

"Ugh. My head...." Xander(?) stirred awake with a splitting headache and something that felt like electricity coursing through his entire body.

He stood up in the middle of what seemed to be some sort of stable. The cows and horses were all restless and making a racket and he was sure it was going to draw some unwanted attention.

Before he could find his bearings a bright light came from what must have been the stable door, and in the white light was the outline of someone.

"Oi! Da hell ya think ya doing tta my livestock!" a male voice rang out in anger.

"...eh....?.." Xander didn't have a chancte to say anything before he fountd his face smashed into the grimy stable floor, the taste of dirt on his tongue making him gag.

"My animals have been sick an' miserable fer weeks an' ain't nothing I've done made any of 'em feel better! I can finally git rid of their problems..." the male stepped into the stable with a scowl.

He had pale skin with a lean but muscular build. His dull blonde hair was styled in a wolf-cut and his near-black eyes were fierce. He was wearing baggy black trousers, worn-out boots and bandages wrapped around his midsection. He had a translucent and barely visible aura surrounding him.

The teen picked up Xander and pinned him to the wall by the neck.

"Who are ya and what the hell are you doing to my animals?!"

Xander searched his mind for a name and came up with nothing. He had no idea who he was. He remembered shaking hands with...a person and getting sucked into a door but that was about it.

"I... don't... know..." he croaked, struggling to free himself from the boy's grip.

The boy eyed Xander skeptically, watching his body language for any signs of lies but found none of the tell-tale signs of untruthfulness.

With a sigh he let Xander go.

"Alright then. If you don't know who you are then 'ow exactly did ya end up in me stable?"

Xander didn't answer, rubbing his neck where a red line was quickly forming and trying to catch his breath.

"Oh yeah. Sorry 'bout strangling ya. My name's Volare Steinfeld...."


"So the last thing ya remember is being sucked into some strange door?" Volare questioned his new companion as they made their way to the nearest settlement, a small place called Wolves Hallow.

"Yeah. The person who shook my hand looked very familiar though..."

"Ain't gonna lie. You're former self doesn't sound intelligent at all"

"Now what makes you say that Volare"

"What kinda idiot shakes hands with someone that just walked out of a strange door in a house they just moved into?"

Xander shrugged. "I wonder what I was thinking. I think I remember fantasizing about getting sent to another world..."

They walked on for bit, Xander spotting many animals and wildlife he had never seen as well as some common ones like deer, wolves and elk. There was no doubt this world was brimming with all kinds of magic. The perfect setting for all kinds of supernatural magic shenanigans.

When they were about a mile from the town Volare spoke up.

"Y'know...I have to call you something. Can't settle for just calling ya 'boy' for the rest of yet life. Gotta introduce ya to the townsfolk of the town someway..."

Xander nodded and put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a spanner. He remembered he was going to do something with the small tool but the exact memory escaped him. He wasn't sure how exactly the tool had followed him into this realm but at least he remembered it's name.

"A... spanner....?"

"Eureka!Why that's a great name!" Volare jumped up like he had just thought of the greatest thing since sliced bread. "I'm not the best at naming things and I was thinking about naming you Coochie Horse...but I guess Spanner works just as well"

Spanner looked incredulous. Though he had no idea what the first part of that name meant he could feel in his bones that something about it was wrong and totally unacceptable.

"What in tarnation is a Coochie Hor-"

"Stop. Something's not right. I smell trouble...and it's coming in the direction of where we're headed" Volare suddenly stopped smiling and surrounded himself with the translucent aura from before, the air around them suddenly becoming lighter and somehow thinner.

Spanner blinked and looked around. He couldn't smell or notice anything. Maybe it was just something the people in this world did that he hadn't learnt yet. Also what was that strange mist like thing that surrounded Volare? It was similar to what enveloped the body of that thing that brought him here.

"Aight Spanner. This might be a bit too much for you but it looks like you'll be having a first hand lesson about why they call this place Wolves Hallow!" Volare turned to him, his calm demeanor vanished and was replaced with the fierce look from when he met him in the stable.

"By the looks of it I feel it's a bandit attack. I smell a few creatures too... where's the fucking town guard when ya need 'em..."

With a grunt he made a few hand signs and snatched an entire battle axe out of thin air; the weapon was translucent like Volare's aura but looked as real and solid as a rock.

"Now... let's light some sons o' bitches!"

Author's note: Xander is now going to be called Spanner from this point onward. Sorry if there is(or there was) any confusion.

I'm really only doing this to get constructive criticism and feedback about my writing skills. Also it's fun and challenging in a way.

See ya tommorow peeps

(PS if you get the Volare reference then I guess you are my little pogchamp...come here!)

Dio_Lyracist333creators' thoughts