some pictures on the table. He walked, with careful steps as to not fall over and picked up on of the picture frames. It was a picture of him and his grandfather on the day of his graduation. 

Zhao Yang's legs gave out on him, and he fell on the floor. Who would have thought after being killed by his family, he would go back in time and go to a magical place. He thought that once he died in that place he would go to the afterlife and meet his lover Jun there, but he came back as Ming Chen. 

He couldn't believe what was happening. The first time it happened he could accept it and live on as Zhao Yang but now he can back as Ming Chen. He shivered as he thought out his brothers and cousins killing him. At that moment he realised that he didn't know if he come back before or after the killing, although it was highly unlikely it was before, but he had to be sure. 

He turned on the computer that was on the table and the date, when he saw the date, he felt like he was going to faint. It was the year 2021, 4 years before his brothers and cousins killed him in that cottage. He couldn't believe it, he thought that he might have been in a dream and pinched himself. The pain and the after string felt real enough for him to know that he wasn't in a dream. 

Zhao Yang fell into a trance and went into the thought of Li Jun and his family who were killed, he also thought about his babies who couldn't be born. It was all his fault; he wasn't able to use his powers and because of that all his family died. Sadness overcame him and he started to cry and mourn for this dead family. As he was crying, he could hear footsteps and the sound of people speaking, he panicked and quickly went back into his bed and pretend to be asleep. Just as he closed his eyes, he could hear the door of his room bring opened. Two pairs of footsteps could be heard walking towards his bed. He felt the figures loom over his figure.

"He's still not awake?", a man voice could be heard asking, possibly to the person next to them. 

"Yes, it's been a week now", the other was also heard replying back, this voice belonged to a woman. Zhao Yang or rather now Ming Chen wasn't that thick, and he quickly realised that these two voices, one male and one female belonged to his father and stepmother. Even though they never hurt him like his brothers and cousins that didn't mean that they weren't involved with the killing. 

His father married his stepmother when he was 1 years old, although she didn't abuse him, the couple neglected him and never paid attention to him. It was only his grandfather who cared for him and took care of him over the year. Ming Chen remembered something; his grandfather was still alive. 

He wanted to get up right there and then and go find his grandfather and give him a big hug, but those people were still there, and he couldn't let them get the advantage as they might be behind his death in the future. He didn't want to suspect his parents but what he heard next changed that thought within his mind.

"Good, I hope he never wakes up", Ming Chen heard his father say with no emotions in his voice. He felt really heartbroken that his own father would say something like that but when he thought about what his brothers and cousins did, it couldn't compare. 

Ming Chen just didn't understand why his father didn't care for him and instead showered his younger brother with all the love and care. He kept his eyes shut and tried not to squirm under the death stares from both his father and stepmother. Maybe seeing that he was in actual fact still unconscious, the two people left the room. 

As soon he heard the door close, Ming Chen got up from his bed and ran to his desk. He sat down and opened his computer and double checked the year and date he had come back to. It turned out that he came back a week after his graduation. However, he couldn't remember anything that happened during that time, but he remembered all the other times. 

Ming Chen found that things are very complicated and hard to understand. He still couldn't wrap how he was able to come back 4 years before his death, but then again, he did somehow end up in another person's body and living as them as well as the fact that he somehow ended up in another world where magic exists. Just thinking about his life as Zhao Yang, he felt his heart ache. 

He tilt's his head back and looked the ceiling, in his own thoughts and world. So much so that he didn't realise the door of his room being opened. It wasn't until someone tapped him on his shoulders that he turned his head and saw the only person in the Ming family that cared for him. Seeing his grandfather, he shot up from his seat and engulfed his grandfather is a bear hug. Burst of emotions went through him, sadness, happiness and more. Tears also streamed down his face. His grandfather embraced him back and patted his back, soothing and comforting him. His grandfather was always like that, caring and loving.