

Born into a family where he was disregarded by his father, Kunal grew up in a gangster. After leaving his past ways, he tried to live honestly with his friends and family, but fate had strange turns in store. One day, the world changed, with monsters popping out of nowhere and going on a rampage. The mass destruction pushed human technology and morality backward. When all hope was lost, God took action and blessed humanity with an awakening. God gave us superpowers to protect the world and the people we love. But it had an advert effect as the awakened people started to wreak havoc instead. With no laws to stop them, criminals started flourishing, and order nearly collapsed. The cries of various abuse- rape, murder, theft, kidnapping, sacrifice etc could be heard everywhere. Could Kunal and Co., the strongest awakened team in the country, survive and flourish in these damn times where hope has to be found?

Kartikey · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Ch 12

Kunal sighed and continued walking, opting to ignore the clowns bothering him. He would have loved to retaliate, but it was a public place with lots of cameras and microphones.


The ignored monkey folded his arms and sneered arrogantly, "I hope your mother liked my gift."


Kunal stopped and turned around with a smile. " Did you also send a gift, Akbar?"


Akbar, who was standing behind the talking clown, flinched and hastily waved his hands, denying the allegations desperately. He knew that poking Kunal's mother was like poking a hornet's rest.


His smile widened, and he spoke, "It's a good thing, then. I would have to send two return gifts.


His gentle smile and harmonious attitude impressed and fooled the audience. The audience booed at Akbar and the clown while appreciating Kunal's generosity, but they didn't know the actual meaning of his words.


Kunal waved at the crowd, which was supporting and cheering for him, and told them to focus on the new winner of the match instead. After all, they deserved the praise for their grit and passion.


While mayhem ensued on the stage due to throwing and banning the winning team, Kunal just smiled cutely at Sophie and left the event with his hands draped over her shoulder.


He apologized to his fans for not clicking a photo with them and outright ignored the event cameraman and paparazzi requests. He sat in his car, revved the engine, and took off with whom people believed was his girlfriend.


Meanwhile, Akbar was holding his partner back from doing anything rash or foolish. After all, his partner had dug his own grave by sending Kunal's mother a so-called gift.


After checking and repeatedly making sure that Kunal had left, Akbar grabbed his partner's collar and dragged him out of the audience's eyes to a quiet place with no one to interrupt their conversation.


"You motgerfucking cunt! I told you no. I made sure that touching Kunal's family was off-limits, didn't I? Then why the fuck did you go and do that? Have you lost your pee-sized brain, or are you one of those masochistic bastards who love to torture themselves?"

Akbar shouted at his partner ferociously, spit flying everywhere, both of their expressions gradually twisting in anger.

Akbar's partner jerked off Akbar's hands and calmly straightened his collar. Taking a deep breath to calm his anger and his growing impatience, he spoke, "It was your uncle's commission. He ordered me to piss off or broke Kunal emotionally. So, if you have any problem, then take it and shove it in your uncle's ass."


Akbar stopped walking around in anxiety and glared at his partner, Dholas Das, murderously.


He was sure that his uncle's order didn't contain killing Kunal's mother. Doing that was the same as killing his lovable nephew and destroying their dragon gang.


"You know, our partnership ends here. And yeah, one piece of advice: you are done for Daulat Das."

Satisfied with his compassion, Akbar left, leaving a fuming Daulat alone. A fuming Daulat proceeded to break things backstage. Resulting in him being forcefully escorted outside by security.


Daulat's anger soared after experiencing humiliation three times in a row. While leaving, he swore to himself that he would avenge himself in the future.



The mood inside the car was somber. Kunal attempted to change the mood to a romantic one by playing romantic retro songs, but his date's mood was spoiled after learning of the gift. "Damn Moodpopper!" He cursed under his breath as he peeked at her serious face.


He thought that she had understood what they meant by the gift, thus ruining their romantic mood (that was in his head), but he was wrong.

That doesn't mean she didn't understand that the gift was an actual attack or something bad. But she wasn't worried because Kunal looked fine.

The real reason for her seriousness was that she had forgotten about apologizing and sending Kunal's mother a real gift.


Time passed as they continued to think to themselves. Kunal, an ever-straightforward person, decided to assure her of his mother's safety.

Listen,"  " DDU..." Before he could say more, he was interrupted by an unknown call.

"Hey, listen, I didn't know that he was going to attack your mother. You know me right; I wouldn't even dream of something like that."

Akbar was desperate to free himself from the mess made by Daulat. He felt like cursing his uncle for choosing that idiot as a future partner.

"Okay, so stop disturbing me." Kunal brushed his apology off as he was currently busy setting the mood, and he already knew that Akbar didn't have the guts to do something like that.

Finished with his short conversation, Kunal tried to clear up the short misunderstanding again, but this time he had reached his destination unknowingly.

Cursing under his breath again, he hurriedly got out to open the car door for Sophie, but she was already out looking at him, frozen, and his hand extended strangely.

Trying to suppress her laughter, she asked, with her mouth raised narrowly, "Can you tell me your address?"

Hearing this, Kunal felt like God had appeared next to him and was blessing him with a kind smile. He smiled widely as he nodded his head furiously, with Sophie worrying that it might snap.

He took out his card, mentioning his address, which he had pre-prepared for a day like this.

"You live in Vaishali Nagar." Sophie was shocked at the sheer distance and pricing between their places.

Kunal tilted his head, confused as to why she looked so shocked. After all, she lived only 50 to 55km away from his place. It was not too far.

Thinking of things like that, he stood outside her house for quite a while, disregarding the stares of her neighbor. He only left when he received a message from her to go back home. As he left, he was grinning widely, happy to receive a message. He was a hopeless fool in love, indeed.


Getting home, Kunal was met with a disastrous sight. We are not talking about the security-less villa or police patrolling the area strongly.

What he saw was smoke coming out of his beloved kitchen. His kitchen was slightly burned, with traces of food decorating every wall and plate.

The culprits of this disaster were standing outside with their heads bowed, except for his mother, who was standing with her head raised high and arrogantly. After all, nobody can scold her, even if it was her mistake.

"What were you guys doing inside the kitchen? Making a bomb." Kunal questioned him as his voice quivered in sadness.

His sense of loss was so strong that he felt his emotions choke. (That was an exaggeration.)

Sam raised his head, displaying his face covered in food ingredients. Aishwarya and Kunal both started laughing, but Sam didn't even budge.

Sam waited for their laughter to stop before he started explaining that, due to gunshots, their maids had left their jobs. And in a rare display of stubbornness, Aishwarya refused to eat out or cook, leaving them with no choice but to become chefs.

Kunal looked at their pitiful display, except for his mother, who was smiling smugly. He knew that it was all a ploy for her to entertain herself.


"So, where's the ingredient? I will cook a meal for you guys." Kunal threw his shirt off to display his well-built, tattooed upper body.

But his confident walk stopped, and his shoulders hunched after knowing that not a single utensil was clean and there was not a single ingredient left to cook.

"I am not going. The supermarket is too far away. Kunal protested, but in actuality, it was not even a km away. He, who made everyone cave into his desire, soon lost himself in front of his mother and friends.

Unsurprisingly, what he thought of as an easy job transformed his happy night into a long one as he cleaned the burned cooking utensils and made food in them. And this doesn't stop there; he had to clean the dishes too.


What he had thought of as a prank on his friends transformed into a punishment for him, leaving him sulking all night.

And if you are curious as to why he was punished, it was all because, in his family's eyes, he was a simp who had forgotten about his mother.