
Deity Chronicles

What would happen if God just disappeared? Well the human race just learnt to appreciate everything that the same almighty God that they ignored and took for granted, suddenly went of radar. An unknown force of evil takes over the heavens and earth an evil force mankind has given a name as the Fallen. The last remaining archangels have decided to seek the help of special humans called the Baptized, a group of spiritually gifted people who have been ordained and chosen by God himself to be the next protectors of heaven and earth called the Holy Society. Ezra Bringer, gets chosen to be one of the next in the fighting for life as we know it. Unlike the others Ezra doesn't receive the weapon blessing of other archangels like Gabriel or Uriel, No. He receives a blessing sword called the Light-bringer which once belonged to one of the most hated angel Samael himself. You've been chosen by the Light-bringer time to cause chaos my new lord. A whisper appeared to him.

Authentic_Author · Fantasi
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36 Chs

Silas The Mini Cow

It hit Ezra hard to the point that he wanted to give up, who can blame him after all that running and running till he ran out of breath only to discover that all that endless running was pointless. Ezra was still in the same spot he was when he first got there.

What was the meaning of this? He thought to himself, Ezra tried one more time this time he had a trick up his sleeve. He convinced himself that while he was running towards the building he'll keep his eyes forward to see if he's the one stuck in the same place or if the building was the one moving, it sounded like a good idea when you think about it.

Ezra took one deep breath, prepared himself then he gave his all. What he aimed to do, he was doing it running with all his strength and speed while focusing on the building that looked like had a mind of it's own it was close then it wasn't, it was close again then it wasn't. It really threw him off because he believed he was reaching for it. But when he got tired and stopped to catch his breath, the dang building was still far as it was before and he was still in the same place he was before.

Ezra got mad and started kickin'.

"It sucks doesn't it?" Someone asked.

Ezra looked around to see who was with him, nothing that's what he saw he was loosing his mind that's what he was sure of.

"Don't worry you haven't gone crazy" that same person said.

"Who are you?" Ezra busy looking around.

"You won't find me if you keep on moving around like that" that person said again.

Ezra stopped moving then just sat down.

"Oooh what do we have here" something was going through his bag.

Something was now helping itself to Ezra's food, of course he didn't see who it was as that thing was invisible but he did see his sandwich being eaten and disappearing into thin air.

Something burped and something kept on revealing itself lying on the ground.

"Ah, now that hit the spot" brushing it's stomach.

"Oh my God, what are you?" Ezra got up.

"First things first his name won't do you good here anyway, and my name is Silas" Silas introduced himself.

"And you are half what? Half cow?" Ezra freaked out.

"Beg your pardon I'm not half cow I'm half goat" Silas insulted.

"What's the difference?" Ezra asked.

"There's a huge difference a goat is a most respected animal there is and for your information in Africa, some tribes eat goats" Silas getting worked up.

"And I'm sure it must be an honor for you" Ezra teased.

"Yes it is!" Silas does a little march and salute.

"What are you then?" Ezra asked.

"I am a Satyr for your information" Silas told Ezra.

Silas was a short Satyr with red color skin from the waist up, with small horns that haven't yet come out and a small black goatee that went with the color of his goat part. And he was an old man and also bald.

"So what is a kid like you doing in a place like this" Silas going through Ezra's bag.

"I'm trying to get to that building" Ezra points at the far building.

"Sheesh, what kid are you stupid or something?" Silas asked.

"Why?" Ezra kinda insulted.

"Do you know what that place you are heading for is called?" Silas empties Ezra's bag.

"How I hope it is the city of the wicked" Ezra hopeful.

"Yes it is, but do you know what it's called?Babylon" Silas eating scraps of things he found in Ezra's bag.

The sky starts to change color turning red and thunder rumbles in the clouds. Wind breeze blows, Ezra feels it.

"Whoa what the hell is this?" Ezra dusts off.

"That is a clear warning that we must get the hell out of here now" Silas starts running.

Ezra watches him running, laughing at Silas from behind cause of the way he was running almost like he was limping. "Are you coming or what?!" Silas calls.

Ezra takes what he manages to pick up of the dry red deserted ground then he runs after Silas, who for a person with short legs he was really fast.

Silas guides Ezra to some kind of cave and they hide there.

"What we doing here?" Ezra louder.

"Shhh" Silas silents him.

As the sky covers red, the shadow also covers everything that is light then something growls from outside the cave. A black scary hand touches the cave's entrance, it was oily and scaley emitting dark smoke. Then it walks off.

"What the hell is that?" Ezra stunned.

"Those are Tempters, scary shadow monsters that feed of a person's selfish desires" Silas whispers.

"When will they leave cause I have to get to Babylon and find the one who will bless me" Ezra anxious to leave.

"Uh until they feel like it" Silas not giving a clear answer.

"And when will that be?!" Ezra unable to wait any longer.

"I don't know!! Whenever they feel like it!" Silas shouts.

The Tempters hear where that loud noise comes from and they peak right in the cave, Silas points at Ezra. The Tempters were really ugly scary looking monsters they had lizard body appearance and a head of a killer whale, where their eyes were supposed to be was a spot of white. So they didn't have eyes but they did have pointy sharp teeth, that were black and dripping something like saliva.

"Can you run?" Ezra asked.

When he looked at where Silas was to his surprise Silas was already running away, leaving him behind the Tempters make a croaking sound and they enter the cave. Ezra hits one of them with his bag, causing it to get distracted and bicker with other Tempters then he also runs for it.