
Deity Chronicles

What would happen if God just disappeared? Well the human race just learnt to appreciate everything that the same almighty God that they ignored and took for granted, suddenly went of radar. An unknown force of evil takes over the heavens and earth an evil force mankind has given a name as the Fallen. The last remaining archangels have decided to seek the help of special humans called the Baptized, a group of spiritually gifted people who have been ordained and chosen by God himself to be the next protectors of heaven and earth called the Holy Society. Ezra Bringer, gets chosen to be one of the next in the fighting for life as we know it. Unlike the others Ezra doesn't receive the weapon blessing of other archangels like Gabriel or Uriel, No. He receives a blessing sword called the Light-bringer which once belonged to one of the most hated angel Samael himself. You've been chosen by the Light-bringer time to cause chaos my new lord. A whisper appeared to him.

Authentic_Author · Fantasi
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36 Chs

The Long Awaited Day

The day that many people were dreading finally came it took about a week for the preparation of the day, everyone was ready and excited for this day and every camper had chosen it's side those who were rooting for Goliath and the giants were sitted on the right side and wearing white t-shirts that had the face of Goliath screaming or roaring. Then on the left side those who rooted for Ezra were wearing black t-shirts with Ezra's cosmic transformation face.

They were sitting by the bleachers and the stage of this battle was in the training ground where campers would actually train and better themselves.

Ezra wasn't feeling quite well honestly it's been days now he seemed like he was the walking dead, his eyes were swollen, he was sweating like was coming down with the fever and where he was cut mysteriously it hasn't stopped bleeding. And it's a miracle he hasn't lost so much blood let alone died.

He was dressing up that's when he saw the scar and would while looking at himself in the mirror, the color of his blood was strange it was red but black at the same time, like he was poisoned or something like that as for the cut black mist coming out of it.

"Hey buddy, are you ready?" Jason comes into the room.

Ezra jumps and covers himself in a hurry but touches himself in the process "ah yeah, it's just that I didn't sleep well enough last night busy thinking about this day" Ezra lied.

"Oh I get you" Jason not sure if Ezra's telling the truth or not "are you certainly sure that you don't want us by your side?" Jason asked.

It turns out right before the day before the challenge with the giants, turned out Ezra actually changed his mind about this whole thing and benched the rest of his teammates.

While they were all gathered and talking about their strategy.

"Okay guys this is what we are going to do, it's obvious that Ezra won't be the other giant's target, I'm pretty sure Goliath has claimed him. So here's what we are going to do" Jason showing others what to do.

The team were sitting by the table by the fireplace their house was the only one still with the lights on and the others were out, they were allowed to keep their lights on because they were the ones participating in the challenge.

So Jason was busy plotting out his plan by showing them a map he constructed that was meant to make them victorious.

"All we have to do is make sure that we keep ourselves and other giants out of Ezra and Goliath, because we don't really matter" Jason continued.

"What do you mean by that?" Damian asked.

"Okay allow me to explain this okay, we and the other giants are only there to keep each other out of Ezra and Goliath's way. Sure we'll all be fighting, but" Jason seeing that everyone else is lost.

"Do you guys get any of this because I'm not" Damian scratches his head.

"Okay let me put it in simple terms, we are the opening act and Goliath and Ezra are the main event" Jason stated.

"Oh" Valkyria, Damian and Sarah all getting it on "oh now I get it, why didn't you lead with that the first time" Damian kicked Jason's chair and he fell down.

Ezra was sleeping and sweating like a waterfall so it's clear that he didn't hear anything that was said, he was busy moving his head more like flinching it. Maybe he was having a nightmare.

"Hey buddy, did you like my idea?" Jason wakes Ezra.

He's struggling to sit up straight but he manages too.

"I think you guys should sit this one out, I don't want you to get hurt because of me. I can handle Goliath and his four partners" Ezra claimed.

Just right before the others can state out their opinions about this Ezra was already walking up the stairs to his room, feeling the pain of the cut.

"Today we are here to witness the only fight that would keep you guys talking for centuries to come, it's the kid of mystery power versus the legendary Goliath and his soldiers. Let's see who will win this, let the challenge begin!!!" David commentating.

Ezra and Goliath and his friends walk to the stage, Goliath and his friends were super huge they even blocked the sun for Ezra. Goliath dragging his weapons a javelin, a spear and a sword.

"Where are your friends?" Goliath comes forward.

"Well you kinda scared them no offense" Ezra teased.

"Men let's go" Goliath called out for his soldiers.

Goliath and his soldiers charged to Ezra they were so gigantic yet so in sync, when they ran the rhythm they had was out of this world when Goliath steps the right foot forward, the other giants did so too. The training ground was shaking.

Ezra stood on guard and also prepared his weapons a sword and a shield, just before Ezra could block the coming sword over his head. He felt a kick in the gut that sent him flying to the next building.

"Oooh" the audience and the commentators reaction.

The armor Ezra was wearing for protection wasn't going to do him any good now the giant foot stamp cracked the armor and there was a foot imprint on the armor, Ezra tries to get up. He's struggling to catch his breath.

Right when he finally manages to get up without realization and warning the grumpy giant was now standing behind Ezra.

"Hut hut" the grumpy giant said right before kicking Ezra.

Ezra was just too confused to even understand what was going on his head suffered a major concussion when he landed, so him flying he didn't even realize it. The giants were having so much fun they were literally toying with him throwing up and down, left and right.

He was still standing and not ready to throw in the towel, but the next wave he felt in the air. Was going to knock him out if not dead possibly, and he was too weak and tired to move out of the way... So he just watched it come.