

Born into a family where he was disregarded by his father, Kunal grew up in a gangster. After leaving his past ways, he tried to live honestly with his friends and family, but fate had strange turns in store. One day, the world changed, with monsters popping out of nowhere and going on a rampage. The mass destruction pushed human technology and morality backward. When all hope was lost, God took action and blessed humanity with an awakening. God gave us superpowers to protect the world and the people we love. But it had an advert effect as the awakened people started to wreak havoc instead. With no laws to stop them, criminals started flourishing, and order nearly collapsed. The cries of various abuse- rape, murder, theft, kidnapping, sacrifice etc could be heard everywhere. Could Kunal and Co., the strongest awakened team in the country, survive and flourish in these damn times where hope has to be found?

Kartikey · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Ch 5

The luxurious villa, a sprawling testament to Kunal's success, exuded opulence from every corner. Its spacious living room boasted elegant furnishings, plush sofas, and tasteful artwork that reflected Kunal's impeccable taste. As Aishwarya, Kunal, Sam, and Nitin settled cozily on the sumptuous sofa, their laughter resonated in the air, creating a harmonious ambiance in the grand setting.

The aroma of delectable Indian delicacies wafted through the room, enticing everyone's senses. Nitin, seated at the coffee table, was fully immersed in the array of dishes—biryani, butter chicken, and an assortment of mouthwatering treats. The villa, with its luxurious charm, served as a haven for the trio, a sanctuary of comfort amid their playful camaraderie.

With plush furnishings and a palette of rich colors, the living room provided a perfect backdrop for their stories. As Sam engaged in a lighthearted tussle with Kunal over the remote control, their banter added a touch of playfulness to the sophisticated surroundings. The room echoed with the sounds of laughter, the clinking of cutlery, and the occasional rustle of the lavish curtains.

" Aunty, So what exactly happened today? This son of yours didn't tell me anything." Sam asked as he forcefully tugged at the remote in an attempt to steal it. 

"It's not my fault, as I also don't know what happened. I am just as clueless as you, brother." Kunal retorted as he let himself be dragged away with the remote.

In the dimly lit room, Aishwarya, with a torch in hand for added dramatic effect, began to recount the day's unexpected events. The flickering light cast shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of suspense as she detailed her misadventures.

Nitin, still savoring a plate of samosas, was fully engrossed in the storytelling. Aishwarya described the moment when Nitin left for groceries, leaving her alone in the villa.

As he had forgotten to lock the door, she, preparing herself for a surprise visit to the set, had a sudden dementia attack. In her lost state, she doesn't know why, but she decided to apply makeup, which went horribly wrong.

Aishwarya vividly described the makeup: the mascara was forming a cross on her nose like she was on a covert mission, and instead of blush, she used red lipstick on her cheeks, which made her cheeks appear bloody, and that wasn't the only thing wrong with her makeup.

Even her clothes got dusty and dirty, and she was wearing a strange combination of pink pajamas and a red tank top with purplish shoes.

"In all senses, I looked like a patient who ran away from a mental asylum. So, people avoided me like a plague." These words were spoken by Aishwarya herself and described her situation perfectly.

After roaming, God knows where her fit ended, and she finally regained herself mentally. After getting out of her stupor, her misadventure ended, and she found herself near a park with no money or phone on her, as she had forgotten her purse at home. The only thing she had was the ID she was wearing.

She would have panicked if this was the first time something like this happened, but fortunately or unfortunately, it was not. So the first thing she did was to take a deep breath to calm herself, and she could only try to communicate with people around her by asking for a phone.

At that time, she didn't know the state of her face and was puzzled as to why people were avoiding her like a plague. Feeling slightly suspicious, she decided to peek a glance in a mirror and had a great jumpscare.

Left with no choice, the decision to venture into the park became her only option.

With every word, Aishwarya painted a vivid picture of the vibrant park, the serenity of Sophie's escape, and the sudden intrusion of the eccentric-looking Aishwarya into their lives. The room held its breath as the narrative unfolded, creating an immersive experience for everyone present.

Nitin, seizing the opportune moment, discreetly shared a photo he had taken of the trio in the park. Kunal glanced at the photo and gestured with his eyes to be silent.

As Aishwarya dove into the tale, the flickering torchlight added a mysterious touch to the already elegant living room. "Picture this," she began. "Sophie's eyes widened like she had just stumbled upon a rare Pokémon when she saw me."

Nitin, with a pakoda halfway to his mouth, burst into laughter, snorting, "I bet she thought she'd encountered the legendary 'Makeup-Clad Ghost-Type Pokémon.' It's super effective against unsuspecting parkgoers!"

Aishwarya nodded, playing along. "And there was Raj, caught between bravery and sheer disbelief. I could practically see his internal struggle: Should I confront the ghost or flee like my life depends on it?'"

The room erupted in laughter, and Kunal, still fighting over the remote, chimed in, "Poor Raj! He probably wished he had a shield to protect himself from the terrifying sight of your makeup mastery."

Amidst the jokes, Aishwarya continued, „But here's the kicker: Raj didn't run." Nope! He faced the ghost with a mix of sheer confusion and a dash of bravery. I swear, Sophie looked like she was about to offer him her jacket in gratitude."

Nobody noticed (he thought so, but Aishwarya peeked a glance at him), but Kunal, who was still playing a playful tug of war, frowned subtly at the mention of Sophie, but the frown was gone in seconds, just like it came. Kunal, wiping tears of laughter, teased, "Friendly neighborhood ghost? Was there a sign saying, 'Boo! Please excuse the makeup mishap'?".

Nitin, still stuffing himself, added, "Sophie, the fearless explorer of the park, is now facing the enigmatic Aishwarya in her natural habitat—dramatic makeup and all."

As the room resonated with laughter, Aishwarya kept the anecdotes flowing. So, I, the accidental ghostly figure, tried to look mysterious and foreboding. "But let's face it, my makeup was more ‚friendly neighborhood ghost' than ‚haunting entity."

The jokes continued, each punchline accompanied by hearty laughter that filled the luxurious villa. Aishwarya, enjoying the storytelling spotlight, recounted the park escapade with Sophie and Raj, making the opulent living room a theater of humor and shared joy.