
Deity Chronicles

What would happen if God just disappeared? Well the human race just learnt to appreciate everything that the same almighty God that they ignored and took for granted, suddenly went of radar. An unknown force of evil takes over the heavens and earth an evil force mankind has given a name as the Fallen. The last remaining archangels have decided to seek the help of special humans called the Baptized, a group of spiritually gifted people who have been ordained and chosen by God himself to be the next protectors of heaven and earth called the Holy Society. Ezra Bringer, gets chosen to be one of the next in the fighting for life as we know it. Unlike the others Ezra doesn't receive the weapon blessing of other archangels like Gabriel or Uriel, No. He receives a blessing sword called the Light-bringer which once belonged to one of the most hated angel Samael himself. You've been chosen by the Light-bringer time to cause chaos my new lord. A whisper appeared to him.

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36 Chs

Goliath The Savage

No one in the Holy Place was expecting what just happened to actually take place Ezra just accepted a challenge from the giants, and worst of it all he placed his teammates in danger. Those kind of rumors circled around the camp and everyone was talking about, it was a must see battle against mere children and the giants.

The whole Holy Place was waiting anxiously for the battle to happen it hasn't even been a day nor even a week but people were already making banners and signs for the battle.

Those who were slick and smart made bets on who was going to win and come up on top, yes money wasn't allowed in the Holy Place so they had to be creative Instead of betting with their money, every camper betted with sweets and chocolate, and all of sweet things you can ever think of.

Ezra and his team were in their corridor house watching everything happening, Sarah was pacing down back and forth stunned by the news she just received she was going to participate in a fight with the giants and she wasn't even there when the challenge was made.

"Oh no, no no no no" Sarah holding her head.

"It's okay Sarah we can win this I think" Damian tries to calm her.

"Yeah Sarah it's not like we haven't faced giants before" Jason said.

"Yes remember just last week we fought against Delilah, the Fallen and the Infants and we defeated them" Damian stating facts.

"Are you guys kidding with me right now? We are going to fight Goliath the giant and his giant buddies. Do you even know why he's got this kind of rep in here, in the Holy Place?" Sarah biting her nails.

"Let me guess it's because he's a giant and a pretty ugly one" Damian being just Damian.

"This is not the time to be yourself Damian, this is serious" Sarah looks directly at him.

"Then Waterfall tell us why he has the rep that got you shitting yourself" Valkyria asked.

Sarah prepares herself to explain but first she needs to sit down and she does, maybe that may calm her down a little but knowing Sarah that didn't do half the job she wanted. She got up again, paced around not knowing or sure where to even begin.

"Are you going to tell us or what?" Valkyria not wasting and time.

"I'm getting to it please" Sarah takes a deep breath and exhale the same way then sits down to tell them the reason why Goliath and his soldiers have this kind of reputation in here.

Sarah tells them the whole story she tells them that after being defeated by David, Goliath lost his mind and went on a rampage. He lost everything, he lost his life and head to a mere little child. So his soul and spirit were so powerful and angry that for years and for centuries he was busy going around declaring war with young little boys whom he saw worthy of him.

"Okay I'm confused what's that have to do with him having his reputation here?" Damian really lost.

"Just listen I'm getting there" Sarah said.

As Sarah continued to tell them the story she even revealed something unexpected, she said that after all the hunt for the ones he believed were worthy of him. Goliath defeated them all and as victory he would devour their heads, until one day he met a pretty impressive foe the kind of foe he truly believed would be his last foe and the one who would give him his honor and free his heavy heart.

The name of that foe was David the same kid who defeated him all by himself with just his sling and stone, he challenged him and David gladly accepted. Their battle went for days and weeks close to months even, from his endless days of fighting kids Goliath had grew and learned how to stand his ground... He knew every trick David would throw at him. But with the might and strength of God David defeated the giant once again.

But because David had grew and saw the strength and growth of Goliath he didn't cut his head off this time, he just showed him where he buried his head in Jerusalem. After that David offered him a job here to test those who think they are the glory and the chosen ones.

"But I never said I was the chosen one" Ezra stated.

"That's true but your actions and victories since you came here are glorious, so if he believes you are then you are" Sarah told him.

Then she continued and finished the story Goliath happens to have broken the souls of every last chosen in the past decades, made them doubt themselves, doubt even God himself. As they see so many angels here it's because Goliath managed to make them convert into being angels instead of being warriors... Because he once scared one chosen he drove him to insanity.

"I don't think we should do this anymore guys" Damian freaked out.

"Hey Damian we can defeat him, have faith will ya" Jason interfered.

"I think you guys should sit this one out, I don't want you to get hurt because of me" Ezra gets up leaves the room.

Already Ezra's mind was occupied not so long ago he was told that there's still great danger coming and this was only the beginning. He was told riddles he couldn't understand or decrypt the ceremony must be done quickly and he must stop hell from breaking lose and do all that just before the lunar sun.

While he was strolling he saw other campers greeting and others wishing him luck, but only one particular camper didn't.

"I hope he kills you and squashes you like a bug you are" Layla shoved Ezra.

Ezra didn't really see anything else happened he just saw Layla walking away like nothing happened, later he realized that he was actually cut on his stomach and bleeding.