
Secrets (Part 2)

Annabeth suddenly wakes up. "What happened" She asked Mr.Cruise. " You have been asleep for another 2 days how are you feeling?" said Mr.Cruise. "Better" Said Annabeth. "Can i ask something?". Mr. Cruise said "of course. "I saw a girl looking like me she was holding a sword and ripping a red monster apart. I also saw this girl in my dreams today" Said Annabeth. Mr. Cruise went pale. He told Annabeth to get ready. They got ready and went out of the house . When Annabeth for the first time saw camp ultraviolet she was amazed by the beauty of it.But Mr.Cruise grasped her hand tightly and started walking towards an old warehouse. They opened the door of the ware house and saw an old lady sitting on a with an ultraviolet ball chair. Annabeth suddenly remembered what she saw in one of her dreams the old lady the ultraviolet ball everything is exactly the same from her dream. She started feeling dizzy. Mr.Cruise said " show her the path". Then Mr.Cruise went outside. The old lady said " Dear child come here and sit". Annabeth obeyed. The old lady said " I know You had a dream about this place about me and the prophecy". Annabeth was shocked! She thought how could this old lady possibly know that. The old lady said " I need not to repeat myself as you already know the prophecy just remember Have Courage and make your own future Don't let the destiny make it". Annabeth suddenly remembered the dream she had that night. The girl with the sword. "I also saw a girl looking like me with a sword. Who is she ?" asked Annabeth. " May the time unravel the secrets " With this the old lady vanished. Annabeth was once again shocked and scared at the same time. Mr.Cruise came in and took her hand and headed towards their house. All that time Annabeth was thinking about the old lady she had so many questions Who is she? How did she know about her dreams? But she thought not to ask those questions to Mr.Cruise. At night when she went to sleep she hoped that she did not see those same dreams again...

What will she dream of?? continue reading to find out

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