
Delinquent King

After three years of not accepting a single student, Helios Academy opens its doors once again attracting many geniuses from all over the world. With the appearance of the legendary golden child, both good and evil forces approach Hyeseong city causing disarray to society. Will Leon, who is always involved in major incidents be able to defend against the looming danger threatening the very existence of humanity itself?

Lady_HaruHaru · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 11: Survival of the Fittest (2)

"Boss, you won't try to do anymore crazy stunts. Right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know… Like what you did earlier…" 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." 

Sasha stares at Leon incredulously, "Boss! You literally just jumped off a cliff!" Leon refutes, "you did too."

"That's because you forced me!" 

"I never forced you", Leon looks at Sasha, "I gave you a choice."

Sasha: "…" she couldn't refute that. Sasha sighed, it was no use trying to get Leon to admit his wrongs if he himself does not think it's wrong. 

Leon noticed Sasha's glum face. It's not that she didn't understand Sasha's worries, it's just that without using crazy means, then they both might not be able to get through this trial. This island is quite dangerous, even for Leon herself. Normal means of survival definitely won't work.

 To be honest, the other candidates weren't the only ones who thought that Helios Academy is crazy to set up this kind of exam. She, too thought that this was a little crazy. Especially, since most candidates haven't even awakened yet. It's surprising that the government hasn't attempted to advocate having Helios Academy shut down. Though, that's pretty much impossible.

Leon's thoughts are interrupted by Sasha's incessant chanting. "We're definitely going to die, We're definitely going to die, We're definitely going to die, We're definitely going to die" 

Leon puts away her thoughts, "we're not going to die already."

"Hmph", Sasha complains aggrievedly, "Easy for you to say. With your reckless personality, we'll die for sure."







In another part of the island, Alan ran desperately as if her life depended on it. Right behind her was a demonic Snake chasing after her. The Snake thrusts its tail towards Alana, she just barely blocks the attack with her small knife."ugh!" Alana collides into the ground, coughing up blood, she struggles to get up. The moment she managed to stand up, the demonic snake attacked her again. This time she dodged the snake retreating a few steps away from the monster. 

The snake was furious that Alan dodged its attack and spat out an purple substance at Alana. Fortunately, Alana managed to avoid it. "?!" Alana was shocked to see the substance melt the ground where it landed. If that hit her instead… she quickly shook her head, trying to clear her mind. She needed to focus, otherwise she really would lose her life. 

The Demonic Snake then shot dozens of acidic substances towards her direction. 

Alana condensed her mana into her legs. She continuously dodged the barrage of attacks. 

'This isn't good. I'll Die at this rate!' 

A big substance fell right above her, she quickly conjured a mana shield to temporarily guard against herself. After, the mana shield melted away. She clicked her tongue, glaring at the snake. The demonic beast seemed to be smirking at her, enjoying her suffering. 

'Damn it..!' In the corner of her eye, Alana glanced at the deeper part of the forest. She didn't know whether she was lucky or not, but now she's found an escape route. 

This is a huge gamble. If I manage to escape from this monster I'll be safe! However, if I run into other monsters along the way, I'm toast!'

She took a deep breath. There weren't many options to choose from. Zach wasn't with her, she was all on her own. No one would save her, she could only rely on herself to save her life.

'If only... If only I listened to Zach back then.'








After Han Mujin cut off the projection screen, Zach sighed muttering under his breath, "this is troublesome." 

He turned to face Alana, "Alana. I want you to never leave my side at all costs."

Alana got annoyed at Zach who always treated  her like a child. "Stop treating me like a child! I can handle myself." Zach gave her a stern glare, "you can handle yourself? Don't make me laugh. You've been sheltered nearly your whole life. How could you possibly know anything about survival?" 

Provoked by his words, Alana retorted, "how can I not know how to survive?!"

"Oh believe me. You know nothing. The only survival you know is survival in the social circle." 

Alana's eyes are wide open in shock, how dare he say that to her? Unfortunately, before she could argue back, Zach cuts her off. "This is survival of the fittest. The strong survive and the weaklings die." 

"Alana." Zach grabs her shoulder. "You are weak. You'll just wind up dead if you keep doing what you usually always do."

Alana kept silent. How dare he say such a thing to her? 

'"I can't survive on my own" is what you're trying to say huh?'

Gritting her teeth, Zach peered at Alana whose head was facing the ground. His words may have been a bit too harsh for her. However, she needed to know that this is no longer the territory of Turganevs where she could roam around and do whatever she wants without a care for the consequences. 

Eyes glowing with determination, Alana Swears to herself. 'Then I'll prove it to you!' 

She slaps away Zach's hand and walks away towards the forest. "Where are you going?!" Zach yells, he chases after Alana, he tries to grab her again, however, Alana avoids his touch. "Alana!" 

"Shut up!"

Alana backs away from him, the two were completely unaware of the hidden danger lurking approaching them.

Flashbacks of her childhood appear in het memory.

"I'll show you that I, Alana Turganev"

Zach notices a Monstrously huge Demonic Snake looming over Alana. 


Desperately sprinting towards Alana, he reached out his hand to her. "ALANA!!!"

"Can survive on my own!!" 

In a swift second the Snake lifts its tail readying to attack. 

Zach yells with all his might like never before. "RUN!!"


Taken aback by Zach's outburst, Alana turns around greeted by the Snake's tail attack. 

A part of the island makes a loud crumbling sound. The ground cracks along with trees destroyed, separating the two from each other.





Alana takes a deep breath.

 'I can do this'

She picks up a Rock and injects her mana into it.

The snake charges towards Alana's direction.This was what she was hoping for. An opportunity to catch the snake off guard. When the snake was in a distance Alana was satisfied with, she threw the rock that she filled with mana at the Snake's eye. Blood gushed out of its eye causing it to let out an earth-shattering cry.

Alana took this chance to flee in the direction behind her. The Demonic Snake saw Alana run away in its uninjured eye. It was furious and screeched. It chased after Alan menacingly. Luckily,  there were no nearby monsters, however,  She did not have much stamina and strength left. 

'Is this really it for me?'

Just when Alana thought she wouldn't be able to continue on, she spots two figures 50 metres away, one had a murky golden hair colour and the other had dark blue hair. Making up her mind, Alana ran towards that direction. For better or for worse, if those guys are strong she'll be saved. However, if they're weak then they can just act as Bait!