
Deity Chronicles

What would happen if God just disappeared? Well the human race just learnt to appreciate everything that the same almighty God that they ignored and took for granted, suddenly went of radar. An unknown force of evil takes over the heavens and earth an evil force mankind has given a name as the Fallen. The last remaining archangels have decided to seek the help of special humans called the Baptized, a group of spiritually gifted people who have been ordained and chosen by God himself to be the next protectors of heaven and earth called the Holy Society. Ezra Bringer, gets chosen to be one of the next in the fighting for life as we know it. Unlike the others Ezra doesn't receive the weapon blessing of other archangels like Gabriel or Uriel, No. He receives a blessing sword called the Light-bringer which once belonged to one of the most hated angel Samael himself. You've been chosen by the Light-bringer time to cause chaos my new lord. A whisper appeared to him.

Authentic_Author · Fantasi
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36 Chs

The Titan Vs The Fallen

After the Titan broke the Fallen's hand and stood up all the feathered demons lunged forward hoping to take down the enemy and help their master, but as soon as they jumped on to the Titan a bright shimmering light blinded them. Actually burned them and they retreated.

"You dare challenge me?" The Titan asked.

The Fallen's broken hand started to heal itself from it's crushed bones that were now cracking up and healing, and then he regained his strength then got up face to face with the Titan they were the same height. It's just that Fallen was a little shorter than the Titan.

"After centuries of watching you, do you really think a crush of mere bones would do anything to me?" the Fallen asked, then he also returned the favor and crushed the Titan's hand.

"Ahh!!!" The Titan screams with pain.

After a few moments he stopped, stands up and punched the Fallen he flew the only thing Ezra heard was a crash landing through something. The Titan walked forward, when all of this was happening Ezra was still hiding so he couldn't see everything. To his unexpected surprised the Titan came in hot and was the one who now crashed to his throne.

"Fool!" The Fallen called.

The Fallen came flying from wherever he was all he did in the moment his fists came in contact with the Titan on the floor, he just pumbled him with unlimited fists punches. And the Titan would just lie there and take them.

The sounds of the punches sent a vibration across the room even Ezra felt them from his hideout, the Fallen just kept on punching and punching. It was over for the Titan that's how it seems at least.

"Hah! hah! hah! hah! See old man you can't even take punches anymore, your time has come to an end" the Fallen enjoying whatever he's doing.

Just when he was about to hand a blow that was going to be the end of the Titan, the Titan blocked it by crushing the Fallen's hand again.

"I am the almighty I don't get knocked out by punches of the impure hearted" the Titan rises from the ground now crushing both of the Fallen's hands.

The Titan rips out both arms of the Fallen only to discover that only once the Fallen's physic changed and the person, the Titan crushed was actually his number one angel Gabriel.

"Father's what's going on?" Gabriel confused.

That threw the Titan off he couldn't believe what he just did, on that case and unexpected surprise... Gabriel looked at the Titan.

"Surprise" Gabriel giving him this sinister smile.

The Fallen's ripped off arm reversed in time and were healed like nothing happened to them in a blink of an eye he and the Titan switched places. Now he was the one ripping apart the Titan's hands exactly how his hands were ripped out.

"Nothing you can think to try on me will ever work, I know I've studied you. I know your weaknesses and how to exploit them" the Fallen coming out clean.

"Who are you?" The Titan in so much pain.

"I'm the one who will be the one who creates the universe in it's deserving image" the Fallen leans closer to the Titan's bright shinning face.

All of this was happening in the eyes and presence of Ezra who felt so useless his own consciousness couldn't allow him to sit back and watch, Ezra tried to jump in and help out. But his body just wouldn't move forward, it was paralyzed.

"What do you think you are trying to do?" A voice whispered in his ear.

"What do you think I'm going to help him!" Ezra forcing himself to move forward.

"There's nothing you can do I didn't bring you out here to stop what's already happened, but if you ask me finally the old man is being dethroned" the voice said.

"How can you say that? Who is that guy anyway?" Ezra asked.

No response came after Ezra looked behind him and he saw a shadow with red flaming eyes just standing behind him, it even gave him a smile with it's one hand holding Ezra down.

The fight between the Titan and the Fallen continued when the Titan struck the first punch that set him free from the clutches of the Fallen, then healed himself too but he was still feeling some pain.

The Titan got angry raised his hands then used them as direction for the lighting to hit, and that direction was where the Fallen was.

Good news was that the Fallen felt the wrath of the angry Titan who's lighting strikes didn't miss, he felt the pain and lightning that pierced through his body and left holes.

"Stop please, I'm sorry" the Fallen begging for forgiveness.

"You shall go and never return or you will cease from existence" the Titan let the Fallen go, who retreated by turning himself to mist.

"Amateur moved old man" the voice behind Ezra commented.

"Why did you bring the child here Samael?" The Titan asked.

"Man I hate it when you do that" Samael caught off guard.

"Answer me no time for fun and games. What is the boy doing here?" the Titan insisted.

Samael came out of hiding behind Ezra.

"Alright alright I brought him here to show him the real truth that your little favoured soldiers are actually hiding from them" Samael said.

"Is that a good idea?" Titan asked.

"I don't know look I'd like to bond and have a father and son time, but you are about to be godnapped so see you when we find you" Samael returns to hide behind Ezra.

The Fallen sneaks behind the Titan when he wasn't looking and his feathered demons hold him down.

"Time to go old man" Fallen looking at Titan.

"Do your worst but they will find me" the Titan looks at where Ezra and Samael are hiding as the feathered demons devour him and they turn into mist all of them.

Ezra tries to come forward one more time and this time he succeeds, but he is too late the Titan and the Fallen are gone. Then the room disappears, and Ezra disappears too.

"Ezra are you ok?" A voice asked.

Ezra jumps out of shock from his dream "God has disappeared!" He said.