

Zaragon's body reformed, and so did his ability to fully think and react to what was happening around him. And to his surprise, this group had managed to take on the mechanical warriors quite well. It seemed rather bothersome to him, though.

So, Zaragon clapped two of his hands together while using the rest to fix his suit up a bit. Together with the clapping sound, something in the room changed. It was sudden, so much so that even Eiro nearly missed it. But he didn't, and was able to react in time. Right from above the Demon, a thick stream of holy energy came flowing onto him.

It was strong and concentrated, but... Zaragon clearly didn't expect that which Eiro did next. He waved his hand around, making a black sludge pour out of his fingers. The sludge stayed in place, and diverted the flow of the holy energy, and let Eiro control them instead.