
Delinquent King

After three years of not accepting a single student, Helios Academy opens its doors once again attracting many geniuses from all over the world. With the appearance of the legendary golden child, both good and evil forces approach Hyeseong city causing disarray to society. Will Leon, who is always involved in major incidents be able to defend against the looming danger threatening the very existence of humanity itself?

Lady_HaruHaru · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 10: Survival of the Fittest (1)

"Grrrrrr" A large wolf-like beast looms over them, baring its fangs, Sasha freaks out, pointing at it with her trembling finger. "T-that's a..!"

Leon grabs Sasha's hands and makes a run for it! "What are you standing there for?! Run!!" As the two of them run, Sasha shouts, "Boss! That's a demonic wolf, right?!" Leon rolls her eyes as if it's obvious, "what do you think?" She lets out a small laugh: "this place is teeming with demonic beasts"

"What?!" Stunned by the sudden information, Sasha cries in fright,"This is just crazy!! How can Helios Academy send people to a place like this?! Don't they know how dangerous demonic beasts are?!"

Leon laughs, "that's why they called it a test of survival!"

"Are you seriously enjoying this situation?!"


Sasha: "…." 

Yep, he was totally enjoying this situation, it's Leon after all. Even though Sasha knew this already, it was still very annoying, okay?! Her life was literally on the line! Would it kill Leon to be a little more aware? Probably not. 

The demonic wolf suddenly opened its mouth. Condensing a ball of mana, it released a magic attack heading straight for Leon and Sasha. However, Leon was quick to react and pulled Sasha's arm, dodging the wolf's attack. The ground was reduced to a large hole. Sasha gulps at the sight, if Leon hadn't pulled her away in time, she may have… no! Let's not think about it. 

Leon: "…" 

The wolf was almost catching up to them. Leon thought, 'we can't go on like this.' At this rate, they'd be caught by the beast. Having made her mind up, Leon closes her eyes, concentrating her mental power, she empties out her mind, a weak aura envelopes her body. 

Noticing the wolf getting closer, Sasha turns to Leon in an urgent manner, "Boss!" 

At that moment, Leon opens her eyes, directing all of her aura into her leg, she thrusts a kick upwards. The friction of the air slashes the demonic beast's body slowing its movements down. Taking advantage of this, Leon focuses her aura into her fist, she punches the ground, cracking and reducing it to rubble in the process. The ground between Leon and the beast crumbles, She grabs Sasha and dashes away from the beast. 

As they ran, Leon spotted a cliff ahead of them. It was a dead end. But that wouldn't stop her. She Beckons Sasha, "Let's go!" Realising what Leon was thinking of doing, Sasha's face paled, "you're not really thinking of–"

"Yep, so when I give the call, jump."

"No way! I'll die if I jump off a cliff that high."

"You can either choose to jump off the cliff, or,  you can wait to be ripped to shreds by that demonic beast right behind us."

"Come on how can it be behind us alr–"

As she turns around, the wolf was just a 1 mile behind them.

Sasha: "…." How can it recover from the attack so fast?!

As the two reach the end of the cliff, Leon kindly reminds her: "Jump or get ripped to shreds" she smiles, "your choice."

"…" haha, I don't have a choice now do I? Sasha looks at the cliff, and then back at the ferocious Wolf who is obviously very pissed right now. Haha, it's better to fall to your death than to become lunch. 

Satisfied, Leon turns around shouting, "jump!", the two jump off the cliff evading the demonic wolf.






In another part of the island, Sasha and Leon emerge from a riverbank, gasping for air. "Cough! Cough! That was… cough. Close!" Sasha and Leon swim towards the river side, Sasha aggrievedly complains, "boss! That was crazy!" 


"You're still laughing?" Sasha was upset by Leon's response, "we could have lost our lives you know?!"

Leon nods in agreement, "yeah we did almost die" She jokingly said, "we almost drowned to our deaths."

"..." boss, would it kill you to be serious for once?! Leon perceives Sasha's disgruntled expression and says helplessly, "come now, don't be so gloomy! We survived didn't We?"

'And we'll continue to survive' 

She'd already come so far, so how could she just die?

Leon looks up into the sky, she mutters to herself: "I'll survive to the end." 

"What did you say boss?"

Leo  smiles, brushing it off, "It's nothing. I was just talking to myself."