
Deimos's Redemption

In a world where magic intertwines with kingdoms and dragons, the unlikely bond between Ilaria, a scarred maiden with violet eyes, and Deimos, the ruthless king of Eldham Empire, takes center stage. Despite their differences, an unforeseen attraction sparks when Ilaria is sent to serve the enigmatic king, leading them down a perilous path destined to test their very souls. As their connection deepens, the looming shadow of a curse that has plagued Deimos' lineage threatens to unravel everything they hold dear. Complicating matters further, Deimos' alter ego as the dragon prince lays claim to Ilaria, adding a new layer of complexity to their relationship. Amidst the backdrop of rival empires, buried secrets, and the relentless curse, they must confront their deepest fears. Will their love stand strong enough to defy the curse, or will their passions bring about the downfall of their kingdoms? Embark on a mesmerizing journey of love, redemption, and magic in this enthralling paranormal dark romance. Join Ilaria and Deimos as they navigate the treacherous path ahead, where every decision carries the weight of their fates and the destiny of their intertwined realms.

Wenxi_Wu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


"The King's seal…"

The atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation, and Iliana's eyes darted nervously between the king's messenger and Oziel, unsure of what lay ahead.

The messenger, a stern and imposing figure, approached Oziel with an aura of authority. He wasted no time in delivering the king's decree, his voice booming across the square. "Chief Oziel," he began, his tone cold and unwelcoming, "By the king's command, Iliana shall be banished to the southern border, escorted by your men. This exile is her punishment for the crime committed against the king's loyal subject." The weight of the words hung heavily in the air as silence settled over the crowd.

Oziel's face paled, his eyes widening with disbelief and fear. He had expected his punishment would deem fit, but never had he imagined the king himself would intervene in such a manner. Taking a shaky step forward, he stuttered, "M-May I ask why the king has decreed this punishment?"

The messenger fixed his gaze upon Oziel, his eyes cold and unyielding. "The king has deemed it necessary to make an example of the perpetrator for her actions," he replied, his voice sharp and cutting through the tension. "Do you object to his majesty's decision?" he asked.

"I dare not." Oziel responded with fear evident in his voice. Though he feared the king would further investigate the issue, he was relieved to know that Iliana would be banished.

Iliana, standing amidst the chaos, felt a rising panic consuming her. The implications of the king's decree weighed heavily upon her fragile shoulders. She had expected punishment for her alleged actions, but being sent into exile, alone and without provisions, was far beyond her worst fears. "How did he find out about this incident???"

Trembling, she found her voice and pleaded with the messenger, "Please, Your Highness. I beg for mercy. I didn't do it! I swear on my mother's death! We were framed! We didn't do it! Please, reconsider." Tears welled up in her eyes as she cast a desperate glance toward Gina, hoping to find some empathy or support.

However, Oziel, though trembling himself, remained firm in his position. He had never loved Iliana as his daughter even though he was her father, and this opportunity to publicly get rid of her seemed too valuable for him to pass up. In a shaky voice, he addressed the messenger, "His majesty's decision is just. I accept the responsibility and will ensure her exile is executed as commanded."

The messenger's expression softened slightly at Oziel's submission. "Very well," he said, his voice losing some of its initial severity. "You shall depart immediately. The king expects full compliance with his order. No provisions, no exceptions."

At that moment, realization struck Iliana like a lightning bolt. She was being cast out, abandoned by her own father, left to face the unknown alone. Fear and grief overwhelmed her. She had watched her best friend being killed in a bizarre way. Looking at Lance's corpse, she weirdly felt nothing.

Iliana was untied from the pole and was dragged away from the square by two burly men. However, before they could leave, she turned to face Gina who had a scornful gaze on her pale face.

"Can you please bury Lance well?" Iliana asked as tears streamed down her face. "My last wish…"

The messenger's icy gaze lingered on her for a moment before he turned abruptly and walked away, leaving Iliana and Oziel to face the overwhelming weight of their destinies. On getting to his horse, he spoke coldly, "Grant the prisoner her wish."

As soon as he said that, he mounted his black horse and rode away. Immediately, the crowd slowly dispersed, whispers filled the air. Moments later, the horses were saddled and Iliana was led away.

Gina watched with a knowing smirk on her face as she nodded at a man amidst the crowd. An evil thought crossed her mind. "Exile is too easy for you…"


The night air was thick with tension as Iliana and her escort made their way through the dense forest towards the southern border. They had been traveling for days, driven by the urgency of their mission, but an unshakeable unease settled in Iliana's gut. Her instincts warned her of impending danger, but she couldn't put a finger on its source.

As if summoned by her apprehension, a chilling silence fell upon the forest. The rustling of leaves ceased, and the once familiar sounds of nature were replaced by an eerie stillness. Suddenly, a group of shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, surrounding Iliana and her now outnumbered escorts.

Her heart raced as she turned, just in time to see a group of shadowy figures emerge from the surrounding darkness. With their faces obscured by masks, they began their relentless assault on Iliana who was chained and her escorts.

Iliana's body tensed as she instinctively stepped back, her eyes darting around for an escape route on seeing that her escorts were occupied. The men moved with a deadly precision, their movements swift and calculated. They struck with a ferocity that sent shockwaves through the air, their weapons gleaming ominously in the moonlight.

Iliana's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the masked assailants advance with calculated steps. Their eyes gleamed with malice, and their weapons glinted ominously in the moonlight. Panic surged through her veins, but she refused to succumb to fear. She had to fight, even in her weakened state.

With an explosive burst of energy, the attackers lunged forward, their blades slashing through the air. Iliana's senses sharpened, her body moving with a desperate grace. She blocked and parried, her movements fueled by a determination that outweighed the pain coursing through her veins.

Despite her valiant efforts, Iliana could feel her strength waning. Each clash of metal against metal sent waves of agony through her weakened body. Cuts appeared on her skin, dripping with her precious life force. She ignored the pain and focused on survival.

Her captors fought fervently, but one by one, they fell to the relentless onslaught. Iliana found herself isolated, her attackers closing in. "Time to end your miserable life, witch!" The leader spoke through his mask as he lifted his hand which wield a heavy sword.

The beam of the moonlight bounced off the shiny blade as it came down towards her. The world seemed to spin around her, the sounds of battle becoming muffled as she teetered on the edge of consciousness.

"Is this how I will die? Without avenging the two important people in my life?" she asked no one in particular as silent tears escaped her closed eyes. 

Before the sword could come in contact with her skin, a black figure mysteriously appeared in front of her. Iliana had already passed out due to shock and excess blood loss. The stranger swiftly dispatched Iliana's remaining assailants, his blows landing with deadly precision. As the last attacker crumpled to the ground, the stranger turned his attention to Iliana.

Gradually, Iliana's blurry vision cleared, allowing her to see her savior's face. It was a face that was void of emotions, his eyes reflected malice she thought would forever haunt her. Tears welled in Iliana's eyes as gratitude filled her heart.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely a breath.

The stranger rolled his eyes, "Rest now, stupid human."

Iliana closed her eyes, surrendering to exhaustion as she drifted into a much-needed sleep. In the midst of darkness, she found solace, knowing that she was no longer alone. And with the stranger by her side, she dared to believe that a brighter future awaited her beyond the southern border.




Hello peeps. Hope you enjoyed this chapter? Hehe!  A brief question and answer. Who do you think saved Iliana? Leave your answer in the comments section!



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