
Demeaned Beauty

Give the diamond to an animal and it will never value it. But those aware of its worth wouldn't think twice going to any level to obtain it. Only thing, a diamond isn't a noble beauty with high values that it couldn't proceed with any obtainer.

Delusion_0113 · Masa Muda
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2 Chs


Every person craves to be loved, to feel comfort, to belong. And where ever we get all these cravings fulfilled is what we end up calling home. Home is not a place, Home is a feeling. Likewise you could be living in a place where you are not heard, not valued, not loved, and basically emotionally abused. A place where you just breathe, living but not alive at the same time.

Sandra was also an individual who was breathing but not actually living. She's never let it get to her though and tried her hardest to set free from the shackles of the emotional scars that living gave her.

Sandra had three sisters and two brothers. Just like any traditional family in the medieval times, her family too thought of girls as a huge responsibility if not a burden. Her family at least did allow girls' education though.

Allowing education doesn't mean it was all good though, the children were not guided by the elders whatsoever, for instance Sandra and her twin sister studied biology two whole years but their teacher out of some personal grudge manipulated them into switching to art at the end of the year, the time when examination registrations took place. And they ended up sitting in art examinations but nobody cared, or even knew.

Sandra's mother had two brothers and one sister, her maternal aunt who was a rich woman, unlike Sandra's mother who was not much of clever lady, was not plain and basic at all. She was a mean lady to be specific. She taught her kids to never share there toys with their cousins.

Whenever Sandra's family visited their aunt's place they weren't allowed to move around or talk and if they did, a harsh scolding was received by them immediately.

Who said blood is always warm, one's own blood can be the coldest sometimes. Sandra's brothers were still pretty little when once they visited their aunt's place and she fed her kids almonds and walnuts right in front of them, she didn't even bother to offer a single speck to the little boys.

Sandra's father passed away at the last year of her schooling.

As time passed Sandra and her twin sister Gushta graduated. Sandra and all her sisters were very pretty ladies, her elder sister Shaita being most liked by people.

A proposal came for Shaita. The proposer was educated, lived far from the city and earned a decent living. The family desperate to marry away the girl out of societal pressure, thinking people don't marry ladies from a middle class background immediately agreed, although Shaita deserved someone even better.

Soon after, another proposal came for her twin sister Gushta, this time the guy belonged to a reputed family. His looks were fine, he was 18 years older than Gushta and like Shaita's husband he too was well educated. It was heard that the guy's mother heard about Gushta hard working and her proficiency in household chores. That's why she sent a proposal her way.

Again the family didn't care much that the proposers want a free 24/7 young beautiful servant, they agreed and married her off.

Sandra's paternal aunts were kind to the girls. They taught them social skills, bargaining and all other skills required in a young lady at those times. But they never much intervened on particularizing the proposals, setting some boundaries or some basic criteria for the suitors.

Sandra during this time supported her sisters in every way she could, whenever they visited home she used to take care of the dinner for them, when they had kids she would be by their side, she cherished them with all her heart.

Just like every other girl Sandra thought the feeling of being wanted, and freedom from constantly being reminded you don't belong here, would leave her alone, once she marries. Maybe her seeing Gushta happy after her marriage, living with a contented heart had something to do with it.

Since childhood, these girls were taught that they have to work head over heels for their in laws and never say no. They were trained to cook food for hundreds of people. And Gushta accepted all this well, she never had any seconds thoughts about the notion of toxic masculinity or Men enslaving their wives. So she was very happy in life since she fulfilled all of those responsibilities. She obviously used to face a lot of tiredness though.

Sandra never knew that a guy saw her in her elder sister's wedding, He saw how gracefully and maturely she carried herself and thought she'd be perfect for Norat, his second eldest brother.

And again, a proposal came on its way for Sandra. This Norat guy did not earn much unlike his other brothers. He had 13 brothers and 4 sisters, and it was clear Sandra would have to take care for all of them and do all the other chores.

Gushta's husband was told to enquire a bit, since the people seemed a bit less educated.

Faral, Gushta's husband said "the guy doesn't deserve Sandra, he's very different from her."

But the aunt's thought otherwise..